专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷54 (题后含答案及解析)
PART I    DICTATION  (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute
听力原文:Old Age    Many people mistakenly believe that old age is a time of increased illness and loneliness./In fact, people do not suddenly change/when they reach the age of 60 or 65./Furthermore, although more parents and their married children live in separate households than ever before,/this is usually by choice./It is not be cause children now tend to neglect their parents when they become old./It is also wrong to believe/that old age seriously
affects a persons mental abilities./There is clear proof/that people who were eager to learn/and who welcomed new experiences in their middle age,/continue to do so in old age./It is true that older people tend to take longer to learn something new than young people./Nevertheless, if they are given sufficient time,/they learn as well as young people do./
正确答案:      涉及知识点:听力
PART II    LISTENING COMPREHENSION  (20 MIN)Directions: In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.
SECTION A    CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文:M:Hi, Mary, it is said that youve chosen to apply for the University of Central En
gland.W:Thats right. Its a new school, established in 1992.M:Whats its student body?W:Heres the brochure. Number of students: Undergraduates, 19,566, postgraduates, 3,378. Despite its new title,the University has played a prominent role since its establishment in the countrys high-tech development.M:Does it have any international students?W:It accounts for 8%.M:Im applying for City University, London. It was founded in 1894 and located in central London.W:How many students are there?M:Not as many undergraduates, about 4,774.3,491 graduates in 2001.But it has a larger body of international students, about 34%.W:Does it offer pre-sessional English courses?M:Of course, since it aims to help overseas students to get over the language barrier.W:Are those courses free?M:Yes. They are provided through the Language Training Center of the University. Does your university offer the same courses?W:No, but they say they have ongoing English language support for overseas students.M:What does it mean? Ongoing support?W:Ive heard theyd assign one tutor to help us with the language.M:That sounds attractive.
1. Whats the percentage of overseas students in City University, London?
解析:数字细节题。从对话中,可以得知伦敦城市大学留学生的比例占34%,即D项。这类题一般都要边听边做笔记。 知识模块:听力
2. How does University of Central England give language help for overseas students?
A.It offers pre-sessional English course.
B.It assigns tutors to help them with the language.
C.It assigns the students English homework.
D.It trains the students listening and speaking ability in class.
解析:细节题。女士申请中英格兰大学,该大学为留学生指派导师,帮助他们学习语言,所以选择B项。 知识模块:听力
3. What do we learn about me conversation?
A.University of Central England has a longer history than City University, London.
B.University of Central England contributes to the countrys high-tech development
C.City University, London has more students than University of Central England.
D.City University, London is located in the north of London.
以排除选项A;选项C、D在对话中都可以排除掉.所以选择B项。 知识模块:听力
听力原文:W:Hello, Mr.Johnson. Im Mary Smith, the personnel manager. M:Hello, Ms. Smith.W:Mr.Johnson, Ive read your records, and you certainly have had excellent experience in your last job. If you dont mind, Id like to know a little about why you want to change your position.M:There are several reasons.The main one is that there is no chance for advancement where I am. The company Im working for is quite small, as you know. In the last couple of years the work has become rather dull. I feel that your larger company can offer me more chances in research. Ive read about lots of exciting new plans youre making.W:Its true that were expanding. Any other reasons?M:Your location here, for one. Im getting tired of the cold weather in winter.W:Right, California does have a pleasant climate.You have two children, dont you?M:My son will graduate from high school in two years, he studies engineering. My daughter is younger.W:Good. If youll just follow me, Mr.Johnson,I will introduce you to the president of the company. Hed like to meet you. And I hope you will be joining us soon.
4. What is Mr.Johnsons main reason for finding a new job?
A.His childrens school education is very expensive.
B.He doesnt like the weather where he works now.
C.His salary is too low.
D.His present job is no longer challenging.
解析:细节题。男士说他想换工作的主要原因是现在的工作没有拓展空间,公司很小,近几年工作变得很无趣。所以D项“现在的工作不再有挑战性”是最佳答案。 知识模块:听力
5. What information of Mr.Johnson did the woman have before the interview?
A.His family background and academic qualification.
B.His previous experience and number of children.
C.His reason for wanting to move to California.
D.His present standard of living and previous experience.
解析:细节题。女士知道男士有丰富的经验,有两个孩子,所以选择B项。 知识模块:听力
6. What can we infer from the conversation?
A.Mr. Johnson is an experienced applicant for a professional job.
B.Mr. Johnson is an experienced applicant for a manual job.