(2023·全国·九年级假期作业)Shenzhen Daily 2023-02-28
Getting a pie from the sky is becoming a reality in the city as online delivery platform Meituan has been allowed to start drone delivery service(无人机送餐服务), Shenzhen Evening News reported.
At Galaxy World in Longgang District, a reporter from the newspaper watched how a meal has been delivered by the drone on Thursday. The drone slowly landed and a door above the Meituan Intelligent Dining Cabinet(储藏柜) opened slowly, where the drone put the meal box inside the cabinet.
“It takes about 15 minutes to place the order and receive the meal. A lot of people have tried the drone delivery service here,” said a woman who just took her meal box out from the cabinet.
During the year 2022, food and drinks such as noodles, fruits, coffee and milk tea and even flowers have been delivered through Meituan’s drone delivery system, the report said.
The company said that as of last year, it had completed over 100,000 drone deliveries. Meituan started to explore drone delivery service in 2017 and started the try in early 2021. The service has an average delivery time of 12 minutes, which is less than traditional delivery methods, according to the company.
There are only a few cities in the world with the advantages of drone delivery service, and Shenzhen is taking the lead in China, according to the report. However, there are still some problems with this kind of service. 1.Where is the meal box put?
A.In Longgang District.B.Inside the cabinet.
C.By the drone.D.At Galaxy World.
2.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Where the drone landed.
B.When the service started.
C.How the service provided.
D.Who watched the drone.
3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Many cities around the world have the drone delivery service.
B.The drone delivery service has many advantages in our daily life.
C.Shenzhen is the first city starting drone delivery service in China.
D.The drone delivery service is very popular all over the world.
4.What is the passage going to talk about next?
A.How to make good use of the drone delivery service.
B.What problems the drone delivery service faces.
C.How to solve the problems of the drone delivery service.
D.What advantages the drone delivery service has.
(2023·广东汕头·校联考三模)A team of elderly women in Chongqing, serving as “shared-grandmas” to help working parents pick up their children from school and stay with the kids, has received a lot of likes online recently.
The team of “shared-grandmas” from the Shipingcun Community in Chongqing’s Jiulongpo District includes nine retired (退休的) women, mostly empty-nesters (空巢老人). They volunteer to take care of 25 kids in the community.
Working parents of the children who aren’t able to pick up their kids from school are in need of a temporary guardian (临时监护人). The volunteers can spare the time and energy for the family and ease (缓解) their loneliness by doing the job.
Deng Lihong, 66, is a member of the team. Every weekday, she picks up the children from school, and accompanies them while they do their homework and play in the community room until their parents pick them up.
“I feel young with the kids and my retired life is meaningful,” she said.
“The program started in April and the number of the team members is still growing,” Cao Yidan, the chairman of Chongqing Amber Social Work Service Center, said.
“The program is great and worth promoting (提倡) in other places in the country,” an Internet user said.
“We encourage the retired women in the community to take part in this public service. It’s a win-win situation for the families in need and ‘shared-grandmas’. The feeling of achievement and happiness means a lot to them,” Peng Mei, the secretary of the Party Committee of Shipingcun Community, said.
5.About working parents, we can learn from the third paragraph that ________.
A.they want to go home directly after a day’s work
B.they can’t pick up their kids from school on time
C.they hope their kids will help the elderly ease their loneliness
D.they think their kids need the care of grandmas
6.The underlined word “accompanies” means “________” in the fourth paragraph.
A.stays or goes somewhere with somebody B.helps somebody cook breakfast
C.buys somebody some important things D.teaches somebody to do housework
7.The “shared-grandmas” are ________ according to the passage.
A.warm-hearted B.poor C.creative D.rich
8.We can know from the passage that ________.
A.all elderly women are encouraged to serve as “shared-grandmas”
B.the program has started in all communities in the country
C.the working parents pay the “shared-grandmas” money for their work
D.though the “shared-grandmas” are retired, they still play an active role in society
9.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How the elderly spend their retired lives
B.Empty-nesters volunteer to look after patients
C.“Shared-grandmas” — a win-win public service
D.A program offers chances to all the elderly to let them enjoy themselves
(2023·云南昆明·云南师范大学实验中学校考三模)In December, 2022, Memphis Zoo in Tennessee announced that it would return Ya Ya, who arrived in the US in 2003. After her 20-year loan period(租借期) ended on April 7, China’s giant panda Ya Ya finally returned home from the US after 20 days.
