Mandarin (普通话) Summer Camp in China
For 7 to 17-year-olds
Our Chinese Summer Camp Programmes are suitable for kids and teens. They will be grouped with other students of similar Chinese level and age.
Interactive lessons
We make lessons fun and engaging for your kids through various methods:cartoon classes. storytelling. role playing. games and more.
Vibrant cultural activities
Kids will get to try their hands at both traditional and modern Chinese arts and games and practise the language in a real-life setting. Explore the Chinese culture. Visit famous cultural sites in China and learn Mandarin together with 300 other campers from different countries for an exciting and memorable experience!
Mandarin summer camp features
We emphasize on our students’ well-being and safety and make sure they’re well taken care of at all times. Our staff are available 24/7 to provide assistance in case any issue arises.
We work only with credible restaurants to provide healthy and nutritious meals to our students. Students can always find something they like at mealtime. with options of Western or Chinese cuisines.
Students are placed in a modern: comfortable hotel accommodation close to our school. One standard room is shared by two students. A male teacher and a female one will stay with them and be supervisors.
From RMB6000 to RMB 48.000
Click here for the complete list of our camp prices.
Comments from parents
This has been such a great experience! Our daughter had so much fun and she enjoyed all the activities and field trips. We would like to come back again next year.
Michelle W.
Parents of a student
1.Which is one of the activities for campers?
A.Visiting some Chinese cultural sites.
B.Trying various snacks on the street.
C.earning to do some Chinese kung fu.
D.Introducing traditional Chinese songs.
2.Why does the author mention the comments of parents?
A.To ask previous campers to come back again.
B.To respond to parents’ requests and questions.
C.To make the text more persuasive.
D.To share a parent’s happy experience
3.Where does the text come from?
A.A website.    B.A textbook.
C.A magazine.    D.A newspaper.
For over 14 years, Iylene Weiss has been fighting to save the Ballona Lagoon, a narrow, mile-long wetland surrounded by ever growing residential development. But now, thanks to her determination: and the help of her army of volunteers and the California Coastal Commission, it looks as though the fight may finally be over.
Iylene Weiss, founder of the Ballona Lagoon Marine Preserve(BLMP).has been working to save this fragile ecosystem for fourteen years, It’s taken a long fight. Partly because this wetland has seen such incredible abuse for so long. At one time it was even host to a vast oil refinery (精炼厂). In modern times it faces threats of housing development, factory pollution and soil loss. All of that is now changing though, thanks to Iylene Weiss.
The California Coastal Commission recently granted the BLMP its long sought-after permit to begin restoration on this natural habitat.
“Restoration is not only desirable. it is vitally important to our whole ecology,” says Steve R
abinaer, a BLMP board member. “The Ballona lagoon is the only remaining tidal (受潮汐影响的) wetland in Los Angeles County.” Because of the daily tidal flow; the lagoon is host to a vast array of species including halibut diamond turbo, anchovies, clams, shrimps, tern, pelicans, egrets, killdeer as well as dozens of salt-resistant plants.
As part of this innovative foundation, the BMP invites schools to visit the lagoon, where children and adults can learn about life in the tidal pool. There are ten dedicated docents (讲解员) who volunteer to educate the public about the wetlands and their significance in the ecosystem.
“If you understand what a wetland means: and why it’s so important to all of us, you understand that without it we wouldn’t be here. We have to protect our nest,” said Iylene Weiss.
4.What has Iylene Weiss been fighting for?
A.The establishment of BIMP    B.The protection of a wetland.
C.Saving the ecosystem of the country    D.Stopping the residential development.
5.Which might be a major threat to the Ballona Lagoon once?
A.Soil lass.    B.Oil refinery.    C.Factory pollution.    D.Housing development.
6.What can we know about the Ballona Lagoon?