(时间:120分钟 总分为:150分)
第一局部 听力(共两节,总分为30分)
W:May I know your arrival and departure dates?
M:I will arrive on December 27th and depart on January 5th.
1.When will the man leave?
A.On December 27th.
B.On January 5th.
C.On January 27th.
W:Hey,you knocked all my books out of my arms.
M:I am sorry,I am in a hurry.I have to meet the headmaster but I will help you pick up these books first.
2.What is the man supposed to do?
A.Meet the headmaster.
B.Borrow some books.
C.Attend a meeting.
M:Why do you like collecting stamps so much?
W:Because I like to see the unique pictures on the stamps.And it doesn’t cost me so much.What are you interested in?
M:I like collecting postcards because there is a lot of interesting information on them.
3.Why does the man like collecting postcards?
A.There are unique pictures on them.
B.It doesn’t cost him so much.
C.He can get information from them.
W:You’ve been to Paris,haven’t you?
M:Yes.As a matter of fact,I used to live in Paris.
W:Well,I’m planning to visit there soon and I was wondering if you could describe the city to me.
M:My pleasure.
4.What do we know about the man?
A.He lives in Paris now.
B.He once lived in Paris.
C.He will visit Paris soon.
M:I wonder how we will ever get the sand out of our suitcases.
W:We would never have gotten any sand in them if we hadn’t had our vacation at the beach.Next year let’s go to the mountains or just have a quiet vacation on the farm.
M:Are you sure?
W:Of course.
5.Where did the speakers spend their vacation?
A.At the seaside.
B.In the mountains.
C.On the farm.
W:May I e in,sir?
M:Yes,please.What can I do for you?
W:I’d like an application form for a scholarship.
M:We have not yet received them from the dean’s office.You may e back in two weeks.
W:But my parents and I are leaving for London in a week.We won’t e for a month.
M:In that case,you might try to get it from the dean’s office tomorrow.You can call him at 875-545-6689 after 8:50.
W:Thank you,sir.
6.What does the woman want to get?
A.An application form.
B.The dean’s address.
C.The dean’s number.
7.When will the woman e back from London?
A.A week later.
B.Two weeks later.
C.A month later.
W:Hello,Mike.I hear you are doing some part-time work.
M:Yes.I’m working four nights a week at a restaurant.
W:What are you doing there?
M:Doing some dishwashing and dusting tables.
W:Do they give you decent wages?
M:Not too bad.
W:Well,I’ve been accepted for a part-time job in a library.I will be working there only on weekends.
M:Really?That’s good.So you’ll be earning some extra money,too.
W:Yeah.I don’t want to ask my parents for spending money any more.Well,may I ask a personal question?
M:It depends.What do you want to know?
W:What do you do with the money you earn?
M:Well,I spend some of it on books and movies and I also save some for short trips.
W:Good idea.What I want to get is a sports bicycle.
8.How often does the man work in the restaurant?
A.Two nights a week.
B.Four nights a week.
C.Two days a week.
9.What does the man do with the money he earns?