Global News Around the World
Raising money for Ukraine
       A group of 17 children teamed up to swim the width of the English Channel in less than an hour, and have collected more than £3,300 for people suffering from(遭受)the war in Ukraine. The children, aged between 6 and 15 years old, swam together at their local pool in Derbyshire, England, and completed a distance of 21 miles among them.
       Yellowstone National Park in the US is marking its 150th anniversary(周年纪念日), and it has started a new program called the Inheritance Pass. It is accepting $1,500 donations in exchange for an annual entry pass which is also good for the donor’s children and grandchildren in 150 years. And the money raised through the sale of “Inheritance Passes” will be used to preserve(维护)the park for the next 150 years.
Max’s second Big Camp-Out
       Max Woosey, 12, has spent more than 670 nights camping outside for charity. Through the challenge, he has braved howling winds and rain to raise £700,000 for a hospice(收容所)near his home in Devon, UK. Max is marking his second anniversary with a Big Camp-out, inviting young people to join in from their garden or to put up a tent in their living room to raise money for any charity they choose.
1.All the news above has something to do with __________.
A.travel    B.fundraising    C.nature    D.sports
2.Why did the children complete a 21-mile swim?
A.To find out the width of the English Channel.
B.To escape from Ukraine for a better living.
C.To raise money for those who are suffering from the war.
D.To develop their team spirit.
3.What would be a good heading for the second piece of news?
A.An annual $1,500 donation.
B.150 years of Yellowstone National Park.
C.How and when to get “Inheritance Passes”.
D.Yellowstone offers a special entry pass good for year 2172.
4.The idea behind “Inheritance Passes” is to __________.
A.help safeguard the park for the future
B.leave the donor something as a memorial
C.raise money for children in 150 years
D.draw more people to pay a visit to the park
5.What can we learn about Max Woosey?
A.Many young people are joining him for an outing.
B.He often camps in a garden in bad weather.
C.He hopes more people can show love and care to those in need.
D.He started the challenge more than two years ago.
Resting her phone on a stand and making the light more suitable, 49-year-old Lyu Min started her livestreaming2022年新闻热点大事件 session—her daily job during the COVID-19 outbreak. Dressed in a qipao, a traditional Chinese dress, Lyu started the livestreaming session from her workshop at 10 in the morning, sharing the art of making Chinese knots with many handicraft (手工艺) lovers. She is using a length of colored string and determination to keep this traditional art of Chinese knots alive and help more people understand the culture.
Online traditional Yue opera show
Recently, Chen Yu, an actress of Yue Opera in Ningbo, Zhejiang province has caught people’s attention through livestreaming. She wears costumes and sings beautiful songs from Yue Opera. Apart from singing, Chen also introduces knowledge about Yue Opera when interaction (互动) with her fans. “A number of people at home and abroad visit me online, so as an actress, it’s necessary for me to tell newcomers about this traditional culture.”
National parks with Yangtze River Culture
China plans to construct national parks with Yangtze River culture as their theme, as part of efforts to protect the waterway’s cultural heritage. According to a circular (通告) on the parks’ construction (建造) said by the central leading group on developing national culture parks, the parks will be located in the 13 provincial-level areas in the Yangtze River basin.
6.In which section of the newspaper can we read the news?
7.The best heading for the first news would be __________.
A.Having Chinese knots classes online during the outbreak
B.Introducing an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产)
C.Livestreaming the art of making Chinese knots
D.Attracting more handicraft lovers to make Chinese knots
8.The underlined word “livestreaming” in the first news is close to __________.
A.equipment (设备) for recording videos    B.sending out while happening
C.equipment for making handicrafts    D.sending out after recording
9.It’s clear that Chen Yu __________.
A.wants to enjoy herself by wearing costumes and singing Yue Opera
B.wants to attract more people’s attention through livestreaming
C.is aimed at spreading the culture of Yue Opera
D.is the best actress who sings Yue Opera in Ningbo, Zhejiang province
10.The third news wants to tell the readers __________.
A.there are 13 provinces in the Yangtze River basin
B.the sights along the Yangtze River basin are very beautiful
C.there are 13 national culture parks in the Yangtze River basin
D.China plans to build national parks to protect the waterway’s cultural heritage.
Learning how to save lives with CPR
If you see someone collapse (失去意识), perhaps as a result of a heart attack, what can you do while you wait for an ambulance (救护车)? Chen Wenqiaochu set a good example when he was 14. He performed CPR on a cleaner at his school, saving the man’s life. On Aug 24, a joint guideline (联合通知) was issued by the Ministry of Education and Red Cross Society of China(红十字会). It asks all public schools nationwide to provide first-aid courses, including CPR training, as a part of health education.
The Ministry of Education has banned convenience stores (便利店) in all kindergartens, primary, middle and high schools across the country. The regulation (规章制度) has taken effect since April 1. Many students were sad about the ban. However, many parents expressed support for the regulation. The Beijing News reported. The regulation also requires schools to monitor students who may be overweight, and intervene (干预) to make sure they follow a healthy diet.
No mobile phones in campus
In a notice published by the Ministry of Education on Monday, primary and secondary school students are asked not to bring their cell phones onto the campus, except when it is approved by their parents along with a written application form. Another major point is that teachers are not allowed to assign homework on mobile phones or ask students to complete homework on mobile phones.
11.All the news above has something to do with ________.