Passage 1  ABCFE
Sending handwritten letters may have fallen out of fashion,but I’m a great believer in the power of letters. There’s something unique and special about handwritten things.You write a letter not because there’s something you need to know,but there’s something you want to say.1
The letter is a powerful and memorable way to touch the ones you care about.When my granny died and I cleared her house, I found hundreds of letters she had kept.    2 There were letters from her mother,who died long before I was born,but sitting reading them one rainy afternoon, her words stretched out across time and I felt I knew her.
偏爱考试版3 It can enrich a relationship and allow it to grow. When I was 12, I faked a letter from a parent to the pet shop for a pet mouse.My mum punished me and made me write letters to some relatives.One of them was my uncle who I’d only met a few times before.I wrote a long letter detailing my life and listing my interests.My punishment complete,I forgot about this until I suddenly got a reply from him. “How lovely to hear from you,” he said, and went on to tell me all about his life. He’d love to hear about what subjects at school I enjoyed.
4    I have grown close to him since then.
I often think about how that one naughty childhood behavior led to such an enriching communication that stretched on for many years.It encouraged me to write to lots of other people in fact.    40      So, I’d encourage you to put pen to paper and see where it leads. What have you got to lose?
A. That is the point of the letter.
B. They told the story of her relationships.
C. Receiving a letter is such a lovely surprise.
D. It’s also a way to make you more thoughtful.
E. And it’s something I keep up with to this day.
F. Then we started a communication that went on for years.
G. That’s why we would prefer handwritten letters to emails.
Passage 2  GFEAD
Before we even realize it’s happening, slowly but surely, we start losing confidence in who we are, what we do, and pretty much everything we ever thought we knew. You’re not alone.    6    Below are simple steps that offer to help you restore confidence quickly.
Figure Out the Root Cause. Knowing why you’re losing confidence is key to reversing that downward spiral. Not only will it get your confidence back but also it will strengthen it in the process. So, take the time to become aware of your environment, your thoughts, your behaviors, and your relationships.    7
Strike a Pose. Simply put you stand straight, take up some space, put one hand on each hip, chin tilted upward, breathe in, and be present. Hold this pose for a few minutes.    8    Our attitudes often follow our behaviors, her research suggests, meaning that assuming the body language of a powerful person can make anyone who does it feel more confident.
9  Losing confidence means you’ve given your power away. And one of the fastest ways to take back your power is to utter a tiny two-letter word: NO, Practice saying “no” at least o nce a day. It can be to your own judging voices of doubt, or it can be to the external factors you’ve identified that have caused you to lose confidence. It, along with these other suggestions: are very powerful steps in restoring your confidence.
Losing confidence in ourselves happens.    10    I bet if you ask the people closest to you in your life, they’ll shrug and nod, letting you know that they’ve experienced self-doubt and a loss of confidence, too. It’s part of being human and part of living this thing that we call life.
A. Just Say “No”.
B. You will benefit from it in the long term.
C. They may help you find out your mistakes.
D. It’s happened to me on more than one occasion.
E. It’s one of the power poses suggested by social psychologist Amy Cuddy.
F. In that case, you can identify the negative influences that need to be addressed.
We set off on our journey up Mount Wutai onto its peak to appreciate the mysterious and beautiful Bodhisattva Lights, ball-shaped lights floating in the whole sky with radiant beams. Seen from the foot of the mountain, the sky was gray and cloudy. 11    It sometimes appeared in white mist, and sometimes was completely covered by clouds.
On the mountainside, our clothing grew wet.    12    It slowed the horses down to a heavy pace. We spent the night at a small temple. The next morning we continued our climb in the rain. The road was more slippery than the day before, so we had no choice but to get down from our horses and walked on foot.
On the way, we were told the unusual phenomenon wouldn't be observed in the rain. We sighed with disappointment.
13    And the sun set in the west, the clouds disappeared and the mist faded.
Eventually, we arrived at the peak, with the sky filled with sta rs. Late in the night, we got awake by a shout. “Get up. Hurry up to see the Lights!” We moved quickly, threw on a few pieces of clothing and ran out. It was cold, making our bodies shake from head to foot.    14    Just before our eyes, the mysterious phenomenon appeared.
Thousands of ball-shaped objects floated slowly in the distance, shining golden beams of light, as though the whole sky were filled with countless glowing lanterns. The balls moved across the sky at the same speed.    15    They were light and delicate. Meanwhile, we all just froze there, speechless with wonder, appreciating the incredible views.
