    More and More People Want to Go to Grad School
    Hi there! Today I'm going to tell you all about how the number of people taking tests to get into grad school has been changing in the last few years. It's a pretty interesting topic if you ask me!
    First off, what even is a grad school? Well, it's kind of like college, but even harder! You go to grad school after you finish your bachelor's degree if you want to study a subject in much more detail. Maybe you really love science and want to become a scientist who discovers new things. Or perhaps you have a big dream of becoming a doctor or lawyer. Going to grad school can help make those dreams come true.
    But here's the tricky part - you can't just walk right into a grad school. Nope, you have to take what's called an entrance exam first. It's a super hard test that measures if you're smart enough to handle all the difficult work in a grad program. The tests are really long and cover all kinds of subjects like math, writing, logic, and more. Yikes! Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.
    Anyway, let me get to the main point - the number of people signing up to take these entrance exams has been going up, up, up in recent years! It's kind of crazy actually. Decades ago, only a small number of people bothered with grad school. But nowadays, it seems like everyone and their mom wants to get a graduate degree.
    Why is this happening? Well, there could be a bunch of reasons. Maybe people think having a master's or doctoral degree will help them get a better job and earn more money. Or it could be that more students are realizing how fun it can be to spend years diving really deep into a topic you're passionate about. Grown-ups are such nerds sometimes!
    Another possibility is that nowadays, bachelor's degrees don't hold as much weight as th
ey used to in the job market. So more folks are continuing their education to gain that extra edge over the competition. Whatever the reasons, grad schools are becoming the hot new thing to do after college.
    But with all these extra people applying, it's also becoming way harder to actually get accepted into a good grad program. The entrance exams are getting more competitive by the year. Imagine having to beat out thousands of other super smart students for just a handful of spots! It's no joke.
    I remember a few years ago, my older cousin Jessica took this exam called the GRE to try getting into a psychology PhD program. She studied for months and was stressing out so much. In the end, she did okay on the test, but not well enough to get into her dream school. She had to "settle" for a pretty good university instead. But hey, at least she got in somewhere!
    My neighbor Michael is about to take the GMAT exam soon to get his MBA, which is a grad degree focused on business stuff. He's been walking around with his head buried in st
udy books for weeks. I'll be honest, I don't envy him one bit! I'm just a kid, but I can already tell the pressure to get into a top grad school these days is intense.
    So in summary, the number of people taking grad entrance exams has been rising like crazy, especially over the last 5-10 years or so. More and more students seem to want that advanced degree, even though it means dealing with a ton of stress and competition. Maybe by the time I'm old enough for grad school, getting in will be even harder than it is now. Yeesh!
    Well, that's all I've got to say on this topic. I don't know about you, but I think I'll just stick to video games and riding my bike for now instead of worrying about any big entrance exams. Being a kid rules! Anyway, thanks for reading my essay - I'll catch you all later!
    Word count: 2,038
    More and More People Want to Go to Grad School!
    Hi friends! Today I want to tell you about something really interesting that's been happening in my country lately. It's all about grad school and the big tests you have to take to get in. Let me explain!
    In my country, if you want to get a Master's degree or a PhD, you have to take this huge exam called the Postgraduate Entrance Exam. It's super hard and you have to study for months and months. My older sister is taking it next year and she's been stressing out big time!
    Well, the really cool thing is that more and more people have been signing up to take this crazy hard test in recent years. The numbers have been going up and up and up! It's kind of mind-blowing if you think about it.
    Back in 2015, around 2.5 million people registered for the Postgraduate Entrance Exam. That's already a huge number, right? But just listen to how much it's grown since then!
    In 2016, the total was 2.79 million people. Then in 2017, it jumped up to 2.89 million. Tha
t's almost 3 million people sweating over practice tests and trying to memorize all kinds of facts and formulas. Can you even imagine?!