专业英语四级模拟试卷333 (题后含答案及解析)
PART I    DICTATION  (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute
正确答案:        Thanksgiving Day      Thanksgiving Day is one of the most truly American hol
idays in the United States/and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. / In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, sailed to America on the May Flower, /seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. /After a two-month tempestuous voyage they landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts in the icy November. / During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. / Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. / All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, /knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony/depended on the coming harvest. / Finally the fields produced a rich yield beyond expectations. /And therefore it was decided/that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. / Years later, a President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. / The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today. 
PART II    LISTENING COMPREHENSION  (20 MIN)Directions: In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.
SECTION A    CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文:Pete: Hey Eric. I have a question Id like to ask you. Eric: Yes. Go ahead. Pete: Well, I am thinking about going to France this summer, and I need some advice. You are the best person I know to answer my questions since you are French. Eric: Thank you. What do you want to know? Pete: Well, dont laugh, but I met this really nice woman through an online music mailing list, you know. A discussion group on the Internet. I need some advice. You see, Claudia,... Eric: Ok. So it is Claudia, oh? Pete: Yeah, see, she invited me to spend two weeks in. And well, I told her I had studied a little bit about the country and language, and she is kind of expecting that I know more than I really do. Eric: Hum. You are in hot water now. Pete: Yeah. I think so. Eric: Well, what do you want to know? Pete: Well, she is planning to introduce me to her parents. Eric: Hey. Sounds kind of serious. If you are meeting someone formally for the first time, like Claudias parents, you should make sure you arrive on time. Pete: Hm, what about common greetings?Eric: Well, t
he French often shake hands, and they use the persons family name, unless they are really close friends. Pete: Thank you, your suggestions are useful.
2. Where is the man going on vacation?
解析:一开始Pete就说:“I am thinking about going to France this summer.” 
3. How did Pete get to know Claudia?
A.At a music store.
B.At the post office.
C.On the Internet.
D.At a computer store.
解析:Pete解释为什么要去法国,原因是在网上认识了一个朋友。.“I met this really nice woman through anonline music mailing list.”重点听清online,不要被music mailing list干扰而选A、B。 
4. What advice does Eric give Pete about meeting Claudias parents?
A.Be on time.
B.Take a small gift.
C.Smile and be friendly.
D.Kiss them.
解析:当Eric知道Pete的情况后,给出的建议是准时到:“If you are meeting someone formally for the firsttime,like Claudia’s parents,you should make sure you arrive on time.”其他选项没有提及,不造成干扰,基本上不会选错。 
听力原文:W: I personally, um, do yoga when Im really, really stressed. Sure, yoga helps me to just relax enough so that I can sleep properly during the night and that ... then I get out of that cycle of not sleeping, and you know, not eating properly. That seems to help a little bit with me.M: Well, not sleeping is the first thing that happens to me if Im under stress. And ifs only quite recently that Ive realized that the best thing to do is not try to sleep. Urn, what I tend to do now is I get up and get a cup of tea, camomile tea rather than tea with caffeine or tannin in it. And I put on a video of something thats fairly lightweight and I will sit  But its the same with all stress, really, you have to, as you say, accept that you are stressed and try and breathe deeply and be sensible. Theres no point in worrying
be cause its not going to change anything and you have to try and think that way. Its easy to say that, its easy to give advice, its more difficult to actually do it. But I think Im getting better at it.W: One of the things that when you are stressful is you start breathing very shallow. Youre not taking oxygen down into your body, panicking, you tighten up and youre taking little shallow breaths.M: Heavy breathing.., and deeper breaths. I think thats my sort of solution to my stress. 
5. What is the conversation focused on?
A.The best way to do yoga.
B.The best way to cope with stress.
C.The best way to eat properly.
D.The ways to get to steep.
6. According to the man, what shouldnt you do if you are stressed and unable to fall asleep?
A.Try to sleep.
B.Get up.
C.Make a cup of camomile tea.
D.Put on a video.
7. What is the mans solution to his stress?
A.Have some tea with caffeine.
B.Take deeper breaths.
C.Take shallow breaths.
D.Do weight-lifting.
听力原文:Girl: Dad, can I go to a movie with Ellen?Dad: Werent you supposed to get a report card sometime this week?Girl: oh yeah. Can I call Ellen now?Dad: You didnt answer my question. Did you receive it or not?Girl: I love you Dad! Youre the best!Dad: Dont try to flatter me. I can guess that your answer means that you didnt do well in some of your classes? Girl: Well, my English teacher is so boring, and he blows up every time someone talks. Dad: In other words, youre not doing so well? Girl: Uh, a C ... minus.Dad: Oh. Well, how are you doing in your Spanish class? You said you liked that one. Girl: Well, I do, but I forgot to hand in a couple of assignments, and I had problems on the last test. All those verbs tripped me up. I get them all mixed up in my head! Dad: And how are you doing in history?Girl: Oh, thats my favorite class. Mr. Edward is always passing out candy if you know the answers to his questions. Dad: Great. Now, I have a bright daughter with tooth decay. Girl: Ah, Dad. Can I go now?Dad: You can go if you answer my history question. Ho
w old am I? Girl: Uh, fifty-five?Dad: Fifty-five! You just failed a math and history test at the same time! Girl: Dad ... Dad: Well, okay, but you need to come straight home from the movie, and you need to practice your flute. Girl: Oh, I forgot about that grade? Dad: What? Girl: Gotta run, Dad.
8. According to the girl, her English teacher is
解析:细节题。提到英语课的时候女儿说道“my English teacher is so boring,and he blows up (发脾气)every time someone talks.”。 知识模块:对话
9. How does the girl feel about her Spanish class?
A.Spanish grammars are easy to learn.
B.The exams are quite confusing.
C.The assignments require too much time.
D.The teacher doesnt spend enough time explaining.
解析:细节题。当对话中提到西班牙语课的时候女儿的回答是“but I forgot to hand in a couple of assignments,and I had problems on the last test.All those verbs tripped me up(犯错).I get them all mixed up in my head!”。 知识模块:对话
10. Why does the girl like her history class?
A.The teacher gives easy questions in tests.
B.The teacher rewards those who can handle questions.
C.The teacher gives candy to all of the students.