A. It seemed to rain soon.
B. We had to stop for a shelter.
C. Unexpectedly, the sky began to clear.
D. In the distance stood the peak, unclear.
E. The road was slippery and difficult to walk.
F. However, our hearts were filled with excitement.
G. They were like goldfish swimming calmly in water.
Passage 4  EBGDC
Whenever you use a social network, send a text, or post online, you’re add ing to your online identity. Your online identity is different from your real-world identity — the way your friends, parents, and teachers think of you. Trying on different personas is part of the fun of an online life. Y ou can change the way you act and present yourself to others, and you can learn more about things that interest you.      16        Here are some things to consider to safeguard your online identity and reputation.
17      The online world is full of chances to interact and share w ith others. It’s also a place where there are no “take-backs”. A lot of what you do and say online can be seen even if you delete it —and it’s a breeze for others to copy, save, and forward your information.
Don’t post inappropriate pictures or comments. Things that seem funny or cool to you right now might not seem so cool years from now — or when a teacher, admissions officer, or potential employer sees them.      18      Even if it’s on a private page, it could be hacked or copied and forwarded.
Don’t respond to inappropriate requests. Many teens get inappropriate messages and requests when they’re online.
19      If you feel harassed (骚扰) by a stranger or a friend online, tell an adult you trust immediately. It is never a good idea to respo nd.  Responding is only likely to make things worse, and might result in you saying something you wish you hadn’t.
Take a breather to avoid “flaming”.        20      Wait a few minutes, calm down, and remember that the comments may stay long after you’ve regained your temper or changed your mind.
Your online identity and reputation are shaped in much the same way as your real-life identity. So think
ing before you post and being responsible can help you avoid leaving an online identity trail you regret.
A.Do n’t be afraid to ask a trusted adult.
B.Remember that nothing is temporary online.
C.Feel like firing off an angry text or comment?
D.These can be scary, strange, and even embarrassing.
E.And just as in real life, you can take steps to help you stay in control.
F.But when you’re online you hardly explain your tone or what you mean.
G.A good rule of thumb is: if you don’t want your grandmother to see it, don’t post it.
Work from Anywhere Movement
For a lot of us, working from wherever we wanted was a bit of a dream. It would mean we'd be able to visit family and not take holiday days. But suddenly that “dream” of not working in the office became a reality for many. Working from home over the last years has proven that it isn't always necessary for te
ams to physically be together and there is more flexibility.      21
An obvious benefit for many employers is reduced costs. With a widespread workforce, there's no need to have an office big eno ugh for everyone. They also save on travel costs, as meetings that once “needed" to be done face- to- face can now be done online. 22 With the work from anywhere movement, employers can hire global talents. They're not restricted to people living nearby.
23  In an ever changing and developing working world, offering benefits like this could be what makes a company stand out from another for a specific candidate.
For many employees, working from anywhere supports mental health.  24  Imagine ending a particularly stressful meeting. Rather than going back to your office desk, you step out your door and have a coffee in the sun or walk along a beach. In Addition, working from anywhere allows you to have a better work-life balance. It lets you travel to see family, watch your daughter's soccer game, and go to the little bakery —all while being paid.  25
A. But it's not only about money.
B. However, every coin has two sides.
C. It decreases stress and other concerns.
D. Your time is spent on the things that matter.
E. There are a lot of benefits for companies and workers.
F. Offering remote job positions makes a company more competitive.
G. Offices are increasingly where you go to put the company into company.
Passage 6    CEGAD
How to Overcome Your Fear of Failure
People are quick to blame themselves for failure and can't shake the perception that they had not succeeded.  26  Here are four steps you can take.
Redefine failure. 27  . In other words, this is the fear of failure. By framing a situation you're dreading(畏惧) differently before you attempt it, you may be able to avoid some stress and anxiety. If you can shift your mindset and redefine what constitutes failure and success, you are able to absorb the results of the experience more gracefully and with less anxiety than you expect. .
Set approach goals. Goals can be classified as approach goals or avoidance goals.    28    Psychologists have found that  creating approach goals, or positively reframing avoidance goals, is beneficial for well-being. When you' re dreading a tough task and expect it to be difficult and unpleasant, you may unconsciously set goals around what you don't want to happen rather than what you do want. Research has shown that people who take on an avoidance focus become twice as mentally exhausted as the approach-focused ones.
