1. /s/ and /z/ can be distinguished by the    .
A. place of articulation               B. state of tongue
C. state of vocal cords               D. manner of articulation
2. The word “realization" consists of    syllables and    morpheme.
A. five; five                          B. five; four
C. four; three                          D. four; four
realization 的音标为/ri:ələ'zeɪʃn/ 根据元音音素进行划分,可分为4个音节;realization 进行词素划分,可分为real,-ize,-tion三个词素。故本题选C。
3. Which of the following is least associated with newspaper publishing?
A. proofreading                     B. editorial
C. censorship                      D. citizenship
题干为:以下哪个与报纸印刷关系最弱? proofreading意为“校对”;editorial 意为“编辑的;主编”;censorship意为“审查制度;审查机构”;citizenship意为“公民身份;公民资格”,由语义可以进行区分,只有D项citizenship 和报纸印刷的关系最弱。故本题选D。
4. Which of the following best describes the relation between "piece” and "peace”?
A. synonymy                        B. homonymy
C. antonymy                          D. hyponymy
5. She was not impressed by the story Paul shared with her, for she had already heard of it.
A. in the least                       B. at the most
C. least of all                       D. for the most
句意:她一点也没有被 Paul分享的故事打动,因为她已经听过一次了。in the least意为“一点;丝毫”;at the most意为“至多;不超过”;least of all意为“最不,尤其”;for the most意为“对大多数”;根据句意,可知in the least“一点;丝毫”符合句意,故本题选A。
6. Without facts, we can't form worthwhile opinions, for we need to have factual knowledge
our thinking.
A. which to be based upon            B. upon which to base
C. which to base upon                 D. upon which to be based
句意:没有事实,我们就不能形成有价值的观点,因为我们的思考必须以真实的知识为基础。upon which to base our thinking 是动词不定式短语作定语,短语中介词必须放在which 前。故本题选B。
7. It's true that water will continue to be      it is today—in importance to oxygen.
A. how                            B. which
C.as                              D. what
8. He is helpless under such circumstances,        .
A. however brilliant a mind he may have
B. however a brilliant mind he may have
C. however brilliant a mind may he have
D. However a brilliant mind may he have
句意:在这种情形下他是无助的,无论他有多么聪明的头脑。However= no matter how,感叹句式how+形容词+a/an +单数名词,应为how brilliant a mind,该句中不需要倒装。故本题选A。
9. Which of following refers to "the part of input that has been internalized by learners”?
A. feedback                      B output
C. Intake                        D. washback
10. Which of the following describes the language of an individual speaker with its unique characteristics?
A. Idiolect                            B. Taboo
C. Regional dialect                  D. Social dialect
描述个体说话带有个人特的是个 人习语。idiolect意为“个人习语,个人语言”;taboo意为“禁 忌;忌讳”;reginal dialect意为“地区方言”;social dialect意为“社会方言;社会习惯于”,根据题意,可知为idiolect。 故本题选A。
11. What role does he/she play when a teacher explains the purpose of a task, the steps to do it and its time limit?
A. An organizer.                       B. An observer
C. An evaluator                        D. A prompter
12. What does he/she intend to do when a teacher writes the following sentences “She gets up early. She wears a uniform. She works very hard.” on the blackboard at the presentation stage?
A. Practice sentence patterns using model sentences.
B. Check if students can pronounce the sentences correctly.
C. Monitor whether students can accurately express their ideas.
D. Draw students' attention to the form of a new language item.
13. What skill does he/she use when a student uses language knowledge and contextual clues to figure out the meaning of a new word?
A. Contrasting.                  B. Summarizing