1. Be careful with your glass. Don’t spill any wine on the carpet.
2. Mary,I’m going your way. Hop in and let me give you a ride.
3. I’ll never allow you to travel in such a state of health.
4. Had you mush trouble with the job,you could come to her for help.
5. The wounded soldier made an effort to stand up,but the general stopped him.
6. But for the rain,we would have reached our destination before five yesterday.
7. He was wearing a decent suit in the party last week.
8. Gorge did tell me yesterday that he put the dictionary on the table before he left.
9. They had sufficient funds to cover the cost of the trip.
10. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched .
11. Nobody is able to explain the origin of this commonly-used expression.
12. Even if we can make laws to protect certain animals,we are frequently incapable of controlling the environment.
13. I try to avoid Mike because recently he seems to talk about nothing but how to make quick money.
13. 我尽量避开迈克,由于近来她似乎只谈论如何迅速赚钱。
14. Headaches,dizziness,short breaths are possible symptoms of high blood pressure.
15. The more medicine I take,the worst I seem to feel.
15. 我吃药越多,感觉就越糟。
16. I am shocked to learn that there are children who work in bare feet to school in winter.
16. 据说有孩子在冬天光着脚上学,我很震惊。
17. Would you mind turning off the recorder?I am working on my paper now.
17. 你介意把录音机关了吗?我当前正在写论文。
18. All male guests at this restaurant are respectfully requested that they put on coat and tie.
18. 本餐厅所有男嘉宾都请她们穿上外套打领带。
19. He will never forget the days that he spent with his grandma.
20. Clean yourself up immediately!You look as if you’d just climbed out of a cave.
21. The news was so shocking that she left the room speechless.
21. 这消息令人震惊,她一言不发地离开了房间。
22. The tree,the branches of which are almost bare,is a very old one.
23. Although her pronunciation is far from perfect,students enjoy listening to her speech.
24. The doctor found it difficult to treat this infection.
25. We have been working on it for several hours,but we have not yet reached any conclusion.
26. Never losing faith in himself,James Watt went on with his experiment.
26. 詹姆斯·瓦特从不失去对自己信任,继续她实验。
27. Nowadays,technologies have advanced so much that a drop of blood will help the child find his biological father.
28. Under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.
28. 在任何状况下,咱们都不能把办公室电话用于个人事务。
29. After the synthetic had been developed,engineers had a better choice for materials for construction.
29. 合成材料被开发出来后,工程师们对建筑材料有了更好选取。
30. He couldn’t help but cry when his toy car fell into the river.
31. CD-ROMs and DVDs are devices for storing digital information.
32. One pound is equal to 0.454 kilograms.
33. I prefer to keep reporters at a distance to give myself some quiet moments.
33. 我宁愿与记者保持距离,给自己某些安静时刻。
34. The weather today was rotten. Our picnic was ruined.
35. The question whether we can get enough coal for the winter has not been cleared up yet.
35. 咱们与否能得到足够过冬用煤问题还没有解决。
36. I have been spending a good deal of time searching on the Internet for the best mobile phone I could buy.
36. 我花了诸多时间在网上搜索我能买到最佳手机。
37. What I say and do is none of your business.
38. There are far fewer custom tailors and dressmakers in the U.S. than in European countries. 38. 美国裁缝店和裁缝师比欧洲国家要少得多。
39. Please be serious. I am not joking. You should consider it carefully.
39. 请认真对待。我不是在开玩笑。你应当仔细考虑。
40. He works in our university as a visiting scholar,not as a formal faculty member.
40. 她作为访问学者在咱们大学工作,而不是正式教员。
41. The general manager’s letter,which gave him credit,ensured his promotion.
42. Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural sources of energy:the sun,the sea,the wind,and hot springs.
42. 近来科学家把注意力转向了自然能源:太阳,海水,风和温泉。
2021成人考试分数查询43. Cheap,clean hotel rooms are scarce in this city,especially in the summer when we have a lot of foreign visitors.
44. Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show.
45. They didn’t talk about honesty;they demonstrated this truth in their lifestyle.
45. 她们没有谈论诚实,她们在她们生活方式中证明了这一真理。
46. Integrity is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline we must demand of ourselves.
46. 诚信是社会各方面真正底线,是咱们必要规定自律。
47. She is already 16 years old. But she behaves as if she were still a little girl.
47. 她已经16岁了。但她体现得好像还是个小女孩。
48. Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs.
