1. 题目词汇讲学
2. 内容:阅读下面英文诗歌,讲解词汇:disappear,unknown,sleepless
We’re the last of the sleepless ones
We’re the last of the sleepless ones
Left behind by those we left behind tonight
Quiet now let our poison take
Were we always just your lost cause mistakes
Wait for me, will you wait for me
Need you on my side
Way for me, make way for me
With arms wide
Alone, left alone
Watch us slowly disappear with time
Unknown, still unknown
Forgotten, lost, and left behind.
3. 具体要求:
(1) 阅读全文
(2) 全英文试讲
(3) 适当板书设计
Teaching objectives:
1. Knowledge objectives
Ss master the words disappear, unknown and sleepless. They need to know the meaning and the word formation rules of these words.
2. Skill objectives
Ss get the method of learning new words’ meaning by dividing words into suffix or prefix in order to un
derstanding a new English poem properly.
3. Emotion objectives
Ss get the study ability to explore the meaning of the new words through study the new words by themselves and basically get the ability to enjoy an English poem by understanding the English words.
Teaching key and difficult points:
Ss master the knowledge of word formation to guess the meaning of a new English word and use this ability to their reading and listening for a better understanding of the English materials. Teaching procedures:
Step1 Lead-in
(1)Free talk: Ss talk about the poems they have ever learned. And teacher tell them there is a new poem. Let’s enjoy it together!
【Purpose】The activity of free talk can not only create a relaxing English learning atmosphere for Ss to participate, but also stimulate Ss’ relevant cognition which can pave way for the following learning.
Step 2 Presentation
(1)Teacher presents the new poem to the students. And separate the class into four groups to let them read the poem one group by one group.
(2) Teacher presents the provoking-mind question, and let them work in pairs to understand the main ideas of the poem and find out the new words they don’t know.
(3) Teacher ask the students the new words they don’t know and write them down on the blackboard.
(4) Ss work in pairs trying to describe the rules in these words, and guess the meaning of these words.
(5) Teacher guide the students to divide these words, like dis-appear; un-know, sleep-less. And telling the English meaning of these words.
(6) Teacher asks students what’s the common characteristics of the meaning of these words. And ask the student in one of each groups to find the rules.
(7) Teacher tells students that un-,dis-,and -less have the common meaning that is negative.
(8) Teacher tells students how to use these words and make sentences for each word.
(9)Teacher ask each students to find more words like what we have learned today. And read the whole poem again and understand the poem.
【Purpose】Make students as the main role of the class, and guide the students to find out the words formation rules. It is good for students themselves to learn the new words in the help of the teacher and they could learn the words better in this way.
Step 3 Practice
dis- appear
-less known
un- sleep
(2) Use the following words, disappear, unknow, sleepless, and fill the blanks.
Last night I dreamed a sweet dream. In my dream I made friends with an alien came from an______planet. We have talked about the lives in our own planet.We had a long and happy talk. Finally, we said goodbye to each other. And she _______ in front of my eyes by UFO. Then I woke up and found it is a sweet dream and felt______ then.
【Purpose】Make students to master these words by these two practices.
Step 3 Consolidation
Teacher divide the students into four groups and ask each students in each group to work in pairs to make sentences using the new words. And then teacher asks the students in each group to organize the sentences into one short paragraph and asks one representative of each group to read in public.
【Purpose】Ss master the words we have learned today and use them to write a short essay not only could review what we have learned today but develop the ability to use the new words in their writing.
Step 4 Summary
Ss summarize the English words with the suffix, -less and prefix, -un, dis-. In addition, let them conclude the function of learning the world formation rules.
【Purpose】Ss’ summarizing the key points can let them have the further understanding the key point of this class. And let them conclude the function of learning the world formation rules, which could trigger English words learning interests of students and improve their English words learning ability.
Step 5 Homework
Ss are encouraged collect more English words with suffix and prefix, and use five new words that they have collected to write a short passage.
【Purpose】Find out more English word formation rules can trigger students’English learning interests as well as improving their English words learning ability.
Blackboard design
dis- appear
un- known
-less sleep
1. 题目:听力教学
2. 内容:
3. 具体要求:
Darwin Destroyed in one Night
Teaching objectives:
1.Knowledge objective:
Word: tear, sweep
Topic: The destruction of cyclone.
2.Skill objective:
a.Students’ listening ability could be enhanced.
b.Students’ solving problem ability can be enhanced by working in groups.
3.Emotion objective:
a.Students should know how to protect themselves and take proper emergency measures in the disaster.
b.Students are willing to share information with others.
Teaching key points:
Students can get the main idea and specific information of the listening material.
Teaching difficult points:
Students know how to protect themselves in an emergency situation.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Teacher shows students several pictures of meteorological disaster. Students can guess what kind of weather caused the catastrophe.
【Purpose】: Pictures are vivid and easy to attract students’ attention.
Step 2 Pre-listening
(1) Teacher presents one of pictures of meteorological disaster. Students can predict what happened in this area.
(2) Students work in pairs trying to describe the picture in their own word. Choose several pairs to share their imagination with the class.
(3) Teacher presents and explains the key words, tear, sweep, to the students.
【Purpose】To encourage students to predict the content of the material. Through prediction, the relevant background information in the students’ mind could be activated. When students listen to the listening material, they will be more directive.
Step 3 While-listening