    The countdown to the English Major Level Four exam has begun, and the pressure is on. As a dedicated student, I've mapped out a strategic study plan to ensure I cover all the essential topics.
    My mornings are reserved for intensive vocabulary drills, where I immerse myself in the nuances of the language. Each new word is a step closer to mastering the exam's lexical challenges.
    Afternoons are dedicated to grammar and syntax, the backbone of any language. I practice constructing sentences that are both complex and correct, honing my skills to perfection.
    In the evening, I engage with reading materials that span a variety of genres, from literature to scientific journals. This not only broadens my horizons but also sharpens my comprehension skills.
    Listening exercises are a crucial part of my routine. I tune in to English broadcasts and podcasts, training my ear to pick up on the subtleties of spoken English.
    Speaking practice is woven into my daily interactions. I converse with peers and participate in language exchange programs to build confidence and fluency.
    Mock exams are a weekly ritual, allowing me to gauge my progress and identify areas that need improvement. Each test is an opportunity to learn and grow.
    Finally, I allocate time for reflection and relaxation. Balancing study with rest is key to maintaining mental agility and preventing burnout.
    With this disciplined approach, I am confident that I will be well-prepared for the challenges of the English Major Level Four exam. The journey is demanding, but the destination is worth the effort.