Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)
Directions:There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through center.
Passage  1
1. In the past,many young people ______.
  A. knew the effects of war 
  B. went in for politics
  C. liked to save the wounded in wars
  D. were willing to be soldiers
2. Now with TV people can _____.
  A. discus politics at an information center
  B. show more interest in politics 
  C. make their own decisions on political affairs 
  D. express their opinions freely
3. The author thinks that TV advertisements _____.
  A. are not reliable on the whole
  B. are useless to people
  C. are a good guide to adults
  D. are very harmful to the young 
4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
  A. People have become used to crimes now. 
  B. With a TV set some problems can be solved quickly.
  C. People now like to read books with picture. 
  D. The adults are less violent than the young.
5. From the passage,we can conclude that _____.
  A. children should keep away from TV
  B.TV programs should be improved
  C. children’s books should have pictures
  D. TV has a deep influence on the young
Passage  2
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: 
Nonverbal (非语言)  communication has to do with gestures,movements and closeness of two people when they are talking. (78) The scientists say that those gestures,movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry.
 6. According to the passage,nonverbal communication _____.
  A. is a method often used by people who cannot speak
  B. can tell something that words cannot
  C. can be used to talk with people who cannot bear 
  D. is less used than words
7. The South American _____.
  A. tends to keep a distance between himself and the person he is speaking to 
  B. usually stands close to the person he is talking to 
  C. is often unfriendly when spoken to 
  D. is often cold and distant when speaking 
8. Which of the following is NOT true?
  A. Less eye contact suggests distance in relation.
  B. The longer one looks at you ,the more interest he has in you.
  C. There is more eye contact between people who like each other.
  D. Shorter eye contact show more interest in what one is talking about.
9. Too long a gaze _____.
  A. may upset people being looked at
  B. shows one’s great confidence
  C. indicates one’s interest in the talk 
  D. tells you how friendly one is 2021成人考试分数查询
10. Constant smiling without apparent reason _____.
  A. is a sign of one’s friendliness
  B. is a sign of one’s unfriendliness
  C. makes people fell happy 
  D. makes people feel uncomfortable
Passage  3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage: 
 In the United States elementary education begins at the age of six. At this stage nearly all the teachers are women,Mostly married. (80) The atmosphere is usually very friendly,and the teachers have now accepted the idea that the important thing is to make the childr
en happy and interested. The old authoritarian (要绝对服从) methods of education were discredited (不被承认) rather a long time ago - so much so that many people now think that they have gone too far in the direction of trying to make children happy and interested rather than gibing them actual instruction.
The social education of young children tries to make them accept the idea that human beings in a society need to work together for their common good. So the emphasis is on co-operation rather than competition throughout most of this process. This may seem curious,in view of the fact that American society is highly competitive;however,the need for making people sociable in this sense has come to be regarded as one of the functions of education. Most Americans do grow up with competitive ideas,and obviously quite a few as criminals,but it is not fair to say that the educational system fails. Ti probably does succeed in making most people sociable and ready to help one another both in material ways and through kindness and friendliness.
11. According to the passage,the U.S. elementary education is supposed to make children _____.