21. The number of smokers, _________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.
A. it  B. which  C. what  D. as
[解析]:正确答案:D。本题考察as引导的非限定性定语从句。 本题的意思是“抽烟的人数,正如所报道的,在短短的一年时间内已经下降了百分之十七。”对于句子结构理解稍微薄弱的同学可能会选A。如果选A,应当是:It is reported that the number of smokers has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 如果选C,应当是:What is reported is that the number of smokers has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.
22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to ___________ to their greatest potential.
A. accelerate  B. improve    C. perform  D. develop
[解析]:正确答案:D。本题考察学生动词词汇量。“学校应该是一个充满生机的地方,在这里每个个体(学生)都被鼓励充分发展,最大限度的激发前能。”A选项“加速,加快,常见的短语accelerate the pace of; B选项“改进,提高”;C选项“表现,表演,执行”;D选项“发展,开发”。 
23. –Jim, can you work this Sunday?
--____________? I’ve been working for two weeks on end.
A. Why me    B. Why not  C. What if    D. So what
[解析]:正确答案A。本题为情境对话。“——Jim, 本周日你能辛苦一下(加班)吗?    ——为什么是我?我已经连续工作两周了。”B选项用语回答对方的提议,相当于good idea“好主意,这个想法好。”C选项完整的说法是“What should I do if”“要是该怎么办?”;D选项,表示一种不屑一顾的语气,“那又怎么样呢”。 
24. Much time __________ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.
A. being spent  B. having spent  C. spent  D. spending
25. ____________ Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won’t accept it.
A. That  B. Why    C. Where    D. How
[解析]:正确答案C。 本题考察名词性从句引导词。根据题目的意思“伟大的诗人李白出生于何地事众人皆知,但是仍有一些人不愿意接受这个说法。”此语境中包含了where引导的主语从句。
26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside _________ fully covered in thick clothes.
A. If    B. unless    C. once    D. when
[解析]:正确答案B。本题考察从属连词引导的状语从句。本题意思为“外头非常冷如果不裹一件厚实点的衣服千万别出去。”选项B unless= ifnot,符合题意。 
27. The university started some new language programs to _____________ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt.
A. apply to  B. cater for    C. appeal to    D. hunt for
[解析]:正确答案B。本题考察动词词组。“这所大学开设了新的语言项目以迎合国家丝绸之路经济带的战略需要。A.适用于,符合。如:The rule applies to you as well. B选项迎合,满足;C选项呼吁,吸引;D选项相当于“seek, search for, look for”,寻。
28. It might have saved me some trouble ____________ the schedule.
A. did I know    B. have I known    C. do I know  D. had I known
[解析]:正确答案:D。本题考察if虚拟条件句if的省略。本题的完整表述应为:“It might have saved me some trouble if I had known the schedule.”意思是“要是我当初知道这个日程安排,
29. The whole team __________ Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down.
A. wait on  B. focus on    C. count on    D. call on
[解析]:正确答案:C。本题考察动词词组。意为“整支球队都指望C罗,并且C罗也很少让他们失望。”A选项多用语等待某事件或消息如:wait on the blood test results,等待验血结果。B选项“关注,全神贯注”,有“concentrate on”的意思;C选项,“指望,依赖”;D选项“拜访,呼吁”。
30. The real reason why prices _________, and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.
A. were    B. will be  C. have been    D. had been
31. The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and _____________ review of the case.
A. comprehensive  B. complicated    C. conscious    D. crucial  2015江苏高考英语答案
32. Some schools will have to make ____________ in agreement with the national soccer reform.
A. judgments    B. adjustments    C. comments    D. achievements
33. –Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party?
--Well, you know he’s _________________.
A. an early bird.  B. a wet blanket    C. a lucky dog    D. a tough nut
[解析]:正确答案:B。 本题以情境对话的形式考察英语俗语(colloquialism)。选项A,“早起的鸟儿”,喻勤劳的人;选项B, “扫兴的人或物”;选项C,“幸运儿”;选项D,“棘手的事,难对付的人”。
34. Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around _____________ Thomas Edison.
A. thanks to    B. regardless of    C. aside from    D. but for
[解析]:正确答案:D。 本题通过一个含蓄虚拟条件句来考察介词短语的辨析。本题意为“要不是爱迪生的发明,今天我们身边享用的很多东西都将不复存在。”选项A,给考生造成比较大的干扰与困惑。如果把题目改成:“Thanks to Thomas Edison, now we can benefit from ma
ny of the things around us.”选项B,“不管,不顾”;选项C“除了”,相当于apart from;选项D,“要不是”。 其实,本题的突破点在于选项D可以用于虚拟语气。