1. 为了做好乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师岗位聘用工作,根据省、市有关规定,结合乡镇实际,制定本政策。
2. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师聘用对象是具有高级技师资格证书,并取得了省、市乡镇技能大赛奖项的乡镇工勤技能人才。
3. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师聘用以乡镇企业、事业单位和社会团体为聘用主体,聘用工作由聘用单位负责组织实施。
4. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师的聘用形式以兼职或专职为主,聘用合同期限为1至3年,聘用合同执行期满后,可以续聘。
5. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师的收入主要包括基本工资、津贴和绩效工资三部分。基本工资标准按照乡镇企业、事业单位和社会团体规定执行;津贴标准为乡镇企业、事业单位和社会团体每年提供100元;绩效工资标准按照乡镇企业、事业单位和社会团体规定执行。
6. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师的工作时间和工作地点按照乡镇企业、事业单位和社会团体规定执行。
7. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师享受国家规定的社会保障和福利待遇,并参加乡镇工勤技能人才培训。
8. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师在乡镇企业、事业单位和社会团体的工作中,应当认真履行职责,遵守纪律,接受管理和监督。
9. 乡镇工勤技能岗位高级技师的聘用工作由乡镇人力资源和社会保障部门负责组织实施。
The policy of senior technician employment in rural and urban townships
In order to improve the quality of senior technician employment in rural and urban townships, according to the relevant regulations of the province and city, and combined with the actual situation of townships, this policy is formulated.
The objects of senior technician employment in rural and urban townships are those who h
ave senior technician qualifications and have won awards in provincial and municipal township skills competitions.
The employment of senior technicians in rural and urban townships is mainly based on township enterprises, institutions and social organizations. The employment work shall be organized and implemented by the employing unit.
The employment of senior technician in rural and urban townships is mainly based on part-time or full-time, and the employment contract period is 1 to 3 years. After the expiration of the employment contract, it can be renewed.
The income of senior technicians in rural and urban townships is mainly composed of three parts: basic salary, allowance and performance pay. The basic salary standard is implemented in accordance with the regulations of township enterprises, institutions and social organizations; the allowance standard is 100 yuan per year provided by township enterprises, institutions and social organizations; the performance pay standard is implemented in accordance with the regulations of township enterprises, institutions and so
cial organizations.
The working time and place of senior technicians in rural and urban townships shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations of township enterprises, institutions and social organizations.
Senior technicians in rural and urban townships enjoy the social security and welfare treatment prescribed by the state, and participate in the training of township talents.
Senior technicians in rural and urban townships should conscientiously perform their duties, abide by disciplines and accept management and supervision in the work of township enterprises, institutions and social organizations.
The employment of senior technicians in rural and urban townships shall be organized and implemented by the township human resources and social security department.