Part I 阅读理解(30%)
Passage 1
Dr。Wolf-Klein is a medical professor in New York and is XXX alone at home and don't report them.
2.The reason rs may not report falls is because they are afraid of losing their XXX.
3.Falls XXX.
Dr。Wolf-Klein。a medical professor in New York。has identified a concerning issue among rs who experience falls alone at home - they often don't tell anyone。This can be XXX。falls XXX.
In 2021.there were 7 n XXX a total of 29 n times during the year。Out of these falls。2.8 n required emergency treatment。Just last month。over 27,000 XXX.
From the passage。we XXX problems.
The word "frailer" in paragraph 5 XXX weakness.
According to the passage。it is true that elderly patients tend to tell their XXX.
The main idea of this passage is that falls among older adults are a growing problem in the United States and can have XXX.
The science behind solar energy is not new。but Sheridan Community Schools in Indiana is the first school district XXX 2021.the district finished installing solar panels for all three of its schools。with some of the panels able to follow the sun across the sky.
XXX solar power is part of a larger trend。In 2008.fewer than 1,000 schools in the US used solar power。but by 2021.there were 3,727 schools with solar panels。This data comes from a report by the Solar n。XXX the use of solar power。Roxie Brown。a program director there。says that the number of schools with solar panels has continued to rise since 2021.
Solar power has some XXX。meaning it won't run out。and solar panels don't harm the XXX。sunlight is free。so by using solar power。schools can save money on energy costs over time.
However。XXX isn't always easy。Solar panels XXX.
XXX "integrate" and the XXX:
XXX integrate it into their science lessons。XXX hands-on approach helps students understand the importance of renewable energy and its XXX。According to Brown。the XXX them.
XXX ns can have a positive impact on the world。By using XXX。XXX for all。Brown hopes that this will inspire students to think beyond XXX making a difference.
XXX: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
According to the passage。it is not true that XXX 2021.fewer than 1,000 schools used solar power in the US。More and XXX.
The best title for the passage is "Schools Go Solar."