第一节 单项填空
21.Sandy ____ be out of hermind to have spent that much money on an old car.
[A] should
[C] can
[D] will
22.I’ll be in ____ next room, so give me ____ call if you need any help.
[A] the; a
[B]/; a
[C] /; the
[D] the; the
23.Ella has been complaining about the traffic ____her awake at night.
[A] keep
[B]to keep
[C] keeping
[D] kept
24.Frank was a wonderful teacher. Everyone agreed it would be hard to find _____ like him.
[A] other
[B]the other
[C] another
[D] others
英语pets是什么考试25.Maggie is ____about her tea, and often carries her favourite tea with her in her handbag.
[A] particular
[B] curious
[D] certain
26.We could do with a new car.The one we ____ is a bit too old.
[A] were getting
[B] have got
[C]had got
[D] will get
27.Police are ____ trying to find out the exact cause of the accident.
[A] still
[C] soon
[D] even
28.—This cake's delicious! Did you make it yourself?
—____ My sister got it from the bakery.
[A] Really?
[B]Of course.
[C] You must be joking!
[D] You are welcome.
29.My mother was talking to Lisa on the phone ____ the doorbell rang.
[B] when
[C] since
[D] as
30.Many great discoveries were made in ____ the 19th century.
[A] the second of half
[B] second of the half
[C] the half second of
[D] the second half of
31.Joan sold the house anyway even though it was ____her father's wishes.
[B] within
[C] against
[D] from
32.I hope ____ roundthe tourist sites by a specialist guide.
[B] taking
[C] to take
[D] to be taken
33.Ralph and Celia ____ alot of each other since they moved to the same city.
[A] have been seeing
[B] were seeing
[C] had seen
34.I walked slowly to the teacher’s office wondering ____ she decided to talk with me.
[A] which
[C] where
[D] who
35.Make a list of what you have to do, and put them ____ with the most important at the top.
[A]in fact
[B] in public
[C] in order
[D] in surprise
21-25 BACCA  26-30 BACBD 31-35 CDABC
21. 选B【must】,该题考查情态动词。
22. 选A【the; a】,该题考查冠词。
第一个空格中填入the,因为空白处后面的名词短语next room(隔壁房间)是说话双方都知道的,表示特指。后一个空格与其两边的词为固定搭配,give sb. a call “给某人打电话”,故选A。
23. 选C【keeping】,该题考查非谓语动词。
该 句主语是Ella,谓语是has been complaining about,宾语是the traffic,由此判断空白处所需填的词是非谓语形式,所以排除A【keep】,又因为空白处和前面的名词the traffic之间的关系为主动关系——交通产生的噪音使他晚上睡不着,故选keeping。to keep和kept虽然
都属于非谓语动词,但是前者为动词不定式,表示将来要发生的事,后者为过去分词,表示被动关系或已完成的动作,此外,现在分词 -ing除了表示主动,还可以表示正在进行的事。
24. 选C【another】,该题考查不定代词。
other 可作形容词或代词,作形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”。the other指“两个人或物中的一个”,一般出现在one ... the other ...这样的固定搭配中。others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个,其余的”。another指“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛 指。根据题意,这里代指的是另一个人,是泛指,故选C。
25. 选A【particular】,该题考查形容词词义辨析。
be particular about ...对……很挑剔;be curious about ... 对……好奇;be anxious about ...对……紧张;be certain about ...对……很确定。根据句意,选A。
26. 选B【have got】,该题考查时态。
were getting是过去进行时,表示过去(某一时刻或某一段时间)正在进行的动作;have got是现在完成时,表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果;had got是过去完成时,表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了动作,过去的过去;will get是一般将来时。根据题意,我们得到那辆车是已经完成的动作,对于现在的我们来说太旧了,故选B。
27. 选A【still】,该题考查副词词义辨析。
28. 选C【You must be joking!】,该题考查口语表达。