一、 虚拟语气
    did /didn’t sth (希望某人现在或者将来做某事)
Would  rather  that sb   
    had/hadn’t done sth (希望某人过去应该做某事)
eg1: I would  rather  that  you  began  today.  译:我希望你今天就开始
eg2: I would  rather  that  I  hadn’t  spend  so much  money  译: 我真希望自己没有花掉那么多钱。
If only  要是
eg1: If only we could go abraod for our holidays this year.  译: 要是我今年能去国外度假就好
eg2: If only we hadn’t wasted so much time in college  译:要是我们在大学里没有浪费这么多时间就好了。
It is high time that……………..(谓语动词的一般过去时)
eg1  it is time that she washed that dress  译:她该洗衣服。
④动词引导的宾语从句(从句应为should +动词原型) advise/ask /demand/ insist/ suggest/ require /request /urge/ propose
eg1 the teacher demanded that the student should leave the classroom  译:老师要求那个学生离开教室。
It is +形容词+that +sb + should +动词原型  necessary/essential/advisable/urgent/ important/vital
eg1:It’s vital for your health that you take this medicine.  译:这些药对你的健康很有帮助。
        主句                    从句
If +主语+did/was /were .    主语+would/should /could +have+done(对现在或将来的假设)
If+主语+had done          主语+ would/should /could +have+done(对过去的假设)
eg1:if I had the time ,I would go to the beach with you this weekend
Eg2: if she had returned an hour earlier ,mary would haven’t caught in  the  rain.
  译:要是玛丽提前一个小时返程, 她将不会淋雨。
It +be+ 序数词(first second )time that+从句
    be 四六级啥时候考为is ,从句用现在完成时。Eg1: It is the second time that I have seen this film
    be was,从句用过去完成时。Eg2: It was the second time that I had been out with alone
But for ……………要不是,(从句主语+ would/should /could +have+done
Eg1: But for the stormrain,our sports meeting wouldn’t have been cancled  译:要不是暴风雨,运动会将不会被取消。
More A than B与其说B不如说A
eg1:Experinces shows that sucesess is due more to hard work than to his intelligence.
There is nothing to do but +动词原型
Do nothing /couldn’t do anything but do
eg1:There is nothing we can do but wait as calmly as we can .译: 我们除了在这静静地等外,没有其他办法了。
eg2:I couldn’t do anything but just sit there..译:我们除了在这静静地等外,没有其他办法了
Only+ 状语+主谓倒装------------(将助动词/情态动词或be动词提前)
eg1Only recently had I taken holiday activities into consideration
eg2Only when he had done it did  he realize that he had made a mistake.
At no time /in no way /under no circumstances/on no account/in no case.
eg1: under no circumstances should we ignore our mistakes.
Not until / never/ no sooner/ not only / scarcely/ hardly/ rarely/ seldom/ little.
eg1: Not only quite recently did I have any idea what a foolish mistake was.
eg2Not only did Jim show himself a good student but he also proved himself a good athlete.
eg3: Scarcely had we started lunch when the doorbell rang. 译:正当我们开始吃饭时候门铃响了。
eg4: No sooner had Mary arrived there than she fell ill.  译:玛丽一到那儿就开始生病了。
What 引导的从句
①作主语  what  caused the accident is a complete mystery
②作表语  this book is just what I have  been  looking for
③作宾语  show me what  you  have written
让步状语从句  No matter how/when /who /what
So far up to now. until recently .lately .in recent years /
It  happens /appears /seems/+that / 碰巧的是、好像会、似乎是、
eg1: It happened that I  was not in London at that time    译:碰巧的是我那时候不在伦敦。
It occurs/occurred to sb that …………
eg2: It occurred  to  me  that  she might  have  forgotten the date.
Must/could/can/might /may + have done …….推测某人已做过某事
eg1: I must have been asleep    译:我那时可能已经睡了。
Needn’t / shouldn’t + have + done …….已经做过了一件本没必要或不应该做的事情
eg1: I needn’t have written to him because he phoned me shortly.
Unless(除非)/  in case(以防) / as long as(只要)  .(主句为一般现在时,从句为一般将来时
eg1:Unless you tell him ,he will lose faith in you completely
    译: 除非你告诉他,否则他将对你完全失去信任。
eg2 You can go out ,as long as you promise to be back before eleven .
  __________________________(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. (KeyNot until he accomplished / finished the mission )
  Not only ……..but also……