1.After ______ war broke out in February, Sergey Yerkish, ______ university student in Lviv, had to drop out of school and became homeless.
A.the; an    B.a; an    C.the; a    D.a; a
2.China, ____ one of the great four countries with ancient civilizations, is best-known _______ its great development in all the fields over the years.
A.as; as    B.as; for
C.for; as    D.for; for
3.—Why do you practice Tai Chi every day?
Because this traditional Chinese form of exercise helps me relax and find my inner ______.
A.voice    B.quality    C.beauty    D.peace
4.—I’ve got a job in a sales company in Nantong.
—Great. Make yourself ______ so that they don’t want to lose you.
A.enjoyable    B.comfortable    C.possible    D.valuable
5.—Do you think everything will be in order if the government can ______ the spread of epidemic?
—Of course. Everyone is expecting the day.
A.complete    B.continue    C.control    D.confirm
6.—Qingdao is a good choice to spend our weekend.
—I can’t agree more. We can enjoy all the water sports, or ______ lie on the beach.
A.exactly    B.hardly    C.completely    D.simply
7.—You look so blue today, Daniel. What’s up?
—Ron and I planned to go diving yesterday. However, a sudden rainstorm ______ us to give it up.
A.forced    B.promised    C.allowed    D.recommended
8.______ the Palace Museum has a long history, time hasn’t stopped it from building connections with young people through cultural products.
A.While    B.Because    C.Although    D.Since
9.—Can we play games here?
—Better not. If you ________, please go to the open space there.
A.must    B.can    C.may    D.will
10.—Do you ______ coffee with milk in it?
—Sometimes. But most of the time I ______ drink black coffee.
A.would rather; prefer    B.prefer; prefer
C.prefer; would rather    D.would rather; would rather
11.—How could you ______ so late? We are worried about you.
—Sorry, Mum. I promise I will come back before six o’clock next time.
A.stay up    B.stay awake    C.stay out    D.stay away
12.—Would you like to join the Paper Cutting Club or the Tennis Club?
—Sorry, I’m interested in ______ paper cutting ______ tennis. But I’m quite good at painting.
A.not only; but also    B.neither; nor    C.either; or    D.both; and
13.—Poor eyesight among Chinese primary and high school students rose to 70.6% the first six months of 2022, according to the Ministry of Education.
—I’m sure the situation will gradually improve if more attention ______ to it.
A.will pay    B.will be paid    C.is paid    D.pays
14.—Could you please tell me ______?
—Sorry, I’m not sure. You can ask Mr. Wu, our head teacher.
A.if Music and Art will enter our final entrance exam
B.why will Music and Art enter our final entrance exam
C.when Music and Art would enter our final entrance exam
D.whether would Music and Art enter our final entrance exam
15.—I always dream of being a writer like Mo Yan, but many of my classmates laugh at m
—______. No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.
A.Never mind    B.Don’t lose heart    C.That’s not the case    D.Don’t mention it
Luke, Jay and Zach’s Winning Game
Luke really wanted his baseball team, the Wildcats, to win. It was the last game of the regular (常规的)   16  . He had never been to the playoffs (季后赛)before.
The coach called the whole team together   17  the game began. He said, “It has been a great season. You should all be   18  of yourselves. Let’s give it our best effort.”
The team really was a good one. All of the teammates got along well and   19  each other. Luke’s best friend, Jay, was on the team too. They were two of the best players.
The Purple Sox were the Wildcats’ opponents. Both teams and all of their   20  were super excited about the game.
The Wildcats had a good   21  . They had three runs(分)by the end of the second inning(局)and had prevented the Purple Sox from scoring.   22  , by the end of the fifth inning. the Purple Sox had taken the lead and were ahead of the Wildcats by four runs. Luke and Jay were starting to   23  , but they knew they had to remain positive (积极的,乐观的).
“Don’t give up, Wildcats!” urged Jay. “We can do it!” cheered Luke. “Be proud and give it your best effort, like our coach said.” Luke   24  the team.
Over the next few innings, the Wildcats did   25  and by the bottom of the ninth inning, they
were ahead of the Purple Sox by one run, but the Purple Sox had the last at bat (轮到击球)for the game. Zach was one of their   26  players. His Purple Sox teammates cheered for him. Then they started chanting. Before too long, the fans joined in on the chant too. Even the Wildcats started cheering to   27  him, because they knew how hard Zach always tried. Finally, he made it. He hit the ball, then he ran as hard as he could to the first base.