专业英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷50 (题后含答案及解析)
PART V    READING COMPREHENSION  (25 MIN)Directions: In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.
    Because of computers and cable television, the members of the audience will soon be more than watchers. They will be able to do more than choose their programs. They will also be able to give feedback on them. Two-way TV is not a dream. The hardware for such a two-way system already exists.    One experimental group of cable-television watchers is called Qube in Columbus, Ohio. Qube has thirty channels. Members pay for what they watch. The choice of programs includes everything from sports to childrens shows, from TV games to anthropology. Most importantly, however, the viewers can talk back. A book-sized box of buttons makes it possible. For example, after a program, the announcer might ask for the opi
nion of the audience. The audience can respond by pushing buttons. An electronic signal goes to a bank of computers at the Qube station. Almost instantly, the data are analyzed, and the viewers see the results on their TV sets.    A nationwide Qube system would have many uses. Government leaders could use it to get feedback from the people. It could even be used for voting. Furthermore, teachers in television classrooms could communicate with their unseen students. A television communication system would have a great influence on a country. For example, after a talk about a new product, an announcer could ask the audience for opinions. Would they buy the product? During a talk by a government leader, the announcer could ask the audience to talk back. The leader would know whether the audience believed him or not.    The communication-computer system is possible because of glass. The same material that is used in windows can carry information. Glass strings as fine as hair are being used in telephone wires. One glass string, which now carries only telephone signals, could connect a house to a central computer bank. Many different kinds of information could also travel on it. All of the telephone messages, a number of TV shows, and computer services could flow through the glass at the same time. The home TV
screen could act as a computer cathode ray tube. It could give any information that had been stored in it. For example, instead of an advertisement in the newspaper, a supermarket could put an ad on the computer. The person at home could ask the system for the ad, read it, and other groceries all at one time. The television set could connect a person to all other parts of the world.
1. Thanks to computers and cable TV,
A.there will be more audience than watchers.
B.the audience will have more programs to choose.
C.the viewers can do more than watching programs.
D.the watchers will become listeners as well.
解析:结合第1段第2、3句可以推断该句中的比较级more than watchers是想指出看电视的人不再被动地当watchers,他们还可以给与反馈,由此可见,C是正确的说法。A、D只是对第1段第1句话意思的表面理解。其实,第2、3句对more than…做了具体的解释;B在文中未提及。 知识模块:阅读
2. Which of the following can be done by Qube?
A.Giving oral feedback.
B.Analyzing feedback on a computer.
C.Playing games on TV.
D.Responding by typing on a computer.
解析:根据题干中的Qube定位到第2段。该段第5句中的talk back表明Qube有口头回应的功能,且接下来的文字也是对该功能的具体说明,因此A为本题答案。在本文中,Qube是指参
加试验的用户,根据该段第4句可知用户只能看TV games,而不是在电视上打游戏,故排除C;根据最后三句可知信息反馈应是audience,数据应是由“Qube”站的计算机组负责分析的,故B、D亦排除。 知识模块:阅读
3. The nationwide Qube system would emphasize
A.the influence of watchers.
B.how to serve the watchers better.
C.the development of TV programs.
D.serving the public instead of individuals.
