Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)
Passage 1
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.
As any parent with more than one kid knows, sibling(兄弟妹)relationships can be complicated, at times differing between being close friends and rivals.
Sibling rivaling in particular can be a challenge to deal with in normal times, but with many families spending more time together than ever because of the worldwide pandemic(大流行病)in 2020 and online(在线的)schooling, that can create even more tension in some sibling relationships.
(76)“Sibling rivalry is hard to deal with.”Rebecca Kennedy says. “The first step is realizing that kids do often see siblings as rivals. It’s tough to have a sibling because at the end of the day a sibling is, in some ways, competing for the scarce resource of parents’attention or love.”
One thing that parents can do to remove jealousy and rivalry is to help each child feel valued in his or her specialness. Janine Domingues says: “Fix some space –it’s your brother’s day today and tomorrow’s going to be yours. That can create a healthy relationship with parents and siblings. The more attention children feel from parents, the more connected they feel to the parents and actually the more likely they’ll see siblings as friends and not rivals.”
(77)The other is to avoid comparing siblings with each other. It’s easy for some parents to try to encourage one child by comparing him or her with a sibling. But Kennedy suggests that parents should look at how much they’re reinforcing competition by pitting siblings against each other. She says: “Sometimes it feels like the easier way to get a child to do something that a sibling is doing, but we are then getting them into gazing at each other as rivals again, rather than as friends.”
1.An obvious fact with siblings is that .
A.they seldom see each other as friends
B.they never see each other as close friends
C.they always see each other as enemies
D.they sometimes see each other as competitors
2.Which of the following statements about Paragraph 2 is TRUE?
A.The pandemic has made sibling relationships normal.
B.The pandemic has reduced the tension for siblings to do online schooling.
C.The pandemic has helped to make sibling relationships closer.
D.The pandemic has increased the toughness for siblings to get along.
3.The reason for sibling rivalry is that siblings usually .
Apete for parents’ attention or love
C.like to do something that parents are doing
D.differ between close friends and rivals
4.The word pitting in the last paragraph probably means making someone .
5.The passage is mainly about .
A.sibling competition and parents’ attention
B.sibling rivalry and the solution
C.sibling equality and the approach
D.sibling closeness and family love
Passage 2
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.
When asked about the possibility of future pandemics, scientists say another one is coming and it's just a matter of when.
In fact, there are about 1.7 million viruses(病毒) that are believed to exist in animals, and nearly half could potentially jump from animals to humans and kick off another pandemic. Finding ways to prevent that is the motivation driving a team of researchers at the University of California at Davis. They are trying to help the world’s
scientists determine how dangerous each virus might be by ranking its likelihood of being transmitted( 传染)to humans and changing into a form that humans could easily pass to one another.
The team has launched a web-based tool called Spillover. It evaluates 32 risk factors to generate a risk score. “We looked at viruses known to be tran smissible from animals to humans and those that were newly discovered,” says Zoe Grange, who worked on the project as a wildlife disease scientist. By marking “high-risk” viruses, this publicly available database is intended to create a watchlist ( 观察名单) for scientists and policymakers.
(78)Grange and her colleagues came up with the idea of a ranking tool in the spring of 2017. The Spillover database is designed so that researchers can add their own reports. They can add their virus discoveries and do their own rankings. (79) It’s a tool everyone can use. Unlike other tools that evaluate the risk of a limited number of viruses, this database focuses on 887 viruses found in wildlife. SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus behind COVID-19, comes in second place for its likelihood to cause disease and spread within human populations.
6.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.The Possibility of Future Pandemics
B.The SpillOver Database
C.Major Threats to Global Health
D.Animals Spreading Viruses
7.According to the passage, about viruses could possibly jump from animals to humans.
A.1.7 million
B. 850,000
C. 2017
D. 887
8.The phrase kick off in Paragraph 2 probably means .
9.With SpillOver, scientists can .
A.prevent the next pandemic
B.discover more viruses in nature
C.find effective ways to fight the viruses
D.pay close attention to high-risk viruses
10.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.Scientists say it’s only a matter of time before another pandemic happens.
B.Researchers can add their virus discoveries to the SpillOver database.
C.SpillOver ranks viruses in terms of risk factors.
D.SpillOver evaluates the risk of a limited number of viruses.
Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.
Fried food is delicious, but it comes with baggage --studies have shown that it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke(中风). Ever since air fryers(空气炸锅) came out, they have been ranked as “must-have home cooker” status, and it’s been easier than ever to eat vegetables, fish and meat that t
aste like they’ve been deep fried.
To learn the benefits of air frying, we spoke to some food specialists from around the country.
Let’s not shrink the miracle of air frying: It’s having your cake and eating it too. "Air fryers are one of the best ways to get the same taste of fried foods without the unhealthiness that comes along with them,” Bansari Acharya said. “It preserves the good things in the food items as it isn’t exposed to hot oil. It also reduces the amount of various fats in foods, lowering the risk for heart disease.”
When compared with deep frying, air frying is clearly the healthier choice. That’s because deep frying involves using too much oil while air frying simply uses heat and a powerful fan to efficiently and evenly cook the food in your fryer. It requires zero oil, though some can be helpful. “Since food prepared in an air fryer requires hardly any cooking oil, it has a lot less fat than traditional frying methods,” Morgyn Clair said.
“The healthiest way to air fry is to use as little oil as possible. Use just enough so your food doesn’t stick.”
(80) The type of food you’re air frying can make a difference when it comes to your health. Certain foo
ds can tum more nutritious(有营养的)when air fried, such as potatoes, corn and beans and so on while other foods like meat can become harmful to your health.2021成人考试分数查询
11.The word baggage in Paragraph I probably means .
12.Which of the following statements is TRUE about air fryers?
A.Air fryers have been regarded as necessary in the kitchen.
B.Air fryers need much more oil in cooking a vegetable.
C.Air fryers can only be used for deep frying.
D.Air fryers can increase fat in food.
13.The miracle of air fryers is that .
A.they can achieve the deep fried taste with hardly any oil
B.they can preserve the nutritious elements in food by using oil
C.they can work more efficiently than traditional frying tools
D.they can also fry cakes but the size does not shrink
14.Which of the following can be the title of this passage?
A.Air Fryers Reducing Heart Disease
B.Deep Frying and Air Fryers
C.Air Fryers and Fried Food
D.Advantages of Air Fryers
15.According to Morgyn Clair, .
A.air frying is healthier because it needs some special oil
B.air frying is the best choice because it involves using much less oil
C.air frying does not differ from deep frying