China prepared to welcome back Ya Ya and experts from Beijing Zoo arrived in the US in March to learn about
her habits and feeding situation from the zoo staff members. Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the quarantine(检疫) and feeding places for Ya Ya are ready along with her feeding plans and medical care.
In January, visitors found that Ya Ya had become very thin, which made many Chinese and animal lovers abroad worry about her health and life quality at the Memphis Zoo. The Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens said in an announcement that giant panda Ya Ya had been well cared for since it was sent to Memphis Zoo in the United States in 2003, and no signs of neglect(忽视) had been found, based on videos of the giant panda, monthly health reports and annual physical examinations.
Once Ya Ya finishes a 30-day mandatory(强制的) quarantine in Shanghai after landing in China, she will then be sent to Beijing Zoo.
The news that Ya Ya would come back to China cheered up millions of Chinese people. By April 9, 250 million people had talked about Ya Ya on the Internet. “Come home soon, Ya Ya. I’ll go to see you in the zoo even if I have to wait in line all day long!” An Internet user commented(评论) on Sina Weibo.
10.When did Ya Ya return from the US?
A.On April 7, 2003.B.On April 7, 2023.
2022年新闻热点大事件C.On April 27, 2023.D.On December 13, 2022
11.Why did many Chinese and animal lovers abroad worry about Ya Ya?
A.Because it had been neglected.B.Because it had become very thin.
C.Because it had been well cared for.D.Because it had annual physical examinations.
12.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.China prepared to welcome Ya Ya back.
B.Experts from Beijing Zoo learned about Ya Ya’s habits.
C.The zoo staff members from Memphis Zoo didn’t know Ya Ya’s feeding situation.
D.China prepared feeding plans and medical care for Ya Ya.
13.What will happen to Ya Ya after a 30-day quarantine in Shanghai?
A.She will be sent to Beijing Zoo.
B.She will stay in Shanghai for further medical treatment.
C.She will go back to the US.
D.She will be put back in the wild.
14.What can we infer from the Internet user’s words on Sina Weibo?
A.He/She felt quite disappointed to know the news.
B.He/She was surprised to hear the news.
C.He/She felt angry to wait for a long time.
D.He/She jumped for joy when he/she heard the news.
(2023·江苏苏州·苏州市第十六中学校考二模)“Tum left! Turn right!” In the information technology (IT) class, Zhang Ruixuan was controlling a robot to move around.
“This is part of our artificial intelligence (AI) courses,” said the 10th grader from Beijing 101 Middle School. The school provides AI classes to both junior and senior high school students. Apart from compulsory (必修的) courses that teach basic knowledge, there are also optional (选修的) courses if students want to learn more.
“This semester in our compulsory class, we have learned coding (编程) through a programming language called Python,” said Zhang. Using Python to code is a basic skill for training AI models. In recent years, Python has been tested in high school graduation exams in places like Beijing, Jiangsu and Anhui.
In fact, having AI education in schools has become a growing trend (趋势) in many places, with Zhejiang province being atypical example. In 2020, Zhejiang added AI education into textbooks from Grade 5 in primary school all the way to senior high. In the city of Wenzhou, the government is planning to build 1, 000 AI experimental schools by 2025.
“With the development of technology, our textbooks have been changing all the time,” said Shang Yin,
an IT teacher from Beijing 101 Middle School. “From typing to using Word and Excel, and then today’s coding and AI, the courses are keeping up with the times and teaching students necessary skills.” In the future, there will be more jobs where AI knowledge is required. Even in daily life, people may need to understand things like Chat GPT and the internet of things. AI education will become increasingly important, Shang added.
15.How did the writer start the passage?
A.By drawing a conclusion.B.By telling a story.
C.By describing a scene.D.By explaining the truth.
16.What do we know about the AI class at Beijing 101 Middle School?
A.It is an optional course.
B.It only teaches basic knowledge.
C.It teaches students to code with Python.