(总分:总分:12.0012.0012.00,做题时间:,做题时间:,做题时间:9090分钟分钟) )
一、一、 DICTATION( DICTATION(总题数:总题数:总题数:66,分数:,分数:12.00) 12.00)
1.PART  I  DICTATIONDirections: Listen  to  the  following  passage. Altogether  the  passage  will  be  read  to  you  four  times. During  the  first  reading, which  will  be  done  at  normal  speed, listen  and  try  to  understand  the  meaning. For  the  second  and  third  readings, the  passage  will  be  read  sentence  by  sentence, or  phrase  by  phrase, with  intervals  of  15 seconds. The  last  reading  will  be  done  at  normal  speed  again  and  during  this  time  you  should  check  your  work.(分数:(分数: __________________________________________________________________________________________
正确答案:正确答案:((正确答案:正确答案: Cars in the Future As big cars cause many problems, / such as pollution,  Cars in the Future As big cars cause many problems, / such as pollution, shortage of parking space, crowded traffic, / scientists are now trying to design some small cars
that may some day replace today's big automobiles. / The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. / Driving will be safer as these cars can only go 60 kilometers per hour. / The cars of the future will be fine for driving around the city. / However, they will not be suitable
for long trips, / because these cars by petrol can only go 450 kilometers / before needing to stop for refueling. /)
正确答案:正确答案:((正确答案:正确答案: The Greenhouse Effect To get a better understanding of global warming, /  The Greenhouse Effect To get a better understanding of global warming, / it is important to understand the greenhouse effect. / The greenhouse effect is the rise in the temperatures / caused by absorption of the Sun's heat and light by the Earth's surface / which then is reflected back and trapped within the Earth's atmosphere. / The greenhouses gases, help to keep the Earth warm, / and this is the reason why life on Earth has existed, and still thrives.
/ However, with an increase in the gases like carbon dioxide, ozone, / Earth has gotten nearly 14% hotter / than what it used to be so years ago. /)
正确答案:正确答案:((正确答案:正确答案: Christmas Candles Frankly speaking, Christmas candles are no different /  Christmas Candles Frankly speaking, Christmas candles are no different /
from any other decorative candle / that you might find in the shops all through the year. / But the very fact that they are lit up during Christmas-time gives them the look of a festival. / Christmas candles are big in size and designed in several shapes. / You will find the common round
shapes /—Christmas candles tend to play upon the thickness so that they can burn longer, / all through the Christmas Eve if desired. / Traditional colors of Christmas candles are preferably red or golden, / because the colors themselves lend grace to the season. /)
正确答案:正确答案:((正确答案:正确答案: Bread-making People make bread in different ways, / but the bread that's  Bread-making People make bread in different ways, / but the bread that's made in Britain contains five ingredients. / There's water, flour of course, / and then there's salt, sugar and something called yeast / A long time ago, people made bread just from flour and water, / and their brea
d looked and tasted very different from the bread we make today. / It was a different shape —like large flat biscuits, / and it was dark brown in colour. / But it was too heavy to digest. / Then the Egyptians discovered that yeast, which will make bread rise. /) 解析:解析:英语专业四级报名入口
Unions Nearly 100 years ago, America's working people began to join together to improve their wages and their working situations. / They formed unions in discussions with owners of businesses and factories. / This idea became known as collective bargaining. / Unions were started at separate local factories. / Slowly unions in several factories started to join together. / As they gained size, the unions were able to gain strength and effectiveness. / The unions not only represent the workers in discussions with business management. / They also train
workers for jobs, give members money if they lose their jobs, / and pay workers pensions when they re
tire. / Unions have become established institutions of American industry. /)