1. At the end of the year, we are often delighted to announce our last featured events that will take place in December.
Wednesday Night Quiz @ Paddy's
Dec. 15 08:00 pm—10:30 pm
Where:Paddy O 'Shea's
Every Wednesday Paddy's hosts its Pub Quiz. We've been doing this since 2008, uninterrupted, making it certainly the oldest running Pub Quiz in Beijing! The program has 6 rounds of interactive questions on different topics, including pictures and videos.
Is it free: It's free
Adult Street Dance Classes
Dec. 16 07:00 pm —08:00 pm
Sunshine Dance Studios offers charity street dance classes every week. All proceeds(收人)will be donated to Roundabout Charity Foundation to be donated to children in need. Recommended donation amount is ¥ 100—¥200 but more is always welcome.
Is it free: Not free
Price: Donation amount required
Kerry Hotel Christmas Party
Dec. 18 06:00 pm
Where: Kerry Center
Do join us this Christmas and enjoy great company of friends from ASEAN countries. There will be a concert with a great program lineup, live bands, and a children's choir. Lucky draw will also be held with prizes and you can expect a mystery gift from your secret Santa.
Is it free:It's free
Chongli Ski Camp
Dec. 20 08:00 am—08:00 pm
INTRO Imagine、popular Ski Camps return for the 6th year! Lucky participants will again ski and stay overnight at the Olympic Thaiwoo Ski Resort, Chongli, 2. 5 hours from Beijing.
Imagine provides transport by bus to and from Beijing.
Is it free:Not free
【小题1】How is the event at Sunshine Dance Studios different from the others?
A.It's free of charge. B.It takes place outdoors.
C.It encourages donations. D.It lasts for a longer time.
【小题2】What can you do at Kerry Hotel on December 18th?
A.Play games. B.Enjoy music.
C.Act as Santa. D.Practice dancing.
【小题3】Which of the following requires a wide range of knowledge from its participants?
A.Wednesday Night Quiz @ Paddy's. B.Adult Street Dance Classes. C.Kerry Hotel Christmas Party. D.Chongli Ski Camp.
2. Harry Potter, a pirate, a baseball player and a gentleman in a bowler hat — Logan Houghtelling turned into all of them, in class, and way before Halloween.
Life was difficult for the San Francisco Bay area teenager. He worried about his father, a firefighter who was battling wildfires, and missed his friends during the coronavirus pandemic. "I know other people are feeling like this. So, why don't I dress up and try to bring happiness to people? "
So starting in August, he set out to cheer up his classmates, his family and others who have come to wonder what he'll wear next for his classes on Zoom. One day, he popped up on screen in a toga (宽袍);another day, he wore a cowboy hat and a Western shirt. In September, he wore the uniform of the Chicago Cubs. In October, he was Seymour Krelborn from Little Shop of Horrors. He even dressed
up as a bottle of sriracha sauce(辣椒酱). "I've had two teachers just stop in mid-sentence and start laughing, " the 15-year-old boy said. "I've had classmates text me like, 'What are you wearing today?
Most ideas come from Halloween costumes that he wore in previous years and clothes from around the house that he adapted with the help of his mother, Meredith, an elementary school teacher. "I've actually had fri ends who I’ve bumped into in the grocery store saying, 4 You haven't been posting his pictures lately. I look forward to his pictures every day, '" she said.
Houghtelling said that it's important to try to focus on the positive and help lift others up. “I think there need to be people who go out and bring people happiness, " he said. "More people need to do that. We just need to spread positivity. "
【小题1】What's Houghtelling's purpose of dressing himself up?
A.To comfort his father. B.To celebrate Halloween.
C.To make people happy. D.To attract fans on social media.
【小题2】Why did Hough telling's teachers suddenly stop talking on Zoom?
A.Because they were afraid of the coronavirus.
B.Because they were shocked by the sriracha sauce.
C.Because they were annoyed at Houghtelling's action.
D.Because they were amused by Hough telling's funny looks.
【小题3】Which words can best describe Houghtelling?
