1.Some small shops in Britain usually close for_______hour at lunchtime.
A.the B.a C.an D./
2.I think Paris_______one of the most beautiful_______in the world.
A.are;city B.are;cities C.is;city D.is;cities
3.Let‘s play table tennis________Tuesday morning.
A.on B.in& D.at
4._______is knocking at the door.Go and see who it is.
A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Everybody
5.---Do you know Alice?
---Yes.I know_______very well.
A.she B.her C.herself D.hers
6.The volunteer spoke as_______as she could to make the visitors understand her.
A.clearly& clearly C.clear D.clearer
7.I was tired_______I went to bed early last night.
A.because& C.so D.but
8.---The reading room_______from
---It’s w,but the door_______.
A.is open;is closed B.closes;opens
C.open;is open D.is open;close
9.---Finish your homework,_______you can‘t play computer games,Jim!
---All right,Mum.
A.but B.till C.so&
10.The sun_______in the east and_______in the west.
A.rose;set B.rises;sets C.rises;set D.rise;sets
11._______of the nurses in this hospital are young nurses.
A.One forths B.One fifths C.Fifth one D.One fifth
12.The Browns_______a nice car,but Brown’s brother_______a car.
A.have;doesn‘t have B.has;doesn’t has
C.have;don‘t have D.has;doesn’t have
13.There are_______birds in the sky.
A.four thousands B.four thousand
C.thousand of D.thousands
14.The nurse asks the children_______a color pencil to school tomorrow.
A.to bring B.bring C.bringing D.brought
15.---Let me take your bags.
---_______,but I can manage it myself.
A.I‘m sorry B.It doesn’t matter
C.Good idea D.That‘s very kind of you
Computers are more and more popular in the world.Many people 16 computers in their homes,schools,hospitals and so on.But 17 do people do with their computers?
18 sometimes use computers to do their homework.First,they open a new document(文件)
.Next,they do their homework in the document.After that,they save the document.19,they print it out.Many students are good at it.
Doctors use computers to keep the information for their patients(病人).When the same patient 20 again,the information in the computer can 21 the doctor know more about the patient.They can also download information 22 send emails.
Teachers also use computers a lot.They make their teaching plans.They buy books online.They__23__websites and download music and information 24 students.They also email students and other teachers.
People use computers not only for their 25,but also for other reasons.They can shop on the Internet.They can get tickets and check timetables.They can even play computer games.
16.A.buy B.play C.have D.take
17.A.how B.why C.where D.what
18.A.Students B.Parents C.Teachers D.Boys
19.A.Next B.Second C.Finally D.Then
s Bes C.leaves D.starts
21.A.watch B.make C.help D.ask
22.A.but B.and C.with D./
23.A.visit B.watch C.see D.look
24.A.with B.from& D.for
untry B.lessons C.habit D.work
When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are,these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself.
Look in the mirror and say to yourself,“I am a special person and there’s no one in the world like me.I can do anything!”It may not sound so good,but it really works!
Do something nice for someone.Helping others always makes you feel good.
Smile!Be friendly to people you meet.Look for the good things in your friends and family.
Learn something new!Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn how to swim?Go for it!New challenges are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished.