Which place is the man looking for?
A. A post office.
B. An art gallery.
C. A museum.
【解析】M: Excuse me. I’m afraid I’m a bit lost. Can you show me the way to the National Museum?
W: The National Museum? Let me see. The best way to get there is to go down this street and turn right, and you’ll see it on the left-hand side. It’s between the Art Gallery and a post office.
What is the woman trying to do?
A. Tell a story.
B. Describe an accident.
C. Report a game.
【解析】M: What exactly did you see?
W: I was walking past the park towards the city centre when a cyclist passed me and then a car came round the corner from the right, just there. I don’t know. I guess the driver didn’t see
How much did the food and drinks cost?
A. $30.
B. $20.
C. $10.
【解析】M: Hey, can you give me the thirty dollars you owe me from the game last week?
W: Thirty? I thought it was twenty.
M: No. Your share of the food and drinks was twenty, but the ticket was ten.
Why does the woman talk to the manager?
A. To complain about the service.
B. To see the store owner.
C. To praise an employee.
【解析】W: Excuse me. Are you the manager of this store?
M: Yes, I am. How can I help you?
W: I just wanted to let you know that one of your employees, Anne, is especially helpful. She goes out of her way to answer questions and help people find things. I think she should get some recognition for the great service she provides.
M: Well, thanks a lot. I’ll write down what you said just now and make sure that the store owner hears about it.
How will the two speakers know whether the classes are cancelled?
A. By reading a notice.
B. By receiving messages.
C. By listening to the radio.
【解析】M: I hear we’re going to have our first big snowstorm tonight. That’s going to be quite something.
W: Yes. They might even cancel classes tomorrow.
M: So how do we know whether classes are cancelled or not? Will the school put up a notice or send us a message?
W: Well, you can tune in to certain radio stations, and they announce all the school closings.
【小题1】How long would the woman need to work each week?
A. Four hours.
B. Six hours.
C. Ten hours.
【小题2】What will the woman do right now?
A. Fill out a job application.
B. Change her class schedule.
C. Organize the tapes on the shelves.
【解析】W: Hello, Professor Dannis. I read in the university newspaper that you were looking for a student to work as a language laboratory assistant?
M: Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job?
英语报名入口2022W: I think so, but before I apply, could you tell me more about the work?
M: Well, most of lessons are on cassette tapes. The cassettes are kept in order on these shelves. You just organize the tapes after each class.
W: How many hours would you need me to work each week?
M: We need someone Monday through Friday from 4 pm to 6 pm. That’s the busiest time each day for the lab.
W: That would fit into my schedule nicely. Shall I fill out an application for the job right now?
M: Yes, that would be fine, and I’ll get back to you in a week or so after we review all of the applications.
【小题1】What does the man tell the woman to do at 3 J 00 pm?
A. Feed the dog a treat.
B. Give the dog some exercise.
C. Let the dog watch a program.
【小题2】What does the woman mean in the end?
A. She refuses to watch the dog.
B. She doesn’t like walking the dog.
C. She will take care of the dog herself.
【解析】M: Hey, neighbor. I’m going out of town this weekend, and I was wondering if you could take care of my dog while I’m gone. You know my dog, Jaws, don’t you?
W: Yeah.
M: Just feed him a can of dog food a day, and make sure he has plenty of water in his dish. Oh, and he needs someone to take him for a walk around the block every afternoon.
W; Well, how about if I just throw a ball over the fence to give him some exercise?