Module8  Public holidays
Unit 1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins
TeacherTong le   
Student levelJunior 2
Contents M8U1 Public holidays   
Length of the period45 minutes
Teaching Plan
Teaching style    listening and speaking
Teaching aims
1.Knowledge aims   
1. Key vocabulary : independence, labor,  vocation, while, until…
2.Key structures: It’s on the…
3. Teach the students how to get on well with their parents, relations, friends…
Ability aimsTo understand the dialogue .
Learn how to introduce holidays to others.
Expressions of dates
Emotional aims1. To develop Ss’ ability of listening./ note-taking.
2. To enable the students to learn something about how to celebrate a holiday..
Important pointThe expressions about introducing holidays.
Teaching aidsTape recorder, Multi-media
Teaching procedures
Step 1
1. guseeing game: which holiday is it ? western or Chinese?
2.enjoy a song and show some pictures of holidays , ask the students which holiday they are.
(歌曲链接),,,[%D5%C5%DF%E4]&cat=0&ct=134217728&tn=baidusg,%BD%DA%C8%D5++&si=%BD%DA%C8%D5;;%D5%C5%DF%E4;;184321;;184321&lm=-1&sgid=3&size=3670016&attr=0,0&titlekey=148261601,3513288540,,,[%CB%A6%B4%D0%B8%E8]&cat=0&ct=134217728&tn=baidusg,%CB%A6%B4%D0%B8%E8++&si=%CB%A6%B4%D0%B8%E8;;%B3%F5%D2%F4%CE%B4%C0%B4;;958540;;958540&lm=-1&sgid=1&size=2411724&attr=0,0&titlekey=1609086501,1778651491    Enjoy the pictures and get to know today’s topic.    To raise the Ss’ interest in the topic and give the task.
3. Game: remember holidays.
4. Checking: Do you remember a holiday? --- Independence Day.
Step 2
ListeningAsk the students to listen and write down the name and the date of the Independence Day.
Step 3郑州轻工业大学
Game time
1. Review the expressions of months and some special words
2. How to read?& How to write?
Step 4
Q:Do people in the world have Labour Day on the same day?
DialogueAsk the students to listen to the dialogue and finish A4.   
Step 5
Reading1. Ask the students to read the passage after the tape.
2. Read again. Read in roles. Read in group of 4.   
Step 6
Useful language  1.    Show students the difficult sentences.
2.    Ask the students to work in groups and translate them.   
Step 7
Game time
1.Suppose each of the students have a pen friend .then introduce your favourite holiday to him/her.
2. scoreboard.
Use beautiful sentences to introduce a holiday as possible as you can.
Step 8
SummaryWrite down what we learned in unit1on the blackboard.   
Homework1. Writing : Write a email
2. finish the little house.