(A卷和B卷只是选项顺序不同样)Part 1  V ocabulary and Structure
Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.These are books and newspapers          you asked yesterday.
A.in which
< which
C.for which
D.at which
2.Five kilometers      a long distance for a five-year-old boy to run.
A .is          B.are          C.be          D.would
3.It is desired that new rules        to the attention of all the students.
A.shall be brought
B.will be brought
C.would be brought
D.be brought
4.I'd like to      a double-room with a bath in your hotel from June 3 to 12.
5.He could not start the engine,no matter      hard he had tried.
6.I forgot to give my regards to my manager in my letter.I wish I      it.
A.should do
C.have done
D.had done
7.      Writing a letter to the manager,he decided to talk to him in person.
A.Instead of
B.Because of
C.As for
D.due to
8.I can't find the key to my office.I      have lost it on my way home.
D.ought to
9.As far as I'm concerned,I don't like      in that way.
< be tread
< treat
10.The policeman stopped the driver and found that he      alcohol.
B.has drunk
C.is drinking
D.had drunk
11.In Chinese culture,red      happiness,so brides usually wear red on their wedding days.
12.This is the only practicable solution      your problem at the moment.
13.We have been      each other for 20 years.
A.in touch
B.in touch with
14.She failed her entrance examination for college and was      unable to start her studies at      college.
15.My mother and I always enjoyed our chat under a pine tree in the park,      our childhood.
16.Many countries began to      economic ties with China after its reform and opening-up
17.The doctor has warned time and again that smoking will      his health,but Johnny just
won't listen.
18.the editor asked his journalists not to      any details in their reports of the accident.
A.leave for
B.leave out
C.leave off
D.leave on
19.It wasn't very      of you to drink all the milk when you know I need some for the baby!
20.At first the boss threatened to      him from his job,but later it turned out to be a mere bluff.
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Directions:In this part there are 4 passages followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE you think is the best answer,then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throuhg the center.
Passage 1
Of all the family members,grandparents are probably the least valued.They are just the people who have always been around.They make a fuss over the children in the family,show off to their friends the achievements of this child or that child,and show countless pictures of new babies. Grandfathers can fix anything,and grandmothers always have homemade biscuits around.
When you are small,it's fun to stay with your grandparents because they always let you do things you can't do at home,and,of course,they buy you things.They are always able to babysit because they don't go out much and actually prefer to see their grandchildren.They are usually good for a small loan now and then doesn't need to be paid back because they turn it into a gift.You respectfully listen to their advice but don't thank them politely for what they do for you,and then don't call or visit them until you need something else.And,of course,you never tell them how dear they are to you because they know how you feel about them anyway.Then all of a sudden,they are no longer there to do the things that only grandparents can do,and you find yourself wishing that you had told them what they meant to you as people and not just as grandparents.
21.What is the position of grandparents in the family according to the writer?
A.They are the most important people among family members.
B.They are the least important people among family members.
C.They are the ones at whom their children or grandchildren usually laugh.
D.They are the ones whom their children or grandchildren respect most.
22.Grandparents usually do many things except      .
A.buy their grandchildren things
B.look after their grandchildren
C.let their grandchildren do things they can't do at home.
23.Why don't children need to pay back the loan from their grandparents?
A.Their grandparents will forget the loan.
B.Their grandparents pay back the loan for them.
C.Their grandparents die before they have enough money to pay it back.
D.Their grandparents turn the loan into a gift.
24.Children never tell their grandparents how dear they are to them because      .
A.they don't like their grandparents.
B.they take for granted everything their grandparents do for them.
C.their grandparents know how they feel湖北成人高考
D.they do not respect their grandparents
25.How do children feel after their grandparents die?
A.They regret they didn't express their true feelings to them.
B.They feel sorry that grandparents are the least valued in the family.
C.They miss them very much because no one does the things that grandparents do.
D.They wish they had visited and called them more often.
Passage 2
Many American colleges permit foreign students to live in college housing or housing not owned by the
university,such as an apartment.College housing is usually in a dormitory,or dorm for short.Many foreign students
say that the dorms are less costly than apartments.They say dorms offer quiet study areas and areas for social activities or sports.They say dorms are close to places they go every day,like the library,computer center and classrooms.They also say that living in the room provides the best chance to get to know other students.
Dormitories may have as few as twelve students or as many as one thousand.Some dorms are organized into areas called suites.Suites have several bedrooms,a large living area and a bathroom.Six or more people may live in one suite.Other dorms have many rooms along a hallway.Two students usually live in each room.On each floor there is a large bathroom for all the students who live on that floor.Sometimes there is also a kitchen for preparing food.
In most universities ,males and females live in the same dorm.They may even live on the same floor.But they usually may not live in the same room or suite.Most universities have some dorms for men and women.
26.Where do some foreign students in American colleges prefer to live?
A.In a hotel
B.In a house
C.In an apartment
D.In a friend's home
27.What may be the reason for a foreign student to choose to live in a dorm?
A.It is cheaper
B.It has a big living room
C.It is cleaner
D.It is owned by the university
28.How many students can a dorm hold at most according to the passage?
D.A thousand
29.One of the advantages of living in a dorm is that      .
A.it is easier for the students to get in touch with other students
B.the students can go to school library every day
C.the students can use personal computers freely
< than two students may live in one room
30.Which of following statement is TURE according to the passage?