Part 1 Listening
Part 2  Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary
(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)
II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)
21. At the entrance, the guest was greeted _________ a big bug.
A. for            B. with        C. from        D. in
22. The West Belfast School was just a single classroom with only _________ students when it first opened in 1971.
A. little        B. few            C. a little        D. a few
23. Jack touched _________ soft in the dark, but he was not sure what it was.
A. something        B. nothing        C. everything        D. anything
24. Through art, Matthew found a new way to express _________.
A. he            B. his            C. him            D. himself
25. The city of Chennai has seen severe flooding after its _________ rainfall since 2015.
A. heavy        B. heavier        C. heaviest        D. the heaviest
26. When you share a problem with friends, you are more _________ to find a solution.
A. likely        B. happily        C. easily        D. luckily
27. The government has made some _________ in environment protection.
A. mistake        B. decision        C. change        D. progress
28. The crew spent three days in space _________ the Earth more than 15 times each day.
A. Circle        B. to circle        C. circling        D. to circling
29. Dart _________ the best moment of her career at Wimbledon in 2019.
A. enjoys        B. enjoyed        C. has enjoyed        D. will enjoy
30. Tom saw a traffic accident when he _________ his bicycle along the road.
A. Rides        B. has rode        C. was riding        D. had rode
31. Ants will form a bridge if there is a river in the path, _________ the other ants can travel across.
A. But            B. for            C. or            D. so
32. At the meeting, all countries promised _________ greenhouse effect by using less fossil fuel.
A. reduce        B. to reduce        C. reducing        D. to reducing
33. The feeling of peace and quiet _________ come while you walk in the woods.
A. may        B. can            C. must        D. need
34. Life on the Earth will become uneasy _________ population growth is under control.
A. Although        B. because        C. unless        D. when
35. _________ pity it is that you have missed such a wonderful film!
A. What        B. What a        C. How        D. How a
III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词, 每词只能填一次)
A. valuable    B. dramatic    C. organise    D. matter    E. develop
Do you struggle to leave your phone alone?
Who are you communicating with when you pick up your phone? Are you using it to stay in touch with the people who really __36__ to you? Try to remember to put your closest friends and family members first. Perhaps it's important to __37__ a video call with your grandparents or a cousin who lives far away. Or maybe you use it to send a message to your best friend.
These communications can help build and __38__ your most important relationships, making things even more special when you next see each other face to face. On the other hand, you might decide to spend less of your __39__ time on certain other people. They could include people you don't know, and who aren't as important to you.
A. avoid    B. case    C. create    D. simply    E. contact
Why do you need to look at it? Is is ringing? Have you just received a message or update? Do you need to __40__ somebody or take some photos? There are lots of good reasons why phones are useful. But sometimes you might use you phone __41__ to give yourself something to do.
You might pick it up because you're bored or want to __42__ a difficult conversation, you don't want to look someone in the eye, or just want something to do with your hands. If that's the __43__, perhaps you should ask yourself why. What could you do to better deal with the situation without reaching for your device? A little thought could go a long way toward happier, more productive phone habits.
IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子, 每空格限填一词)
44. The _________ captured the city of Troy through a trick. (Greek)
45. The lady in her late _________ looks young for her age. (forty)
46. It's bad manners to talk with _________ mouth full. (you)
47. To learn English well, we should try some ways to _________ new words. (memory)
48. Going plastic-free can make a real _________ to the environment. (different)
49. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help _________. (polite)
50. _________ has been a success - nearly half of the household waste is recycled. (recycle)
51. The new train line will _________ people to travel between the two cities in less than one hour. (able)
V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据要求改写句子)