48. 总是予以别人应得信任。
49. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors – their looks or status –in order to feel good about themselves.
49. 缺少真正核心价值观人依赖外在因素——她们外表或地位——以自我感觉良好。
50. I have forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.
51. Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an
52. This new machine is technically far superior to the previous type.
53. My parents will move back into town in a year or so.
53. 我父母大概一年后搬回城里。
54. The wind was so strong last night that it tore the sail of the ship into two or three pieces.
54. 昨晚风太大了,把船帆撕成了两片或三片。
55. Sean’s strong love for his country is reflected in his recently published poems.
56. Free medical service is available to nearly all the college students in China.
56. 几乎所有在中华人民共和国大学生均有免费医疗服务。
57. Tom has already given up the habit of smoking for the sake of health.
57. 为了健康,汤姆已经放弃了吸烟习惯。
58. Stephen Bullon is the only man in the village alive today that has survived the war.
58. 斯蒂芬·布隆是今天在战争中幸存村庄里唯一一种人。
59. As she entered the room she could see big bright lights hung from the ceiling.
59. 她走进房间时,看见天花板上悬挂着很大明亮灯。
60. Those experiments have laid a solid foundation(基本) for his further research in material science.
60. 这些实验为她在材料科学方面进一步研究奠定了坚实基本。
61. The police are trying to find out the identity of the woman killed in the traffic accident.
61. 警方正在试图出在交通事故中遇害女子身份。
62. Climate change will greatly reduce wheat and rice production if natio ns don’t take steps now. 62.如果国家当前不采用办法,气候变化将大大减少小麦和水稻产量.
63. It is very considerate of you to arrange an early meeting between your boss and our team.
63. 你很体贴,安排了你老板和咱们团队之间初期会议。
64. Despite all the money people here spend eating out,restaurants’ profit is still below five percent.
65. Generally speaking,the pay isn’t attractive enough,though the job itself is quite interesting.
65. 普通来说,尽管这项工作自身很故意思,但薪水不够吸引人。
66. This company is closing up,so lots of workers will be laid off.
67. He is such a man who is always finding fault with other people.
68. Some developed countries are trying to cope with the serious problems resulting from the
69. After he retired from office,Rogers took up painting for a while,but soon lost interest.
70. In case of fire,all exits must be kept clear.
70. 如果发生火灾,所有出口必要保持畅通。
71.The robber had escaped and was nowhere to be found when the police arrived.
72. Professor Wilson keeps telling his students that the future belongs to the well-educated.
72. 威尔逊专家不断告诉她学生,将来属于受过良好教诲人。
73. You’d better go there by train. T he train ticket is three times as cheap as the plane ticket.
73. 你最佳乘火车去那儿。火车票比飞机票便宜三倍。
74. There is a great deal of evidence indicating that music activities engage different parts of the brain.
74. 有大量证据表白,音乐活动与大脑不同某些关于。
75. What is known to us all is that the Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. 75.人们都懂得是,奥运会将在巴西里约热内卢举办.
76. Would you please keep silent?The weather report is being broadcast and I want to listen.
77. By no means is this the first time she has lied to her parents.
78. He failed to live up to what had been expected of him.
78. 她辜负了人们对她盼望。
79. Many a man thinks life is meaningless without a purpose.
80. John left home twenty m inutes ago. It is usually half an hour’s drive from his home to the office here. So he may arrive soon.
80. 约翰二十分钟前离开了家。从她家到办公室普通要半个小时车程。因此她也许不久就到了.
81. / Hong Kong is often regarded as an international centre for business,finance and tourism. 81. 香港经常被视为商业,金融和旅游国际中心。
82. They went over the schedule for the conference again and again until they felt satisfied with every detail of it.
82. 她们一遍又一遍地讨论会议日程安排,直到她们对会议每一种细节都感到满意为止。
83. Schools should teach our kids various subjects,and moreover,teach them how to tell right from wrong.
83. 学校应当教咱们孩子各种科目,并且教她们如何辨别是非。
84. By the time you finish your homework,all of us will have finished ours at hand,I’m sure. 84. 当你完毕作业时候,我确信,咱们所有人都已经完毕了咱们工作。