1. Top Music Festivals in 2021
Selling out fast every year, the Indio desert becomes a fashionable place where the coolest bands are watched by trendy people and celebrities. Near the top of everyone's bucket list of festivals, Coachella is a constant source of annual expectation and a hotbed for musical discussion.
When &. where: April 9-11 &. 16-18, 2021; Indio
Ultra Music Festival
Seen as the ultimate gathering for electronic music fans across the nation and globe, the streets of Miami turn into a bold and bumping party with popular DJs playing what will be the sounds of summer.
When & where: March 26-28, 2021; Miami
South By South West
Regarded as the ultimate trend-setter and launcher of careers, SXSW is an annual showcase of music, films and interactive highlights enjoyed through performances, showcases, talks, screenings and more. Virtually taking over the city of Austin, everyone in the world of music from fans to media flock here to discover the next big thing.
When &, where: March 16-20, 2021; Austin
The Governors Ball Music Festival
Another event which proves the music loving potential of Randall's Island Park is Governors Ball, an exciting and infectious mix of rock, hip-hop, electronic, pop and folk. Providing a variety of music and food tastes, whether you look to kick back and relax or dance to the beats, Governors Ball has what you want.
When & where: June 11-14, 2021; New York
1. Which music festival lasts the most days?
B.Ultra Music Festival.
C.South By South West
D.The Governors Ball Music Festival.
2. What is special about Ultra Music Festival?
A.It's held in a park.
B.It features electronic music
C.It's a gathering of popular DJs.
D.It's the most popular in the country.
3. Which city could you go if you love both music and movies?
D.New York.
2. While I was growing up, I often heard my teachers say, “Oh, Tina is gifted in algebra.” While watching the Olympics, my parents would say, “These gymnasts are born with such
ability.” Statements like these made me believe people were born with certain talents and if they didn't have a particular one at birth, then they never would. Therefore, I rarely focused on algebra. Nobody told me that if you keep trying and trying, one day a difficult task will seem easy.
Actually, I learnt this from my young daughter, Samaya. One day, I was finishing some paperwork and I said, “Oh no, how could I have made that mistake!” Samaya instantly said, “Mum, don't worry. Mistakes make your brain grow bigger.”
Actually, we all need to be reminded that mistakes or failures are just fine and that they are a huge part of growth and success. However, the regular belief is the opposite. We must correct this with our children. We must encourage them to make mistakes because that means they are trying out new ideas.
Billionaire Sara Blakely, founder of the shapewear business Spanx, has seen many failures. She made a living by selling fax machines for seven years. Knocking on many doors and making a lot of mistakes was a journey she calls educational. Sara Blakely owes
her risk-taking skills to the weekend talk she had with her father.
As a child, her father would ask her the same question every weekend. "What did you fail at this week, Sara?" He did not care how high her scores were. He wanted to know what she had tried but failed at. When she told him about her failures and mistakes, he would give her a high five. He was reprogramming her mind to believe that mistakes and failures are fine.
So go ahead and ask yourself and your children, “What did we fail at this week?”
1. What discouraged the author from efforts in algebra?
A.She wasn't interested in it.
B.She thought she was not gifted.
C.She thought it was useless.
D.She was not allowed to learn it.
2. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Keep trying is necessary.
B.Failure is a path to success.
C.Mistakes are not acceptable.
D.Encouragement is significant.
3. Why did Sara's father keep asking her the same question?
A.To rebuild her mindset.
B.To keep her from failures.
C.To know what she hadn't tried.
D.To prevent her getting high scores.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Secret to Success
B.A Method of Education
C.The Magic of Mistakes
D.The Power of a Fixed Mindset
3. In 2018 Yale professor Laurie Santos introduced a new course, “Psychology and the Good Life” to satisfy the growing mental health needs of students on campus. It was an immediate success, attracting more than 1,200 undergraduate enrollees (报名者) the first term before it was transformed into the most popular online course in Yale’s history.