专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷410 (题后含答案及解析)
PART I    DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.
听力原文:Irish Students Drinking Causing High Dropout RateExcessive drinking in Irish universities is a major contributor to an alarming dropout rate at some campuses, education officials said. Higher Education Authority chairman told a conference that data indicated students were spending a significant proportion of their time and money on alcohol, newspapers reported. World Health Organization figures showed that Irish per capita consumption of beer, the preferred drink of young men, was 142.5 liters per year, or almost t
wice the European Union average. Some campuses are losing almost a third of their students, education officials said. But the dropout rate in Ireland is in line with international trends.
正确答案:Irish Students Drinking Causing High Dropout RateExcessive drinking in Irish universities is a major contributor to an alarming dropout rate at some campuses, education officials said. Higher Education Authority chairman told a conference that data indicated students were spending a significant proportion of their time and money on alcohol, newspapers reported. World Health Organization figures showed that Irish per capita consumption of beer, the preferred drink of young men, was 142.5 liters per year, or almost twice the European Union average. Some campuses are losing almost a third of their students, education officials said. But the dropout rate in Ireland is in line with international trends.      涉及知识点:听力
SECTION A    TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.
听力原文:Slow Down Your Pace of LifeDo you often feel that you could never catch up with the pace of work, life, and others? Are you constantly stressed out? Do you have sleeping problems? If so, you are very likely to be suffering from the enormous pressure generated by the fast-paced modern life. It is time to slow down.First, put your phone away. Nothing will distract you and keep you unfocused more than checking your telephone for messages every two minutes. Texts, emails, Facebook updates and other little messages will be just as compelling an hour from now.When youre with friends or family, put your phone on silent and keep it tucked away somewhere. Better yet, keep it in the car. Dont look at it. Make a rule at your next get-together that the first person to check their phone pay for drinks.Increasingly, people are experiencing a phenomenon known as FOMO: the f
ear of missing out. F-O-M-O. What if you dont get that status update before everyone else? What if someone beats you to a witty comment stream message? What if your crush texts and you cant respond right away? Dont let convenient technology create complicated stress in your life. Be willing to miss out momentarily to enjoy the moment youre experiencing in the real world.Then, you need to leave your work at work. Dont let the complication of your work day mess up you after work life. Dont bring any work back to the house to complete later --stay until you can finish for the day. If youre feeling stressed out after a work day, do something relaxing the minute you get home. So you dont have to burden your housemates with complaints about the day. Dont spread the complicated stress around. Cut down your hours as much as you can afford to, if your job is a significant source of complication in your life. If you want to simplify, cutting back on work is one of the easiest ways to do it.Stop working weekends. Even if you love your work, dragging work into your weekends starts unbalancing the proportion in your life. You might not feel it right now, but eventually, this will lead to burn out and/or passion reduction. Block off every weekend for the next six months. Not a single one of those weekends can include work fro
m now on.Last but not least, do one thing at a time. Multi-tasking should be avoided, if possible. It is a myth that a person can focus on more than one thing and do so well. While sometimes you have to, or want to, one at a time should be your ideal. Focus on doing the best possible (or good enough) job at this moment. Appreciate what you are doing, even if it is something mundane. Washing the dishes can be pleasurable, if you reflect on how the soapy water feels, your pleasure from your favorite teacup, and how good it feels to have clean dishes.Simplifying doesnt need to be complicated. You could start today.
Slow Down Your Pace of Life1. Put your phone away■ Avoid distractions: 【T1】______, emails, Facebook updates        【T1】______■ Put your phone 【T2】______ and tuck it away somewhere        【T2】______■ Be willing to 【T3】______ awhile to enjoy the real world        【T3】______2. Leave your work at work■ No work at home and 【T4】______ if stressed out【T4】______■ 【T5】______ working hours        【T5】______■ Stop 【T6】______  【T6】______■ Unbalanced life causes burn out and/or 【T7】______          【T7】______3. Do one thing 【T8】______【T8】______■ Avoid 【T9】______: focus on doing the best possible job        【T9】______■ 【T10】______ and reflect on w
hat you are doing 【T10】______
2. 【T1】
解析:本题考查细节。录音在阐述第一个要点时提到:手机往往会给人带来很大的干扰,尤其是短信、邮件、Facebook的更新(texts,emails,Facebook updates)。此处把texts填为messages也正确。 知识模块:听力
3. 【T2】
正确答案:on silent
解析:本题考查对信息的理解及细节的捕捉。录音提到,当与朋友或家人共处时,最好把手机调至静音(put your phone on silent)并将其放在某个地方。故填入on silent。 知识模块:听力
4. 【T3】
正确答案:miss out
解析:本题考查对信息的提炼及理解。录音指出:现代人得了一种缩写为“FOMO”的症状,害怕自己错过任何事。因此,演讲者呼吁,要甘愿暂时地失去一些东西(Be willing to miss out momentarily),而去享受当下这个真实的世界。故填入miss out。 知识模块:听力
5. 【T4】
正确答案:do something relaxing/relax
解析:本题考查对信息的理解和整合。录音在论述第二部分的第一个分论点时提到:不应该把工作带回家:如果在工作场合感到压力很大,那么回家后应该首先做些放松的事情(do something relaxing the minute you get home)。故填入do something relaxing或relax皆可。 知识模块:听力
6. 【T5】
正确答案:Cut down
解析:本题考查对分论点的把握。录音提到:为放慢生活的节奏,应该在承受得起的前提下,减少工作时间(cut down your hours)。故填入Cut down。 知识模块:听力
7. 【T6】
正确答案:working weekends
解析:本题考查对分论点的把握。录音在论述分论点“把工作留在公司”时提到,不要在周末加班(stop working weekends)。故填入working weekends。 知识模块:听力
8. 【T7】
正确答案:passion reduction
英语专业四级报名入口解析:本题考查细节。录音指出,周末加班会使得生活变得不平衡起来,终究会使人筋疲力尽(burn out),以及可能热情消退(passion reduction)。and/or对考生捕捉细节起提示作用。故此题填入passion reduction。 知识模块:听力