专业英语四级模拟试卷89 (题后含答案及解析)
PART I    DICTATION  (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute
正确答案:    A garden is a wonderful place to learn about life and growth. A dry seed in the h
and looks insignificant. Yet inside is a plant-to-be. Pressed into some warm, rich earth and given a little water and sunshine, the seed begins to develop. A root breaks out of the seed coat and pushes deep in search of plant food and water. A tender green leaf thrusts its way upward through the soil and reaches toward the sun. If all goes well, there soon will be flowers or edible product to reward the gardener. The beginning gardener soon learns that plants differ in many ways from one another. Some plants grow best in cool weather, while others like a warmer environment. Some thrive in sandy soils, other in clay. Cacti grow in the desert where rains fall only once or twice a year. The prairie rose blooms in open, sunny fields. Its relative, the wild strawberry, prefers the shade of woods, however. 
PART II    LISTENING COMPREHENSION  (20 MIN)Directions: In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.
SECTION A    CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文:Todd: Hi, Anne. Uh listen, I was wondering if you could help me. Do you happen to know where there is a good place to buy art supplies?Anne: I am not really sure. Hey, let me think for a minute. Oh yeah, there is that new place, Mixed Media-you know, it is down on the Main Street?Todd: I do not know that store -exactly where on the Main Street?Anne: Well, you know where the new vegetarian restaurant is -it is right up a block.Todd: Oh yes, I know where you mean now.Anne: Hey, I hope you do not mind my asking, but are you taking up painting?Todd: Are you kidding? I cant paint. I am just asking for my sisters son. He is really into it.Anne: Ah... oh, I see. Hey, are you still doing your photography? You are really good at it.Todd: That is the only thing I really enjoy.Anne: This may sound like a dumb question, but can you get any good pictures on an automatic?Todd: No, no, no, now that is a very interesting question. Automatics are OK, except for special effects, or stop action.Anne: Well, I got to be getting along now. So long!Todd: Bye.
2. What does the man want to buy?
A.Art supplies.
B.Art books.
C.An automatic camera.
D.Photography books.
3. What is the name of the store Anne recommended?
A.Main street.
B.Mixed media.
C.New Vegetarian.
D.Photography store.
4. Whom does the man buy the stuff for?
A.His nephew.
B.His sister.
C.His cousin.
D.His niece.
听力原文:    Funerals are always sad. But the tendency in Western countries is against making any show of ones feelings at the funeral. The idea behind this is that the person dead would wish this last meeting of his friends in his honor and remembrance to be full of tender, happy recollections of his life, to be creative and inspirational rather than given Over to grief and mourning. Friends are careful not to show their sorrow too much, for this would only increase the pain of the nearest relatives. Yet it is hardly possible to avoid all sadness, and one should not to try to be artificially cheerful. It is not necessary at a funeral to speak to the bereaved persons at all, unless one happens to come very close to them, w
hen a pressure of the hand, or a few low words of comfort or sympathy are enough. In contrast to Chinese custom, all forms of noise and excitement are out of place, and a solemn quiet prevails. There are usually no invitations to the funeral. Anyone may go who wishes, unless the announcement in the newspapers states that it will be private. In general, the best friends of the person who has died take the front seats, more casual friends and acquaintances the back ones.
5. Which is NOT necessary at a funeral in Western countries, according to the passage?
A.To be artificially cheerful
B.To avoid all the sadness.
C.To speak to the bereaved.
D.To take the front seat.
6. What is the difference between Western and Chinese customs at funerals?
A.People in China make no noise at all at funerals.
B.Chinese tend to show little feelings at funerals.
C.Westerns tend to walk very close to the bereaved.
D.In Western countries, a solemn quiet always prevails.
7. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Anyone who wishes may go to the funerals.
B.The best friends of the person who has died take the front seats.
C.A pressure of the hand is not enough to comfort the bereaved.
D.Funerals are always sad.
听力原文:Bob: Im longing to hear about this tour. Janet, you must be terribly excited.Janet: Oh, I am. I ... Ive never been to America before, so Im really looking forward to it. I thought of going fly-drive.Bob: Fly-drive?Janet: Yes. You know, you ... (5[A]) you can arrange for a car to be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive. You book everything this end including the plane tickets.Bob: Sounds simple enough. Are you going to, then?Janet: Well, Im bit worried about driving on the other side of the road and having to, so (4[D]) I decided it would be better to go on a more organized holiday.Bob: What do you mean by organized?Janet: (4[D]) Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator. You know, you are taken around and shown where to go and what to do. I would probably miss half the sights otherwise.Bob: Mm, where are you going anyway?Janet: Orlando. Its in central Florida.Bob:  Sounds OK. Are you going on your own?Janet: Yes, I dont mind that. (7[B]) There will be other people on the tour, Im sure to make friends, You know, I like meeting new people. Here, let me show you the brochure.Bob: (6[C]) It looks pretty packed, Do you really have time to do all these things?Janet: Oh, yes. Its all planned.
8. Janet has eventually decided to go on a ______.
A.fly-drive holiday英语专业四级报名入口
B.car trip
C.two-city holiday
D.conducted tour
解析:细节题。对话中可以听到Janet 否定了fly-drive holiday ,然后可以听到她的最后决定是a more organized holiday ,通过此后的解释可知那是所有事情都由导游安排的旅行,即conducted tour 。 
9. What is fly-drive?
A.To have a car waiting at the arrival airport.
B.To rent a car that can be driven fast.
C.To have a car tour.
D.To visit many places in a short time.
解析:细节题。对话中问到:Fly-drive?这时要注意听下文(you can arrange for a car to be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive ),并且和四个选项加以对照,由此可以发现A为正确答案。 
10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The speakers are going on a holiday.
B.The speakers are cousins.
C.The trip schedule is heavy.
D.The organized tour will leave out many sights.
解析:细节题。对话中提到:It looks pretty packed  从中可以推断行程是很紧的,因此选C。整个对话中都在谈论Janet 的旅游计划, 并没有要去,所以A不对;对话也没有提到或暗示两个人有亲戚关系,B也不对。选项D 与对话I would probably miss half the sights otherwise 不符,因此错误。