Grammar and Vocabulary
21. Pansy wrote ____ article on detectives for the school newspaper.
A. a                B. an            C. the                D. /
22. Captain King successfully escaped ____ Gork's cave with his crew.
A. out            B. with            C. from                D. to
解析:escape from…意为“从……逃离”,故选C。
23. Ben's new laptop weighs much lighter than ____. And it also costs less.
A. mine            B. me            C. my                D. myself
句意:Ben的新笔记本电脑比我的轻多了。 而且成本也更低。
解析:比较级句型中,需同类物品进行比较,所以此处用名词性物主代词mine代指my laptop,故选A。
24. Jane likes dancing very much and has been in the dance club ____ two years.
A. after            B. for            C. since                D. during
25. Everyone is special. There's no need to compare yourself to ____ else.
A. everybody        B. somebody        C. anybody            D. nobody
句意:每个人都是特别的。 没有必要拿自己和其它任何人比较。
26. I ____ to good friends or reliable adults for help if I get myself in trouble.
A. have turned    B. will turn        C. turned                D. am turning
解析:此句是if引导的条件状语从句,从句是一般现在时表示将来,根据“主将从现”原则可知,主句用一般将来时will do结构,故选B。
27. The kidnappers seemed too ____ to be true. It was very strange.
A. happily        B. hardly            C. suddenly            D. friendly
句意:者太友好了,不像是真的。 这很奇怪。
解析:seem是系动词,后面跟形容词作表语,happily快乐地、hardly几乎不、suddenly突然地都是副词,friendly友好的 是形容词,故选D。
28. Players excitedly talk about ____ amazing the new Harry Potter-themed mobile phone game is.
A. how            B. what            C. what a                D. what an
解析:talk about后面是一个宾语从句,从句是一个感叹句,感叹句中心词是形容词amazing,所以用how引导,故选A。
29. Word came that race driver Zhou Guanyu ____ the Alfa Romeo team for the 2022 season.
A. would join            B. has joined            C. joins            D. was joining
解析:Word came that后面是同位语从句,解释Word的内容,因主句是一般过去时,从句的动作发生在主句动作之后,所以从句用过去将来时would do结构,故选A。
30. At the graduation ceremony, Joe introduced Mrs. Li as ____ professor he had ever met.
A. a patient            B. the more patient    C. a most patient    D. the most patient
解析:形容词patient“耐心的”修饰名词profess,由he had ever met可知,此处用最高级,且形容词的最高级前需加定冠词the,故选D。
31. Shanghai Museum regularly holds lectures for children to let them ____ more about culture and art.
A.to know            B. know                C. knowing        D. known
解析:let sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,故选B。
32. Students ____ be aware of how learning habits will influence their learning outcomes.
A. must                B. should                C. can            D. may
33. The little boy is ____ angry with his parents because he thinks they love his sister more.
A. never                B. ever                C. often            D. seldom
解析:考查频度副词,never“从不”,ever“曾经”,often“经常”,seldom“很少”;根据because he thinks they love his sister more可知,应是“经常生父母的气”,故选C。
34. Many people don't want to delete electronic materials ____ they are no longer valuable.
A. because            B. if                    C. while            D. although英语报名入口2022
35. -____ is our School English Festival held?
-Once a year. Usually in December.
A. How soon            B. How long            C. How often        D. How many times
-一年一次。 通常在12月。 
解析:How soon“多久以后”,通常用“in+时间段”回答;How long提问物体或时间长度;How often“多久一次”提问频率;How many times“多少次”提问次数,由once a year“一年一次”可知,上文提问频率,故选C。   
III. complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.
A.amazing  B. surprise  C. responsible  D. required  E. effectively
How is your memory? Remembering things is an important function of our brain There is so much we have to remember from where we left our car keys to how we walk. However, it's no___36___that sometimes we are forgetful.
Memory allows the brain to store and get information back when___37___. Our short-term memory can hold a small amount of information for a short time, while our long-term memo
ry can hold an unlimited amount of information for a long time. Our memory is___38___, but why do we still forget things?