1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear teacher,
I think it's not a good idea to randomly pair up students for the spoken English training class. I have a few reasons for my opinion.
Firstly, randomly pairing up students may lead to imbalanced language abilities within the groups. Some students might have advanced speaking skills while others may struggle wit
h basic conversation. This can hinder the progress of both students as the more advanced one may dominate the conversation, leaving little room for the other student to improve.
Secondly, students may feel uncomfortable or less motivated if they are paired with someone they don't get along with or have difficulty communicating with. Building a positive and comfortable learning environment is crucial for effective language practice, and randomly assigning pairs might undermine this.
Instead, I suggest implementing a system where students can choose their own partners based on their language abilities and personal preferences. This allows students to collaborate with someone they are comfortable with, ensuring a supportive and productive learning environment.
Li hua
1. 简述目前网络平台的一些问题;
2. 提出你对改善网络环境的建议及理由。
Nowadays, the use of social media platforms such as QQ, WeChat and Bilibili by high school students is increasing rapidly. However, these participations bring up several problems, such as the proliferation of fake news, the abuse of freedom of speech, and so on.
To improve the online environment, I suggest that school should promote an education programme for the students, which emphasizes the importance of the accuracy of informati
on and be aware of inappropriate words or works on the Internet. Besides, students should also take the initiative to build a healthy online environment by avoiding fake news, disrespectful words or trolling. Last but not least, teenagers should limit and balance the use of the Internet. Abusive and inappropriate behaviors from social media can be largely avoided if more time is put into outdoor activities and productive works.
迅速地:rapidly → quickly
引起:bring up → cause/bring about
建议:suggest → advise/propose
此外:besides → in addition
偏爱考试版原句:However, these participations bring up several problems, such as the proliferation of fake news, the abuse of freedom of speech, and so on.
拓展句:However, these participations bring up several problems, which include the proliferation of fake news and the abuse of freedom of speech.
[高分句型1] To improve the online environment, I suggest that school should promote an education programme for the students, which emphasizes the importance of the accuracy of information and be aware of inappropriate words or works on the Internet. (运用了连接词that引导宾语从句和which引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Abusive and inappropriate behaviors from social media can be largely avoided if more time is put into outdoor activities and productive works. (运用了if引导条件状语从句)