A.Heroic and determined. B.Friendly and generous. C.Creative and optimistic. D.Naughty and troublesome.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.Teen changes roles during the pandemic
B.Teen dresses in costumes to cheer others
C.Homemade costumes prepared for Halloween
D.San Francisco boy stays positive by playing tricks
3. The SNAG stands for stereotyped nature-inspired aerial grasper and it’s a 3D-printed bird robot with claws. It can fly, stay on various surfaces catch and carry objects, just like the mighty falcon (隼)that was used as the source of inspiration in its development.
Each leg of the SNAG has two motors, one for helping it move back and forth, and the other one for grasping. Twenty printing attempts were necessary for the robot to finally reach its current structure, but it was worth it. Now, according to researchers, the flying machine has an impressively strong and high-speed clutch(离合器),being able to land and wrap its claws around a branch in about 20 milliseconds. SNAG has ankles lock, and there’s an accelerometer (加速计)on its right foot that reports that it’s landed while triggering(触发)a balancing process to stabilize it.
Scientists have already conducted several tests with the robot in rural areas and on different surfaces. In all the situations, the SNAG was able to catch objects thrown by hand, such as bean bags, a tennis ball, and more.
As for the applications of the bird-like robot, the SNAG can get attached to drones(无人机)and be used for search and rescue missions, wildfire monitoring, to offer just a few examples. Another great application is environmental research, with the SNAG also featuring a temperature and humidity(湿度)
sensor. By using a robot that can act like a bird, you can unlock new ways of studying the environment, as explained by William Roderick, mechanical engineer and one of the researchers involved in the project. Now scientists are moving on to improving the robot’s situational awareness and flight control.
This isn’t the first time that nature has inspired groundbreaking technologies. We also wrote a piece recently about the F-SAM micro drone, which was inspired by the flight of samara(翼果)seeds, also known as “twisters” which have a special way of spinning down to the ground.
【小题1】What gave the researchers inspiration for the SNAG’s development?
A.The plane. B.The falcon.
C.The micro drone. D.The samara seeds.
【小题2】What’s the function of the accelerometer on the SNAG?
A.To balance the SNAG in flight.
B.To change the SNAG’s flying speed.
C.To keep the SNAG’s feet in balance.
D.To make the SNAG steady on a surface.
【小题3】What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us about the SNAG?
A.The SNAG has huge potential for practical use.
B.The SNAG has a long way to go before being used.
C.The SNAG will be helpful in putting out forest fires.
D.The SNAG is sensitive to temperature and humidity.
【小题4】What may be one disadvantage of the SNAG right now?
A.It doesn’t know its situation well.
B.It can’t fly fast enough in the air.
C.It is easily broken by the branches.
D.It can’t catch objects with smooth surfaces.
4. Pubs and other public places should rethink fitting washrooms with high-speed electric hand dryers because paper towels do a better job of containing germs when people do not wash their hands properly, researchers say. A study found that the dryers left more
contamination (污染) on poorly washed hands when compared with old-fashioned paper towels. They also caused virus particles to be blown on to clothing and people who used them left a trail of microbes (微
生物) when they touched surfaces.
The findings are relevant, the authors of the study said, because even healthcare workers often take shortcuts when washing their hands.
A previous survey found that only 40 percent stuck to recommended
hand-washing practices. The study involved an experiment where volunteers dipped their hands in a liquid containing a harmless virus and dried them using either an air dryer or paper towels. The participants also wore aprons to measure how contamination had spread to their clothing. They were t
hen asked to walk through a hospital while touching surfaces such as lift buttons. Samples were collected from surfaces that volunteers had touched and from the aprons.
On average, the levels of contamination to surfaces volunteers touched were ten times higher after hands were dried with an air
dryer than with paper towels. Researchers also saw greater transfer
of microbes to the apron when volunteers used the air dryer. “The study was performed in a healthcare setting and has important lessons for health institutions that still have high-speed air dryers, but
the results are also relevant for public restrooms,”Dr Ines Moura, a research fellow at the University of Leeds and an author of the study,