artist n.艺术家;author n.作家;model n.模特;physician n.内科医生;surgeon n.外科医生;doctor n.医生,大夫;博士;specialist n.专科医生,专家;chemist n.药剂师,化学家;dentist n.牙科医生;physicist n.物理学家;architect n.建筑师,设计师;carpenter n.木工,木匠;merchant n.商人;tailor n.裁缝;barber n.理发师;chef n.厨师长,主厨;butcher n.屠夫;guard n.警卫,门卫;firefighter n.消防人员;lawyer n.律师;minister n.部长,牧师;president n.总统;premier n.首相,总理;chairman n.主席;politician/statesman n.政治家
职位与职称:position n.职位;assistant n.助手,助理;engineer n.工程师,技师;manager n.经理;secretary n.秘书,书记;accountant n.会计;consultant n.顾问
应聘与录用:interviewee n.被面试者,被采访者;interviewer n.面试官,采访人→interview v.采访;candidate n.候选人;applicant n.申请人;experience n.经验,经历;appointment n.预约;employ/hire/take on雇用;recommend v.推荐;hunt for a job工作
待遇:income n. 收入;salary n.薪水;wage n. 工资,工钱;bonus n.奖金,红利;allowance n. 津贴,补助;pension n. 养老金;welfare n.福利
任职资格:certificate n.证明,();qualification n. 资格,学历;qualify vt.& vi. (使)具有资格;potential adj.潜在的,可能的n.潜力;qualified adj. 有资格的;skilled adj. 熟练的,有技能的
工作职责:responsibility n.责任,负责;duty n. 责任,义务;task n. 任务;undertake vt. 承担,从事,负责;be in charge of sth.主管;be in the charge of sb.=be in one’s charge在某人的掌管之下
2015江苏高考英语答案achieve完成,实现,达到;appoint任命;belong属于;educate教育;quit离任;dismiss ……离开;遣散;解散;解雇;retire 退休;resign 辞职
energetic充满活力的;strong-minded意志坚定的;determined有决心的;creative有创造力的;stubborn固执的;generous慷慨的,大方的;typical典型的;warm-hearted热心肠的;well-paid薪水高的;easy-going随和的;hard-working 努力工作的
working experience工作经历;be paid by the hour按小时发工资;be skilled in……方面熟练;graduate from毕业于;apply for申请;be fit/qualified for适合/胜任;feel equal to感觉能胜任;have a good command of精通;major in主修;be out of employment=be out of work=lose one’s job失业
1.(2019课标全国)Hearing that you are recruiting volunteers for the coming Chinese painting exhibition in your local art gallery, I can’t wait to write to apply for being a volunteer.听到你们正在为即将到来的当地美术馆的中国画展招聘志愿者,我迫不及待地写信申请成为一名志愿者。
2.(2018浙江)And I am writing to apply for being a volunteer of our school English association. 我写信是为了申请成为我们学校英语协会的志愿者。
3.(2016浙江) Planning is good as it decides in detail how we do what we want to do. However, a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out.制订计划很好,因为它详细地决定了我们该怎么做想做的事。然而,一个计划如果没有被实际执行就没有结果。
4.(2016课标全国)I plan to apply for a part-time job in a foreign company in the coming summer vacation. I have written my application letter and my resume, which are enclosed in the attachment.在即将到来的暑假我打算在一家外企申请一份兼职工作。我已经写了申请信和简历,并附在了附件里。
5.(2016课标全国)I’d be very grateful if you could take some time to go through my resume and make necessary changes. 如果你能拿出一些时间仔细检查我的简历并做必要的修改,我将不胜感激。
6.(2015 陕西)I’m writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer.我写信申请做学生志愿者。
The hard-working and never-give-up attitude of Malaysian badminton star Lee Chong Wei has won many people’s hearts.
The 36-year-old player is already a veteran (经验丰富的人) of the badminton world. Despite this, he doesn’t want to call it a day. At the moment, nose cancer is keeping him out of the game.
At a press conference earlier this month, Lee said that he hopes to return to badminton next year and to compete in his fifth Olympic Games held in Tokyo in 2020. “It’s going to be tough to fight for the gold medal, but I will try my very best because it’s always my dream,” he said. Although Lee is one of the world’s greatest players, he has never won a badminton world championship. So if health permits, he will continue to compete because he wants an Olympic gold. Besides his great determination, his other drive is his passion for the sport. “One of the most important things in life to him is badminton,” Lee’s coach told the New Straits Times.
After two months of cancer treatment that caused eating and sleeping problems, recently Lee began a little training.
The 36-year-old badminton player, Lee Chong Wei, is admired by many people. Owing to his passion for badminton, he is still determined to 1.      (为夺取……而比赛) an Olympic gold medal despite nose cancer. 
2.      (众所周知), passion is an essential factor in the career we are devoted to. Without passion, we tend to easily lose heart when 3.      (面对挑战或失败). However, if we are extremely enthusiastic about what we are doing, we will become more strong-minded, 4.      (不遗余力) to overcome difficulties. In addition, when we are determined to achieve something we are interested in, we will no doubt try any method that may lead us to success, 5.      (这肯定会有助于) to explore our potential and increase our abilities. Besides, 6.      (据信……) our passion for the work can make our working environment more friendly, thus 7.      (提高我们的效率) as well as improving our health condition. 
Since being passionate is 8.      (如此重要) to our career, we should be serious when we choose jobs, and try to do what we are fond of. 

1pete for 2.As is known to all 3.faced with challenges or failures 4.sparing no effort 5.which surely will help 6.it is believed that    7.promoting our efficiency 8.of such great significance