专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷48 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:    6. WRITING
1.    Teens, adults, students and even some teachers take selfies (自拍) everywhere—from funerals to math classes. But some colleges are getting tougher on the practice of posing for your own pictures and then posting them to social media accounts like Instagram by actually banning selfies from graduation or similar occasions.    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:    My Idea of Colleges Banning Selfies on Formal Occasions
正确答案:    My Idea of Colleges Banning Selfies on Formal Occasions    Self-portraits have been around since the early days of photography, but it was the growth of cellphone cameras that made them into a pop cultural phenomenon. Some universities have started a mini-trend
when they banned selfies at graduation, arguing that stopping to snap means dragging out an already hours-long ceremony—or sullying its significance. While my opinion on selfies is that it should be promoted rather than prohibited.    To begin with, by taking selfies, students can share with their friends and relatives their most important and memorable moments in their life. In the past we used to keep these memories with the help of other photographers. Although we may have some good photos as memory, that was rather passive and left not any choice for students themselves. So, taking selfies is simply a personal way to show whats happening at the moment and what they see themselves at the moment. In this way graduates were just exhibiting their excitement and that colleges should embrace it.    Whats more, taking selfies can build excitement and add excellence to students study and life. Many universities encourage students to join pages which the universities compile in the online publication. Thus the university hands over the control of their social media accounts to students, which is a really great hands-on experience to show their love for the university. In this way the university can put school stuff into social media, and it can also bring social media into the real campus life.    What I have sketched
out above can naturally result in the conclusion that for colleges, banning selfies on formal occasions is of no necessity at all. When properly managed, it can not only help students to have a sweet memory of these important moments, but also will serve as a better tool to bring these universities closer to the society.
解析:    本题是一个观点态度型题目,核心问题是如何看待大学禁止在正式场合自拍,有两个基本观点:同意禁止正式场合自拍,理由是造成的影响不好;反对禁止正式场合自拍,理由是可以留下美好的回忆。考生可以从自身经历出发对此问题进行分析,然后提出自己的观点并展开论证。可以根据以下思路展开写作:    思路1:同意禁止正式场合自拍。    自拍会破坏正式场合氛围的严肃性,不利于各种正式活动的有序进行。另外,一些场合的自拍会泄露国家机密或个人隐私,因此在这些场合同样也应该禁止自拍。    思路2:反对禁止正式场合自拍。    自拍可以增进同学之间的感情、反映真实的校园生活并留下很多美好的回忆,学校应该为学生提供更宽松自由的环境。另外,在校园里合理地运用自拍也可以拉近学校和社会之间的距离,因此没有必要禁止自拍。    范文选取了思路2,反对禁止正式场合自拍。 知识模块:作文
2.    Schools in China tend to divide classes by students grades into so-called elite classes, progressed classes and elementary classes, arguing that it can help teachers instruct students in accordance with their levels. This practice has been criticized by many students, parents and educators. What is your opinion?    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic;    Should Schools Divide Classes by Students Grades?
正确答案:    Should Schools Divide Classes by Students Grades?    There is always someone blaming our struggle for education reform. Sometimes its the bad teachers who get the blame. Other times its standardized testing or insufficient funding. I blame dividing classes by students grades because it lowers self-esteem, discourages creativity and diversity, and reinforces the education inequality.    A study conducted at over 20 schools in Shanghai found that 80 percent of students surveyed based their self-worth on academic performance. Therefore, dividing classes based on grades will doubtlessly make those in elementary classes feel inferior. While teenagers with low self-esteem, due to peer pressure, are more likely to have poor mental health, be involved in bad behavior, and be prone to worse grades, dividing classes by students grades creates a vicious self-reinforci
ng loop which leads to more school dysfunction. Secondly, the fear of making mistakes and being placed in elementary classes will diminish students willingness to make different friends, take on creative and challenging tasks, and participate in interesting extracurricular activities. Besides, class divide violates the principle of education equality, since elite classes are more likely to have access to more qualified teachers, better educational facilities and more advanced programs.    Classroom would be an ideal place to start anew, to stop motivating students and teachers with the fear of being flunked or ranked. Without that dysfunctional ranking we could stimulate a students eagerness to discover, create and share. Its time to admit that the system has no place in our future.
解析:    本题是一个观点论证型题目。核心问题是分析按成绩分班的利或弊。有两个基本观点:按成绩分班不好,不利于学生发展,违背了教育平等原则;按成绩分班可取,但要加以引导,不能出现教育资源分配不平等的现象。针对该题目,可根据以下思路展开写作:    思路1:不应按成绩分班。    首先,学生一般把自我价值建立在成绩上,按成绩分班会伤害差班学生的自尊心,激发他们对学习、生活的负面心理,从而影响成绩,形成恶性循环。其次,因害怕犯错误影响老师评分,所以学生会排斥具有创造性和挑战性的任务,也不愿结交
不同类型的朋友,只会一味循规蹈矩,成为考试机器。另外,尖子班一般会配备更优质的师资,接触到更好的教育项目,所以会强化教育不平等的问题。    思路2:应按成绩分班,但应遵循一定原则。    首先,每个学生的天赋不同、兴趣不同、接受能力也不同,如果统一授课,不利于因材施教。但是,分班时不能给学生贴上成绩好坏的标签,而应采取鼓励的态度并对他们进行心理辅导。其次,不同类型的班级授课内容、进度和方法可以不同,但在教育资源的配备上应一视同仁。    范文选取了思路1,认为不应按成绩分班。 知识模块:作文
3.    Recent years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of graduates failing to repay the student loans. Some students argue that they defaulted on their loans because they had not been properly reminded and it is hard to get employed in todays job market. Such excuses have incurred a lot of criticism from the public. What do you think?    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:    My Idea of Students Loan Defaults
正确答案:    My Idea of Students Loan Defaults    The issue of credibility has long been a concern. And in recent years it has been more in the spotlight—it has become easier and e
asier for students to get loans from banks, but the list of students who fail to repay their loans on time has become longer and longer.    Students loan defaults will affect the sustainability of the national student aid system as well as the credibility of college students. According to statistics released by China Daily, nearly 24 million students have benefited from the national students loan system as of this year. It is the government that pays the interest for students borrowing bank loans during their school years. So we can imagine how burdensome the load is for the aid system if the number of those in loan defaults keeps surging. For students, although no home is required to secure a student loan, dodging debts temporarily will be at the cost of a bright future in the long run. Those who have the history of overdue repayment will be put on the national credit blacklist. Their credit rating will be ruined and their chances of getting another bank loan in China will plummet. Car and housing loans will be out of the question.    To solve the problem of students loan defaults, students must bear in mind the significance of honesty and integrity; colleges should warn students of the devastating consequences of failing to pay; government might as well design an effective scheme to help college graduates get employed in the competitive job market.