英语专业四级报名入口  状语从句
    1. 地点状语从句通常由 where, wherever 等引导。例如
    I found my key where I had left it.
    2. 有时某些地点状语从句含有条件关系。例如:
    Where there is a will, there is a way.
    1. 条件状语从句通常由 if, unless, in case, as / so long as, provided that, providing that, suppose that, supposing that, on condition that 等引导。例如:
    Would you give this letter to John if you happen to see him this evening?
    2. 条件状语从句中不能用将来时,其将来意义用现在时来表示。例如:
    If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go hunting.
    3. 注意 unless if not 的区别:虽然 unless if not 的意思一样,但 unless 只能用于真实条件句,而 if not 除了可用于真实条件句之外,还可用于非真实条件句。例如:
    Unless you try, you will never succeed. = If you don't try, you will never succeed.
    If he were not present now, I would go away. (非真实条件句)
    1. 原因状语从句通常由 because, since, as, for, now that 等引导。