学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.It didn’t rainI got to the Town Hall()
A.unless B.if C.until D.whether 
2.I sent invitations to 20 people,came()
A.of whom only 10 of these 
B.only 10 of these who 
C.of whom only 10 
D.only 10 who 
3.I apologize for _____ my promise that I would take you to the seaside()
A.not keep 
B.not having kept 
C.not have kept 
D.having not kept 
4.Not only _____ a promise, but also he kept it()
A.does the manager make 
B.did the manager make 
C.the manager made 
D.the manager makes 
5.He()me to give up the holidays in Spain next month
A.vinced C.agreed D.persuaded 
6.You must have sent her off at the airport yesterday, ____()
A.have you B.must dn’t you D.didn’t you 
7.62 percent of the people surveyed said they always avoided their smart phones during meals()
A.use B. use D.used 
8.You can’t rely on Jane as she is ______ changing her mind and you will never know what she is going to do next()
A.occasionally B.rarely C.stantly 
9.Radio, television and press are of conveying news and information()
A.the most three common means 
B.the three most common means 
C.the most common three means 
D.three the most common means 
10.I’m told that I will share an office room _____ five other newcomers()
A.in B. D.at 
A.play B.sleep C.eat D.do 
12.The first name for the Open University was ‘The University of the __36 _’ . The idea was to Teach ‘on the air ’ , in other __37__, on radio and television . Most of the teaching is done like this .Radio and television __38 brought the classroom into people ’s__39__ . But this , on is own, is not __40__ fora university education. The Open University __41__ also receives advice at one of 283 study centers inthe country . Thirty—six weeks of the year he
has to send __42__ work to a ‘tutor’, the person whoguides his __43__ . He must also spend three weeks every summer __44__ a full—time student. Thetutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities, At the end o the Open University’sfirst year, the results were good. Three out of every four students __45__ their examinations. If they dothis very year, they will finish their studies in four or five years专升本考试时间2022
A.Air B.Radio C.Television D.Open 
A.giving B.wearing C.taking D.forcing 
A. C.operate D.work 
15. ()
A.be B.having to be C.being D.have to be 
A.reach B.l D.work 
A.down B.over C.inside D.up 
A.talent B.honor C.sponsibility 
A.a large sum of 
B.a great deal of 
C.a large number of 
D.a large amount of 
A.wiping B.washing C.uching 
22.Sam could not afford the camera he longed for because it was too expensive
24.Not until a monkey is several years old _________ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother()
25.The president of the college, together with the deans, ________ planning a conference f
or setting a series of regulations()
26.If you don’t agree with me, ________()
27.In his opinion, success in life mainly()on how we get along with other people
A.keeps B.depends C.insists D.spends 
28.Could you please _____ why you can’t come to attend the meeting()
A.explain B.understand C.ach 
[考点] 非谓语动词
【精析】 B apologize for doing sth.为固定用法,意为为做……而道歉。根据句意可知,没有遵守承诺这一动作发生在道歉这一动作之前,所以应用动名词的完成式,即having+过去分词的形式,其否定式是在having前加not。故选B
4.BB句意:经理不但许下了诺言,而且也信守了诺言。倒装句型题。本句为not only…but also结构。not only(不仅)放句首时,主句要用部分倒装形式,即将助动词提至主语前。又因本题为过去时,故选B
【精析】D have sb.后应接省略to的动词不定式,意为让某人做某事;convince sb.后接of doing,意为说服某人做某事;agree后不能直接加sb.;persuade sb.后面可接动词不定式to do,意为说服某人做某事。故选D