解析:根据nationwide Qube system定位到第3段。该段主要讲了“Qube”的多种用途。政府获取信息,主持人征求意见等,可见该系统强调的是观众的参与度,充分利用他们的反馈所产生的影响,由此可见,本题应选A。D最具干扰性,该段中的government,country等词让
人觉得全国性的“Qube”系统注重宏观服务,但是该段提到的“与看不见的学生交流”、“征求观众的意见”等都表现出这个系统注重对观众个人的服务,故排除D。 知识模块:阅读
4. The present use of glass string is
解析:根据题干中的use和glass string定位到最后一段第4句和第6句。对比两句可以发现玻璃线可以传输电话信号、电视信号和提供计算机服务等,但现在只将其用于传输电话信号,可见玻璃线还没能“物尽其用”,即玻璃线的利用效率很低,因此本题应选B。 知识模块:阅读
    The level of discrimination has varied enormously in the history of human societies, from genocide where ethnics are killed off through expulsion and, when these extreme forms of discrimination are not possible, through segregation in a ghetto and a narrow range of jobs.    One type of ethnic minority is lower class. Here disproportionate numbers of a population are isolated in slum housing tracts and pushed into the lowest-paying occupations such that they are in the poverty classes of a society. African-Americans have suffered this fate in the United States. Another type of ethnic minority created by discrimination is the middleman minority where members are segregated but, at the same time, allowed to occupy a narrow range of entrepreneurial and professional economic positions which give them some affluence. For example, Jews in feudal and early modern Europe often occupied high positions in banking and finance; and many Asian immigrants in America today have moved into small business niches.    What determines which type of a minority an ethnic population will become? One important condition is the resources—money, entrepreneurial know-how, educational credentials—that a population can mobilize. When ethnics have some resources, they can more readily move into intermediary minority
positions and live a more middle-class life style. But resources are not the only factor; another is the absolute size of an ethnic population. A small minority with resources can more easily find intermediary niches than a large one, for the simple reason that there are not enough small-business positions for a large population. A large ethnic population will, therefore, be pushed to lower niches especially if their resources are limited and, as a result, their ability to fight off discrimination is low. African-Americans have suffered this fate: They are too large a group to fill middlemen minority positions, and they have insufficient resources to overcome discrimination. Indeed, what often happens is that members of a large minority who can mobilize resources—say, educational credentials— move into middle-class positions, leaving behind their fellow ethnics. For example, many blacks in America have made dramatic strides in moving to the middle-classes in the Post-Civil Rights era, but the fate of the vast majority of blacks in the lower classes has remained the same, or worsened over the last twenty-five years. Black America itself is thus divided by large class differences.
5. Which of the following is the correct description of genocide英语专业四级报名入口?
A.It is a place where ethnics are discriminated.
B.It is an extreme form of ethnic discrimination.
C.It is manifested by means of segregation.
D.It is the earliest discrimination in history.
解析:第1段中以when引出的状语从句里,these extreme forms指的就是前面提到的genocide throughexpulsion,故B正确。从第1段的主要结构the level…varied…from genocide…可知genocide并非一个地方,而是种族歧视的一个level,且该形式是通过流放实行的,故排除A、C;D在文中未提及。 知识模块:阅读
6. How were the Jews in feudal and early modern Europe discriminated?
A.They were isolated in living in slum housing tracts.
B.Only the lowest-paying occupations were available to them.
C.Only very few high-paying professions were open to them.
D.They suffered the same fate as the African-Americans.
解析:第2段最后一句开头的For example表明该句是用于说明上句观点的例子,通过查上一句可以知道犹太人受到的歧视属于middleman minority,而该句中的a narrow range of...表明C为本题答案。A、B都是针对lower class的做法,故不适用于犹太人;由该段第2句可知D中的African-Americans遭遇lower class一样的命运,故排除。 知识模块:阅读
7. The Asian-Americans are classified as the middleman minority mainly because
A.their population is smaller than that of the African Americans.
B.they are not discriminated as severely as the African Americans.
C.they cannot go beyond small business.
D.they are a small minority with resources.
解析:从第2段最后两句可知在美国的亚裔人也属于middleman minority,而第3段解释了决定一个族成为哪一种少数族的因素:资源和人口。而该段第5句中的主句概括了这两个因素,D为本题答案。 知识模块:阅读
8. What is most likely to happen to the large ethnic minority, according to the last paragraph?
A.All its members have to stay in the lower class.
B.It is hard for its members to enter the middleman class.
C.There is obvious class division in the group itself.
D.There is no way for them to overcome discrimination.
解析:最后一段倒数第3句末的leaving behind their fellow ethnics明确表示人口众多的少数族会产生阶级分化,该段末句以美国黑人为例再次证实了这个观点,由此可见,C为本题答案。 知识模块:阅读