Red Bluff Art Gallery, California, calls on artists to attend an online solo show (个人作品秀) that will run for one full year. Open to all forms of art (i.e., painting, photography, sculpture, etc.) from people all over the world.
Contact: email ******************************* or call 530-529-1332
Entry deadline (报名截止日期): November 10, 2022
Entry: Minimum: 1; Maximum: 20
Entry fee (参赛费用): $40.00 per entry
Imagine seeing your work in a 3D, walk-through virtual exhibit (虚拟展览)! We create this amazing and beautiful tool for the promotion (宣传) of your work. Use the Exhibit on social media, your website, newsletters, or in your emails. Your Solo Exhibit will also have its own page with the Red Bluff Art Gallery.
The Solo Exhibit gives total focus to your work and gives you a way to both promote and sell your own work yourself. You keep 100% of sales.
During the year of your Exhibit, when a work sells, you can use a new one to take its place. You can also make changes to descriptions and prices. There are no extra fees for doing this.
When signing up, you’d better enter between 10 and 20 pictures to make a good show. If any of your work is not used, all fees will be given back to you.
The solo show will run for one full year. A notice will be given to the email address you provi
de if your entries are chosen for the show. Please also make sure you enter your name so it can appear with your artwork titling.
For more information, please visit
1.What do we know about the solo show?
A.It mainly exhibits paintings.    B.It ends early in the year 2023.
C.It is actually an online exhibition.    D.It is held for artists from California.
2.If one’s work sells at the show, they can ________.
A.get the entry fee back    B.keep part of the money
C.exhibit another work    D.attend the next show for free
3.What is suggested to artists who want to attend the show?
A.Enter 10 to 20 entries.
B.Enter entries that won prizes.
C.Include their ideas on the promotion of entries.
D.Include others’ recommendations for their entries.
When I was a teen of 16 years old, I used to make more friends because of my outgoing nature. But unfortunately, I also had the most misunderstandings with them. However, I have not lost any of my friends over these disagreements.
Once I bought a few books to read in my free time during the summer vacation at high school. One evening during the vacation, two of my friends visited my home. After having some small talk, one of them started looking at my library that I had built since my childhood. He picked up one of the books that I had just started reading in the morning. It was Thomas, one of my best friends in high school. I helped him a lot with his mathematics for the exam before the summer vacation.
The disagreement with him began when he wanted to take the book home. The book name
d An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser was his first choice. I tried to make him realize that I had just started reading it before they arrived at my home and had just finished one-fourth of the book. But it seemed that he was also crazy about the book. He was determined to take it. Samuel, the other friend of mine sat quietly and saw us argue with each other.
The argument continued for about 15 minutes, and I tried to ask him to take some other books. He looked sad, saying that after he started reading the story, he really didn’t want to miss the chance to complete the book. Finally, I gave up and let him take the book on one condition: he should return the book just after he finished reading it and also would not lend it to someone else (he had lost most of his books lending them to others) as he did earlier with my books.
4.What happened to Thomas soon after he arrived at the author’s home?
A.He thought of a children’s book.
B.He argued with Samuel over a book.
C.He was attracted to one of the author’s books.
D.He remembered leaving his book in the library.
5.Why did the author want to continue reading An American Tragedy?
A.He enjoyed it very much.
B.He was a fan of the writer.
C.He read it for the final exam.
D.He planned to research into it.
6.How did the author solve the disagreement with Thomas?
A.He told him the story of the book.
B.He decided to lend him the book.
C.He gave him another book by the same writer.
D.He let him look through the book before leaving.
7.What can we say about Thomas?
A.He doesn’t have any friends.    B.He is good at mathematics.
C.He always keeps his word.    D.He doesn’t give up easily.
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