1. 文中划线短语"prices of tickets"的中文意思是" ".
A. 地点
B. 票价
C. 节目
D. 任务
2. Jack is 9 years old,so he needs to pay (支付)yuan for visiting Happy Zoo.
A. 0
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
3. What show can people see at 10:?
A. The Lion Show.
B. The Tiger Show.
C. The Elephant Show.
D. The Monkey Show.
4. Computer Shop is open for  hours.
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 15
5. Which of the following can't we know from the material (材料)?
A. The opening time of Computer Shop.
B. The telephone number of Present Shop.
C. The price of the computers.
D. The address of the zoo.
I'm a dog.My name is Rufus.I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters.We live in different families.
I live in the Garcia family.Mr.and Mrs.Garcia have a cat.Its name is Tom.Tom is black.And it has gre en eyes.I'm white and I have brown eyes.
Our house is big.Tom and I live in different rooms.This is my room.There is a small bed(床),
a sofa and a desk in it.Sometimes I sleep(睡)
on the bed and sometimes I sleep on the sofa.Tom has its room,too.There are two sofas and a chair(椅子)
in its room.Tom doesn't like sleeping on the sofa.It often sleeps on the chair.Sometimes it sleeps in my
r oom.We are good friends.
I have a good time every day.
6. How many sisters does Rufus have?
A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 4.
D. 5.
7. What color are Tom's eyes?
A. Red.
B. Brown.
C. Green.
D. Black.
8. What is in Rufus's room?
A. A bed.
B. A chair.
C. Two sofas.
D. Two desks.
9. Where does Tom often sleep?
A.    B.
C.    D.
10. What can we know from the passage?
A. Tom is a white cat.
B. Rufus lives with its parents.
C. Rufus and Tom are good friends.
D. The Garcia family live in a white house.
Daisy is a junior high school student. She' s 13. Her good friend Joe' s 12th birthday (生日)is coming. Daisy wants to buy him a schoolbag. But she doesn't want to ask for money (钱)from her family. Linda, Daisy' s sister, has a good idea. She thinks Daisy can help people walk dogs (遛狗)to get some money.
Daisy goes to many houses. Some people don' t have a dog. Some people don' t need her help. But three people hire her. She is very happy.
Daisy walks dogs after school every day. After a week, she gets 100 yuan. She buys a blue schoolbag for Joe. It's his favorite color. "Joe will like the schoolbag," Daisy thinks.
11. How old is Daisy?______
A. 11.
B. 12.
C. 13.
D. 14.
12. What does Daisy want to buy for Joe?______
A. A dog.
B. A pencil box.
C. A toy car.
D. A schoolbag.
13. What' s Linda' s idea______
A. To ask parents for help.
B. To cook food for people.
C. To walk dogs for people.
D. To ask grandparents for help.
14. 文中划线单词"hire"的中文意思是" ______ ".
A. 鼓励
B. 雇用
C. 安慰
D. 问候
15. What can we know from the passage?______
A. Linda is 13 this year.
B. Joe likes the color blue.
C. Daisy has a family of three.
D. Daisy and Joe are classmates.
16. Betsy likes taking photos,
Karen is Betsy's friend.She also likes taking photos and she has a nice camera(照相
机).Betsy uses (使用)her father's camera. (1)And it doesn't work sometimes.
On Sunday morning,they take photos on the hill.
" (2)" says Betsy.Her camera doesn't work again.
"You need a new camera,"says Karen.
"I know,but I don't have money (钱)."
" (3)"
The camera is Betsy's father's,so she can't sell (卖) it.They get other ideas.But no idea is good.
Two days later Betsy calls Karen happily and says, "Someone posted (邮寄) me a new camera."
" (4)"asks Karen.
"I don't know," says Betsy.
"It's not important (重要的)," Karen says. " (5)And it's your favorite color.Just keep it."
A.Who is it from?
B.Oh,what can I do now?
C.Why not sell it?
D.It is very old.
E.You have a new camera now.
Hey,everyone!I'm Amy.I like  (1)very much,
so I often go to the zoo when I am free.I think it's a good place to relax  (2) Sundays.When you are  (3),you can go there with your family  (4)your friends.In the  (5),there are many animals,(6)elephants,pandas,
monkeys and tigers.Elephants (7)the biggest animals in the zoo.They have very long  (8)
.They can help people  (9)heavy work.So I like  (10)very much.
My father is a  (11)in Beijing Zoo.Many people  (12)it every day.
(13)tells them the rules (规
则) of the zoo and  (14)people think he is (15)responsible (负责的) worker in the zoo.
17.  A. vegetables B. children    C. people    D. animals
18.  A. on    B. at    C. in    D. under
19.  A. nice    B. strong    C. free    D. busy
20.  A. and    B. but    C. so    D. because
21.  A. home    B. zoo    C. school    D. library
22.  A. for    B. in    C. like    D. with
23.  A. be    B. is    C. are    D. am
24.  A. necks    B. noses    C. legs    D. ears
25.  A. do    B. call    C. work    D. think
26.  A. it    B. him    C. her    D. them2022恢复线下教学通知河南
27.  A. farmer    B. worker    C. driver    D. teacher
28.  A. have    B. visit    C. go    D. come
29.  A. Amy    B. Workers    C. Many people    D. My father
30.  A. few    B. little    C. many    D. much
31.  A. a    B. an    C. the    D.  /
32. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空
(1)      .They like playing in the water.Peter sees three giraffes (长颈鹿)(2)      .They're (3) and beautiful.They are near a big tree.They like eating leaves (树
叶) very much.Peter takes many photo of(4)      .
Peter also (也) sees a panda.The
(5)name is Lanlan.She's really cute.She likes sleeping and eating.Bamboo is her
Peter likes Kingba best.He's a strong lion from Africa.He is in the cage (笼子).He likes eating (7)      .
At last (最后),Peter sees a red(8)black bird (鸟) from America.She can (9)Chinese and English.Peter(10) to talk with (和……谈话) her,
but the bird flies away.