29    Author and investor Tim Ferriss recommends “fear-setting”, creating a checklist of what you are afraid to do and what you fear will happen if you do it. In his Ted Talk on the  subject,he shares how doing this enabled him to tackle some of his hardest challenges, resulting in some of his biggest successes.
Focus on learning. The chips aren't always going to fall where you want them to- but if you come down to earth, you can be prepared to wring(拧,挤) the most value out of the experience, no matter the outcome. When you shift gears to focus not on your potential for failure but on what you could learn from competing at a higher level than before,    30    By rethinking your fears using the four steps above, you can come to see apprehension(恐惧) as a teacher and guide to help you achieve your most important goals.
A. Create a “fear list".
B. Tackle challenges bravely.
C. You may want to face your fear and push beyond it to success.
D. you would stop sweating that first attempt and see it as a stepping stone to success.
E. Behind many fears is worry about doing something wrong or not meeting expectations.
F. you're stepping out of your comfort zone to take steps that will help you rise and thrive.
G. It is based on whether you are motivated by wanting to achieve a positive outcome or avoid a negative one
If you’ve had a bad night’s sleep, or you’ve just got too much to do, the last thing you want to be told is to “be positive! ”  31  .
Of course, developing a positive attitude is easier said than done —it doesn’t come naturally to everyone. When you’re feeling down, it is hard to be optimistic. But a study has found that people who
are optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life. So, maybe once you think of a longer life,    32  .
The study concluded that optimists may find it easier to control emotions and get less stressed. And as stress impacts on the immune system,    33. Professor Lewina Lee from Boston University said: “Our findings speak to the possibil ity that raising levels of optimism may promote longevity and healthy aging. ” And she advises that pessimists could benefit from doing things like imagining a future where everything turns out well.
But if you’re a’ glass half empty’ type of person, coul d seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses work for you? Every bean has its black.    34. Some people say it’s best to celebrate the positives and ignore the negative parts of our lives.
35 . Vicki Siska says “Music feeds my soul, a sense of humour keeps things in perspective”. Pippa Kennedy says “being grateful for what you have! ” Other people recommend doing yoga and meditation as well as staying fit to help maintain a positive outlook on life.
A. Accepting this helps us control our emotions
B. Accept it and make efforts to improve yourself
C. it’s possible that optimists better handle infections
D. But having this mindset could have many benefits
E. But it could help you have a positive outlook on life
F. it might encourage you to have a more hopeful outlook on life
G. People have their personal advice on keeping a positive approach to life
Passage 8    CDAFG
Our society is fast paced. We are all rushing from one place to the next, blowing our horn at slow drivers who may be singing songs in the car with their children or pointing out some interesting sights. We don’t have time for that silliness today. But we try to say to ourselves that we will make time for fun tomorrow. It is time to take a few deep breaths and think about our actions and our words.    36  .
Have you ever really thought about the saying “Actions speak louder than words”? Think about it now. If you say one thing and act in an opposite way, will the words be ignored and just the actions remembered? I don’t think s o.    37  . It is also equally important to use words to show appreciation, love, approval and happiness and then follow those words with a hug, pat on the back or smile.
38  . What about that saying? True? Yes! Words carry a lot of weight and will be remembered for years especially when they are written down. Mean words can hurt for that moment and for a lifetime. I am sure that each of us remembers a time when a friend made an unkind comment.    39  . Let’s not be a member of that “club”. When was the last time that you hid a love note in a lunch box or in your mate’s coat pocket? If you want to see a bright smile, that will do it!
The power of this written note will be remembered for many days, even years. “I can live for two months on a good comp liment”, said Mark Twain. Children grow stronger when they feel appreciated and understood.    40  . A perfect way to turn a bad day around is to praise your child. “I noticed that your hair looked very nice today. ” “Did you hang your coat up all by your self?” It is amazing how those few words can change a child’almost immediately. Don’t One of my sisters ended a phone conversation with three words –“I love you”! Boy, that put a spring in my step! Mark Twain is right. I still feel the positive effect of those three little but very powerful words.
A. The pen is more powerful than the sword.
B. Is it really reasonable to do something like that?
C. Do they display the attitude that we want to convey?
D. It is important to have your words match your actions.
E. Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image.
F. Those words did lasting damage to you, the relationship or both.