Part B:
W: Good morning, Dr. Brown. Are you just back from class?
M: Yes, I just had a history class.
W: Can you spare me a few minutes? I’d like to ask you a few questions.
M: Go ahead, please.
W: I’m writing a report for the school newspaper. And I’m collecting people’s opinions on wearing school uniforms.
M: Oh, that’s interesting. I think people will give you very different thoughts about it.
Question 1: How do you think about wearing school uniforms?/ What do you think of wearing school uniforms?/ Whats your opinion about wearing school uniforms?
Answer 1: 2015江苏高考英语答案Well, basically I think it is a good idea. Wearing the same clothes, students feel equal. It also saves time. Because when students wake up in the morning, they don’t have to think about what to wear for that day. They can have more time in bed maybe. And for their parents, it saves them a lot of money.
Question 2: Isnt it boring to wear the same clothes?/ Isnt wearing the same clothes boring?/ Don’t you feel bored to wear the same clothes?
Answer 2: To some degree, it is boring, and makes children dull. Some people even say that children can learn to make choices and decisions if they have the freedom to decide what to wear.
Question 3: Did you wear school uniforms when you were young?/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a kid?/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a child?/
Answer 3: Yes, I was born in Germany, but I went to school in England, and almost all schools had uniforms. So for me, it was very normal. When I was in primary school, we had a uniform, and in secondary school, a different uniform. And my brother school also had a uniform. Sometimes, we did get bored. But I think overall, it saved us time in the morning.
Question 1: What class did Dr. Brown just have? 
Answer 1: History class.
Question 2: What is your report about? 
Answer 2: Wearing school uniforms.
Question 3: What is the advantage of wearing school uniforms for parents? 
Answer 3: It saves them a lot of money.
Question 4: What can children learn by choosing what to wear every day? 
Answer 4: To make choices and decisions.
Question 5: Where did Dr. Brown go to school?
Answer 5: In England.
Part C
An Unexpected Discovery
One Sunday morning, Tom, a young chemistry professor, was waiting for his coffee in the college restaurant. A few minutes later, Mary, a young waitress, came to him with the cup of coffee he ordered, but spilled some coffee on his new jacket. The coffee stain left on the jacket seemed impossible to wash off. Mary felt so sorry. But Tom smiled at her and said it was alright. Mary asked Tom to leave the jacket with her, and said she would return it to him very soon. The next day, the jacket was sent back to Tom’s office. To his surprise, the coffee stain had disappeared. He had been working on a new powerful washing powder for years, but he couldn’t make it. So he went to the restaurant again, and asked Mary how she did it. Mary pointed to some purple flowers outside the restaurant window and said that it was a special method passed on from her grandma. Tom thanked Mary and picked up a purple flower. He took it to his lab to study. Later he found that it was the very natural element that he had been searching for.