20XX 年 6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第三套)解析
Part I Writing  【参考范文】  As we know, science and technology are the primary forces that drive social and economic development. Robots are the inevitable products of technological progress and the crystallization of human wisdom. It bees increasingly possible for robots to replace human beings in work and in life, which will have a profound impact on our lives in the future. From my point of view, the influence of robots is two-sided. On the one hand, robots can increase work efficiency and avoid accidents in which human lives are lost. Furthermore, more people can be released from the routine of simple and monotonous tasks and instead can concentrate on sophisticated skills and technologies. On the other hand, more robots in industry means that fewer people are needed in some fields, leading to the unemployment
of people with less education. By and large, we can e to the conclusion that the impact of robots on industry and people’s daily lives is a double-edged sword. Only by receiving more education can we adapt to the changes brought by it.    听力Section    A 参考答案
1 What do we learn about the South Theater pa ny?  [B]【解析】女士说South Theater pany 想知道我们是否对赞助他们去东亚旅行感兴趣。由此判断这个公司打算去东亚旅行。因此答案为  B 项。
【干扰项排除】①根据各选项内容判断本题问it 计划做什么事情。②A“给电子产品做广告”对话没有提及,虽然对话提到了广告,但那是下文女士建议公司借赞助的机会给自己做广告,而且也不是South Theaterpany 要做的事情;South Theater pany 想拉赞助而不是赞助方,
C 是利用对话中出现的program 胡乱制造的干扰项;
2 How much does the South Theater pany ask
for in the letter?  [A]【解析】对话中女士明确提到,来信写着希望从女士所在公司得到 20000 英镑的赞助,故  A 项正确。
注意关于数字等的相关表达。②B项属于近音干扰。C 项利用女士说“but I don'
t know if they might settle for less”来设置干扰,女士是说不知道对方公司会否接受金额少一点的赞助,这是女士的想法,不是信中写的金额。D 项是结合上述两点设
3 What benefit does the woman say their fi rm can get by sponsoring the South Theaterpany?
4 What does the woman suggest they do inst ead of paying the South Theater pany'
stravel expenses?  [C]【解析】当男士说旅行的费用太
高,没法赞助的时候,女士说为什么不去支付这个旅行项目的印刷费用呢。因此答案为  C 项。
题目问建议或打算。②A中的“长期合作”、B 中的
“财政状况”以及  D 中的“出版”完全没有出现在对话
5 What does last week'
s announcement say about rock star,Phil Collins?
[D]【解析】对话中提到上周宣布Phil Collins 可能会
doctor 和counsel (建议)作干扰,对话中并未
说Phil Collins 去看医生和顾问(counsellor);
B“到一种训练嗓音的新方法”对话没有提及;C 中
的abusing drugs ()与录音中
的voice abuse 不符。
6 What does Paul Philips say about aspirin?
英语六级报名时间2022年下半年②A中的“上瘾”对话中没有提及;B 中的“热身”尽管在对话最后提到,但不是阿司匹林的作用;C 利用对话中提到的coughs “咳嗽”进行干扰,咳嗽和感冒并不是一回事。
7 What does Paul Philips say about young p op singers?  [B] 【解析】对话中提到大多数流行歌手面临三个问题:缺乏训练、过度使用和滥用嗓子,特别是他们年轻的时候。B 项说到了其中一项。
8 What are the speakers mainly talking abou t?  [C] 【解析】对话中女士在谈到一个歌手因嗓子问题不得不取消巡演后,问男士有没有什么建议给那些面临嗓音问题的歌手,然后就此展开了对话。由此判断对话主题是歌手的嗓音问题。故答案为C。