Part I Dialogue Completion
1.Chris:Doris,Highland Mall is having a big sale this weekend.( )
Doris:Don’t feel like it.I’m broke.
A .You wanna go?
B .I wish I knew it.
C .I can tell.
D .You like it?
2.Brenda:Did you say you’re going to take a vacation next week?
Lorena:Yes.I’m going to San Francisco for a couple of days.
Brenda: ( )I wish I could get away for a while.
A .Could you go with me?
B .How lucky I am!
C .I really appreciate it.
D .I really envy you.
3.Jerry:Can you loan me some money?
Cathy:( )I’ve already gone through my paycheck for the week.
A .How can I?
B .I’m sorry.
C .I’m not sure.
D .Can you imagine?
4.Jose:Pamela,can you come to a meeting on Friday?
Pamela:I’m not sure. ( ) What time are you having it?
Jose:We’re planning on having it around noon.
A .Oh,go ahead.
B .Oh,yes.
C .Let me check my schedule.
D . I would like to join you.
5.Marshall:Do you know what Jason’s office phone number is?
Pam:I’m sorry.You might want to look it up in the phone book.
Marshall: ( )but it seems that his phone number is UNLISTED.
A .Sure thing,
B .I don’t know,
C .I’ve checked it already,
D .Oh,don’t bother,
6.Jake:I thought Jane’d be happy.
Cathy:Yeah,especially since she got a promotion recently.
Jake:Maybe it’s ( )
A .something she’d like to keep secret.
B .what she usually does.
C .how she copes with something unpleasant.
D .some kind of personal problem.
7.Sarah:Why isn’t Judy at work today?
Barbara:Apparently, ( )a nd she couldn’t come.
Sarah:I wonder what happened.
A .something came up
B .she didn’t say anything
C .she would like to quit
D .something could happen
8.Angela:I came across Amanda yesterday.
Bruce: ( )
A .How is she doing?
B .Never mind.
C .No worry.
D . Is she right?
9.Hart:Don’t lose heart.Whatever difficulties you have will be overcome in the end. Rose: ( )
A .That sounds odd.
B .We are expecting a change.
C .I hope so!
D .You are welcome!
10.Jack:I’ve sent out lots of applicati ons,but received no offer yet. Jerry: ( )
A .You think so?
B .Look who’s talking.
C .Is that OK?
D .Don’t worry.
11.Customer:I’m sorry t o say this,but these snacks are awful. Waitress: ( )
A .What’s your opinion?
B .How can you say that?
C .I’m terribly sorry about that,sir.
D .That’s quite normal.
12.Grace:Why don’t we go out for a picnic this weekend? Susie: ( )
A .That’s a brilliant idea.
B .Sounds like an excellent job.
C .Glad you could make it.
广东学位英语成绩查询D .I’m sure it isn’t so bad.
13.Secretary:Can I get some information about this program? Manager: ( )
A .Yes,you do.
B .Go on.
C .You certainly can.
D .Good idea.
14.Guest:Thank you for your effort to make my stay comfortable. Host: ( )
A .Never mind.
B .Don’t be so polite.
C .You are so kind.
D .It’s my pleasure.
15.Linda:Can you lend me a hand with this suitcase?
Richard: ( )
A .Well,I ca n’t.
B .I guess you can.
C .With pleasure.
D .Don’t bother.
Part II Reading Comprehension
Passage One
A 3-year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home.But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers that he was not along in the rainy,freezing cold woods.He said he was with a friend—a bear.
The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends at his
grand mother’s house in the southern state of North Carolina.When the other children returned to the house and Casey did not,the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.
Police formed a search and rescue team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods.But two days went by and still—no Casey.The woods of North Carolina are home to many black bears,like this one.It seems one of them helped a little boy while he was lost in the woods.Then on January 24,someone called the police saying they heard a child crying in the woods.
Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9:30 that night.They pulled him out of some briar(荆棘).He was in good health.Police Officer Chip Hughes said that Casey did not say how he was able to survive in the woods for two days in the could,rainy weather,but that “he did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear that was with him.”
Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts,including some 600 volunteers,federal police and members of the military.Hughes told reporters that at no point did he think Casey had been kidnapped().
Doctors at Carolina East Medical Center treated Casey for minor injuries.He was then released to his
family on January 25.
16.According to the passage,C asey’s missing is a case of ( ).
A.pure accident
B.planned kidnap
C.children’s trick
D.animal attack
17. The woods are mentioned again and again to indicate that they ( ).
A.provide good places for children to play in
B.are home to bears and thus dangerous to children
C.stand for good environment around Casey’s home
D.may be the cause of the rainy weather in the area
18.After receiving the call,the police ( ).
A.appeared indifferent
B.found Casey immediately
C.made a quick response
D.did not know what to do
19.When found in the woods,Casey was ( ).
A. playing with a bear
B.badly injured by a bear
C.hiding in some briar
D.in good condition
20.All the following are mentioned as those helping in the rescue efforts EXCEPT ( ).
C.federal police
Passage Two
The ideas about healthy eating have not changed much from your great-grandmother’s time.Eat a variety of foods,don’t gain weight and avoid too much salt and sugar.But scientists keep changing their advice.In a 2012 U.S. poll,half of the respondents(受访者) said it was easier to do taxes than to figure
out what is healthy to eat.Why isn’t it simpler?
For one thing,nutrition or food science is really new research.It is not yet
relia ble.And,there’s lots of money to be made in the food business.So companie s will
say their food is healthy even if it isn’t.
In 2011,the U.S. government put out dietary guidelines about cholesterol(胆固醇) and total fat.The panel of scientists wrote that a he althy diet is “lower in red and processed meat” because these meats le ad to higher death rates from cancer and heart disease.After strong objections from the meat industry,that caution was dropped in 2016.
The 2016 U.S. nutrition guidelines have 204 pages.They are very
complicated,making many believe that they have,at times,contributed to worsening health.For instance,warnings that the fat in butter and cream