I. Phonetics ( 5 points )
1. A. measure      B. deadline      C. heat      D. feather
2. A. laughter      B. enough      C. cough    D. ghost
3. A. rob        B. climb      C. disturb      D. absorb
4. A. uncle      B. product        C. rural      D. ugly
5. A. slow    B. shower      C. flower        D. how
II. Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 points )
6. Only in my thirties a purpose in life.
A. did I find      B. I did find      C. I found      D. found I
7. __ his telephone number, she didn’t know how to get in touch with him.
A. Having forgotten                B. To have forgotten
C. Forgetting                    D. To forget
8. These are the pictures of the hotel __ we held our annual meetings.
A. where      B. which        C. that      D. when
9. I wonder if there is __university in your hometown.
A. the          B. /          C. a          D. an
10. It is __ that text messaging while driving is dangerous.
A. significant    B. obvious    C. necessary    D. sufficient
11. My secretary usually opens my post it’s marked “private”.
A. for      B. as          C. unless          D. if
12. My aunt’s business has been doing poorly, but she’s hoping that her__ will change.
A. emotion      B. luck        C. duty        D. fame
13. Who should be responsible __ tile accident?
A. at        B. of        C. with          D. for
14. The old man, together with his neighbors, __ the performance when it began to rain.
A. have enjoyed      B. has enjoyed
C. was enjoying      D. were enjoying
A. will be    B. be          C. am            D. were
16. Several novels by Mo Yan __ into English so far.
2021成人考试分数查询A. had been translated          B. were translated
C. are translated              D. have been translated
17. The pianist didn’t until the last minute before the concert.
A. turn up    B. turn out      C. turn off        D. turn on
18.—I’m sorry about the misunderstanding.
—You __ apologize; it wasn’t your fault.
A. needn’t    B. wouldn’t      C. couldn’t      D. mustn’t
19. Let’s go to the airport a little earlier __ we can choose better seats.
A. now that    B. for that      C. by that    D. so that
A. to be hurt    B. to hurt      C. hurt      D. hurting
HI. Cloze ( 30 points )
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars, the answer is petrol. 21 some cars use electricity. These cars have   22 motors that get their power from large batteries. In  23  , there are even cars that have  24 an electric motor and a petrol motor. These types of cars are  25 hybrid (混合) cars.
21. A. But        B. Nor      C. Or        D. And
24. A. all        B. both      C. either    D. neither
25. A. described      B. regarded    C. called      D. known
26. A. invention      B. influence      C. instrument  D. intention
27. A. last      B. beginning    C. recent    D. late
28. A. unless      B. after        C. before  D. until
30. A. motors    B. power      C. cars      D. oil
31. A. much      B. more        C. less      D. few
32. A. by        B. in          C. at        D. on
33. A. when    B. where      C. what        D. which
34. A. start        B. need      C. reduction    D. rise
35. A. put        B. hold      C. rely        D. keep
Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
As we recently discovered, there is a Stepmother’s Day, though it is not on any official holiday calendar. So, it would be safe to assume that there is a similar day for stepdads, too. Right? Well, it depends on what you read. A Google search brought up posts that say, for example, “It’s on father’ s day-father’ s day is for fathers, step-fathers and people who are like fathers to you-it’s a day for making father figures feel special.” Further searching found a Stepfather’s Day Facebook page that says, “The unofficial Stepfather’s Day’ is the fourth Sunday of June.” Unfortunately, as of the publishing of this article, only 30 people have “liked” the page. Considering that studies show 3.3 million men, or 11.1% of U. S. fathers, live with at least one stepchild, that’ s only a drop in the ocean.