Education (MOE) released its work plan for the year 2022. Let’s check out some of the main points.
Double reduction
In its work plan, the ministry stressed its push of the “double reduction” policy. It was released in July 20211. __________(lessen) the unnecessary academic burden for primary and middle school students. Besides 2.__________(ensure) the quality of classes and amounts of 3.____________(assign) homework are reasonable, the ministry aims to further improve the quality of after-school activities and introduce more4.______________( qualify) course resources on campus.
  Off-campus tutoring will 5._____________(regulate) . Regular inspections will 6.____________( organize) on national holidays and weekends, as well as in winter and summer vacations 7._____________(make) sure there are no off-campus tutoring activities featuring curriculum subjects. Any violators will face 8.________(fine) and even a ban from 9.
___________(work) in the education sector (领域).
Physical and mental health
10.___________(improve) students’ fitness levels and 11._______________(drive) the development of sports education reforms, the MOE announced it will introduce a soccer league for Chinese youth for the first time this year.
Health care is further addressed. One goal is 12.____________(reduce) the overall myopia (近视) rate among Chinese teenagers by over half a percentage point from 2021 to 2022. China will also 13._______________(strength) first aid education across the country by stepping up first aid training in pilot high schools. Once these practices are successful, the training will 14.______________(apply) around the country. 
Well-rounded education
  According to the MOE, efforts will 15.___________(make) to support students’ well-rounded development.
  Fine art and music scores, ranging from 10 to 40 points, 16._________________(include)英语报名入口2022
in the total score of high school entrance exams. Labor education will be further incorporated (包含) into the education system. Aesthetic (美学的) education is also to be offered in a lasting and coherent way from primary school to university.
As a student who used 1.___________(study) in Australia, I found there are many reasons 2._______ you should study there.
Top quality universities
Australia is home 3._____ a total of 43 universities. It’s a case of quality as well as quantity, with six Australian universities such as The University of Melbourne, Australian National University and University of Sydney ranking in the internationally renowned (著名的) top 100. 

Cultural diversity

  Australia is a diverse melting pot of cultures, 4.______ offers the chance to step outside of your usual comfort zone, experience something new, and feel 5.____ sense of belonging in a multicultural setting. Some of the benefits of living in a multicultural society include wonderful culinary (烹饪的) offerings, public international celebrations and the chance to learn a different language.

Easy access to student visas

Australia offers a streamlined (有效率的) process for the student visa. There are several requirements you will need to meet for your 6.____________(apply) to be approved, including 7.____________(accept) into an educational institution and having sufficient funds. You will also 8.____________( required) to get health insurance for the duration of your stay.

Great outdoors

The outback (澳大利亚内地) is 9.___________(legend) for its broad plains and unusual animals. During your holidays, you can dive near the Great Barrier Reef. Bushwalking (丛林远足) or kayaking (划皮艇) is often10.____________(achieve) within a day trip. But If you’re a beach lover, you are also spoiled for choice with 11.____________(thousand) of kilometers of pristine (原始状态的) coast.