第一节:应用文写作(15 分)
假设你是李华, 你的美国笔友 Jack 正在为即将到来的考试焦虑不已, 严重影响了生活和学习, 为此写信向你求助。根据以下要点, 用英语给他回一封信, 提出一些建议。
1. 制定复习计划, 树立信心。
2. 多与老师和同学谈心。
3. 坚持锻炼身体
4. 保持良好睡眠。
注意:词数 80-100 词;可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
今年3月全国政协会议期间,江苏锡山唐江澎校长的一席话发人深思教育应该培养终身运动者、责任担当者、问题解决者和优雅生活者。某英文网站以“How to Be a Better Person”为话题开展征文活动,请从中学生的角度写一篇80词左右的短文谈谈你的做法。
1. 健康生活(食物、运动、睡眠……);
2. 不怕挑战(尽力解决学习、生活中的问题……);
3. 对人友善(乐于助人、与人和睦相处……);
4. 牢记责任(照顾父母,帮助弱者……)。
1. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。
2. 文章必须包含所给要点提示,要求语句通顺,行文连贯。
提示词 responsibility 职责
How to Be a Better Person
As a senior high school student, I quite agree with Mr. Tang’s opinions. To be a better person. I think I should do the following things.
第一节:小作文(15 分):
假定你是李华,负责学校英文广播站。请你给广播站的顾问 Dr Brown 写一封,邀请他参加广播站十周年庆典。
1. 感谢他的指导;
2. 告知参加庆典时间和地点;
3. 邀请他参加庆典并发言。
1. 词数 80 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
3. 提示词:顾问 consultant。
Dear Dr Brown,
Li Hua
46. 假如你是你校慢跑俱乐部队长李明,请你在学校英语周报上发表一封倡议书,号召同学们踊跃参加每日下午三点到三点半的户外慢跑活动。内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 注意事项;
3. 呼吁参加。
1. 写作词数应为80词左右;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:慢跑俱乐部 Jogging Club
Dear students,
Jogging Club
46. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友John非常喜欢中国美食,打算近期来中国学习厨艺,发来邮件想请你给他推荐一位厨师。请回复邮件,内容包括:
1. 推荐的厨师;
2. 推荐的原因;
3. 祝愿拜师成功。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Jack,
I am sorry to hear that you feel extremely nervous before an important exam. I’d like to give you some advice.
Firstly, make careful plans before exams to master what you have learned completely. It will help you build up your confidence. Secondly, take proper exercise regularly, which will help you keep healthy and energetic. What’s more, you can talk with your teachers or classmates after class. Last but not least, don’t stay up late studying. It is very important to
have a good sleep at night if you want to be energetic during the day.
I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration.
Li Hua
【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给美国笔友 Jack 回一封信, 就他考试焦虑问题的求助给出合理建议。
1. 词汇积累
建议:advice→suggestions/tips 适当的:proper→appropriate
此外:What’s more → Besides/In addition
重要的:important→ essential 2. 句式拓展
原句:I’d like to give you some advice.
拓展句:I’d like to give you some advice that helped me a lot when I faced exams.
【高分句型 1】Firstly, make careful plans before exams to master what you have learned completely.    (运用了 what 引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型 2】It is very important to have a good sleep at night if you want to be energetic during the day. (运用了 if 引导的状语从句及 It 作形式主语)
How to Be a Better Person
As a senior high school student, I quite agree with Mr. Tang’s opinions. To be a better person. I think I should do the following things.
First of all, we should have a healthy life. We should eat well, take more exercise and have enough sleep. Second, we should not be afraid of challenge. We must try our best to solve the problems in our study and life. Third, we should be kind and be ready to help others. We should get on well with others. Finally, we should keep the responsibilities in mind. We should take care of parents and help the weak.