专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷20 (题后含答案及解析)
PART II    LISTENING COMPREHENSION  (20 MIN)Directions: In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.
听力原文:    The incident took place last November in the Iraqi town of Haditha. It was first reported several months later, and a preliminary military investigation in February recommended that a formal criminal investigation be launched. Officials say that probe is still underway. (28)According to the military, 15 Iraqi civilians died in the incident as a result of an explosion caused by an insurgent bomb, which the military calls an IED, or Improvised Explosive Device, that had also killed one of the Marines. Other reports charged that the U.S. Marines on the scene shot the civilians to retaliate for losing their comrade.
1. When did the incident happen?
A.In last October.
B.In last December.
C.In February.
D.In last November.
解析:时间细节题。新闻提到,这个事件发生在去年11月,故选项D为正确答案。 知识模块:新闻
2. According to the military, the death of the Iraqi civilians was caused by______.
A.a car explosion
B.an insurgent bomb
C.the shooting of the U.S. Marines
D.a suicide bomb
解析:细节题。新闻提到,美国军方说,15名伊拉克平民因为者的(an insurgent bomb)而死亡。故选项B为正确答案。 知识模块:新闻
听力原文:    The South Korean businessman who founded the Daewoo Industrial Group has been arrested on his return home after six years on the run. (29)Kim Woo Choong fled South Korea after his business empire collapsed with debts of more than $ 70 billion. Hes accused of fraud and embezzlement. Kim Woo Choong arrived on an early morning flight from Vietnam and was immediately arrested by prosecutors. (30) He faces an array of embezzlement and fraud charges, including the illegal diversion of $20 billion overseas. He also faces more than 40 civil suits. He was mobbed at the airport by reporters and protestors, some of whom lost millions when the Daewoo business group collapsed in 1999. Kim Woo Choong fled abroad shortly afterwards and is reported to have spent most of his time in France.
3. How much was the debt for the Daewood business group collapsed with in 1999?
A.More than $ 17 billion.
B.More than $ 17 million.
C.More than $ 70 billion.
D.More than $ 70 million.
解析:数字题。新闻中出现了两个数字70和20,单位用的都是billion。根据我们的生活经验,可以让一个商业帝国轰然倒塌的一定不只是million这样的概念了。听力中涉及数字的另外一个难点就是区分相似音的辨别,选项中出现17作为混淆项正是在考查我们的辨音能力。根据原文,我们选择的应该是C项。 知识模块:新闻
4. Which crime was impossible for Kim Woo Choong to be charged with?
C.Illegal diversion.
D.Illegal raise finance.
解析:细节题。看这道题目时,应该注意到这里用的是impossible,也就是问的是哪项罪名对于金宇中是不可能的。新闻中提到:“他面临着侵吞款项、欺诈等一系列的指控,包括向海外非法转移了两百亿美元的资金,以及四十多项民事诉讼。”选项D所涉及的内容在新闻中并没有相关表述,所以D项是正确选项。 知识模块:新闻
听力原文:    Wildfires are a feature of the California Summer but its unusual for them to break out so close to major centers of population. Its hot here and getting hotter which is drying the bush making, it all the more incendiary, and the forecast is such that there has been speculation. (22) It could take firefighters a week to bring this blaze under control. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is pleading with people in the path of the flames to extin
guish as soon as theyre told to do so.
5. What is the news item about?
A.Population problems.
B.Features of the California Summer.
C.Wildfires of California.
D.A mass evacuation of California.
解析:主旨题。新闻中指出在加州人口密集区发生火灾是其特点之一,炎热的天气使得灌木着火、将一切化为灰烬。州长Arnold Schwarzenegger呼吁人们一接到指令就立刻疏散。本新闻报道的是加州火灾,故选答案C。 知识模块:新闻
6. Which of the following details in the news is INCORRECT?
A.The wildfire breaks out close to major centers of population.
B.The hot weather makes it difficult for firefighters to control the fire.
C.It would take firefighters a week to put out the wildfire completely.
D.The government has asked people to evacuate from the dangerous path.
解析:细节题。新闻中指出,天气预报预测消防员可能要花上一周的时间才能控制火势,而不是完全扑灭大火,所以正确答案为C。 知识模块:新闻
英语专业四级报名入口听力原文:    Heading overseas to Thailand where grenade attacks in the capital city of Bangkok have killed at least three people. A Thai official said the grenades came from an area where people who were protesting the government were gathered together. The protesters say they are not responsible. They have been fighting with police for a while here. You can see them throwing rocks and other things at police. (23/24)They support the
countrys former prime minister and they want the current leader to leave office. After these recent attacks, Thailands prime minister called an emergency meeting to figure out how to deal with the situation.
7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the news?
A.The capital city of Bangkok was attacked by grenade.
B.The protesters denied being involved in the aaffack.
C.The present leader has resigned from his position.
D.An urgent meeting has been held to solve the problem.
解析:细节题。新闻说,抗议者则声称他们与这次袭击无关。他们支持泰国前总理,希望现任领袖下台。表明现任领袖还未下台,故选答案C。 知识模块:新闻
8. According to the news, the demonstration was caused by______.
A.peoples seeking for democracy
B.conflict between the protesters and the police
C.the dissatisfaction of the present prime minister
D.revenge for the three dead men
解析:推断题。新闻开始就报道:抗议者支持泰国前总理,希望现任领袖下台。故答案是C。答案A(人民祈求民主)与新闻不相符;他们与警方冲突是示威抗议事件的升级,不是原因,答案B不正确;这次事故导致三人身亡,而不是因为三人身亡而引发事故,故答案D不正确。 知识模块:新闻
听力原文:    Its 60 feet long, made of lightweight, fuel-efficient material and can carry eight people out of this world and back.    The first commercial spaceship was unveiled by Sir Richard Branson, who hopes to start passenger trips within two years. The price tag; £
130, 000.    In time we hope to get that price down and down and down so that, you know, one day, people can think: Shall I take my family on holiday to the Caribbean or maybe we should try space travel this year? Thats our aim.    Those that can pay will get the ultimate three-hour thrill ride. The spaceship rockets to 62 miles above the earths surface. Passengers will feel weightless for up to five minutes before heading down through the atmosphere and gliding back to earth.    Organisers say some 300 have already signed up. Space, as a tourist destination, may be one step closer.