Speak up: How do you look after your pets?
The students are tolking about how they look atter thelr pets. Work in groups
and talk about pet core. Use the conversation below as a model
Daniel: How do you look after your dog, Millile?
Millie: Dogs like exercise a lot, so we walk him in the park every evening.
Daniel: Oh, I see. Do you walk your cat, Amy?
Amy; No, we don't, We only brush her fur every day.
Daniel: How do you look after your fish, Peter?
Peter: We put them in clean water, and we never feed them too much.
(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。
Teaching Procedures:
I. Lead-in
Free talk: Do you keep a pet? Please share something about it.
II. Pre-listening
The teacher shows some pictures of animals. Students guess what the conversation is about.
III. While-listening
1.Students listen to the tape and try to figure out the main content of the conversation. Students can learn to take notes if  necessary.
2.Listen again and answer the following questions:
①How does Millie look after his dog?
②Does Amy walk her cat?
③How does Peter look after his fish?
3.Students work in pairs to read the conversation, paying attention to the intonation and pronunciation.
IV. Post-listening
Students work in groups to make a survey about whether the groups member have kept a pet, what it is and how they look after it.
V. Summary
Students summarize what they have learnt today.
VI. Homework教师资格证河北考试时间2022
Search the Internet and conclude more ways of looking after different pets better.
五、Blackboard Design:略
The forty thieves killed Ali Baba's brother. This made Ali Baba very angry. The next day, the thieves wanted to know how the brother got inside the cave. The leader bought some big jars and put a thief inside each one. The leader took the jars to Ali Baba's house. Ali Baba's wife saw the men in the jars. “Who are those men in the jars?
Are they your friends?" asked his wife. “Sh, quiet!" said Ali to his wife. Ali Baba was clever. He killed the thieves and their leader. His family was now safe and they were rich, too.
Teaching Procedures:
I. Lead in
2.Show students a video about a fable in 1001 Night. Students express what they can get from the fable.
II. Presentation
1.Students read the text about Ali Baba and forty thieves and the teacher invites one student to summarize the short story.
2.The teacher reminds students to pay attention to the second sentence in the passage and guides them to analyze components of the sentence.
3.The teacher explains the concept and usage of the object clause, and introduces other connective adverbs that can be used in the object cause, like why, when and where.
III. Practice
Arrange words into sentences
1.is; why; I; know; angry; don't; she
2.my; found; how; can't; my; mom; house; I; imagine; new
IV. Production
The teacher shows several pictures on the screen and students work in groups. Students can make up a story according to the pictures, using object clauses as much as possible. Ten minutes later, the group representatives can show their stories in front of the class.
V. Summary
Students summarize what they have learnt today.
VI. Homework
Search for more fables and introduce one fable in their ownwords and try to use the object clauses.
五、Blackboard Design:略
考试流程:考普通话证(语文老师要二级甲等以上;其他科目要二级乙等以上) 一般3月到6月,9月到12月每个月可以考一次。
考心理学以及教育学(该考试半年一次,通常在3月和10月, 有效期要根据自己省份的规定,因此最好一次性通关;在考心理学和教育学时,就要报名好考试的等级——幼儿教师/小学/初中/高中&高职/大学,你的学历一定要高你报名等级一级,如果你要教高中就一定要大专以上学历,另外大学教师证是提供给大学在职教师考的)
拿上你的以上三个证外加毕业证、身份证、体检,就可以去报名试讲——也就是“说课”,这个时候你要选好科目(就是要选好数学、语文之类的)。说课一般是15分钟,考之前上网下一下模板。 在每年6月和11月,通过说课就可以拿证了。