  一、简答题 每小题2分,共1题 
  1、The Bill of Rights of 1689
  2、The Commonwealth
  3、The Times
  4、The three traditions of Christmas in Britain
  6、The Bill of Rights
  二、英译汉 每小题2分,共1题 
  1、High-speed ground transportation (HSGT) represents a new mode of transportation for the United States, one that is potentially superior to both airplanes and automobiles for trips
between 100 and 600 miles.
  2、Principal hereby appoints agent as its exclusive agent to sell Products in Territory, within and to the extent of the right granted hereunder, on behalf of Principal and Agent accepts and assumes such appointment.
  3、The research finds that young women are heading for an early grave through smoking and lack of exercise.
  4、Eager to trust but determined to verify, many single women in an age of risky romance are hiring private detectives to check the background of their suitors.
  5、Career comebacks from disaster are both difficult and, oddly, easy. Difficult because your record has been blighted; easy because if you have achieved triumphs before, you know how it’s done. While we are suspicious of someone who has suffered a serious setback, we also respect hard-won experience. Moreover, the doctrine of redemption is a central part of our culture. The idea that someone is an irredeemable loss seems incredibly
brutal. Such a judgment feels as if it should be reserved for those who have been criminal, repeatedly negligent, or created damage on a grand scale.
  三、汉译英 每小题2分,共1题 
机灵和好人缘白手起家的企业家。他们谦和自敛,让我们生不起气来;我们与他们相处开心——所以我们为什么不与他们做生意呢?当然,这里面必需讲求技巧。一味溜须拍马,开一些干巴巴的玩笑,不会产生同样的魔力。英国人认为,人生在世,就得苦中作乐。这好像是我们心理学和文化的一条基本原则。在伦敦,说一个人缺乏幽默感,等于是说他一无是处。我出席的很多重要会议,都以一些善意的玩笑开场,以此打破缄默。这种惯例提示我们,我们都是凡人,而不完全是商业机器。 研究生分数线2022国家线
  1The Bill of Rights of 1689In 1688, King James II’s daughter Mary and her husband William were invited by the politicians and church authorities to take the throne, on condition that they would respect the fights of Parliament. The Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.2The CommonwealthIn the author’s opinion, the Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies. There are 50 members of the Co
mmonwealth: many of these are developing countries like India and Cyprus; others are developed nations like Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.3The TimesThe Times began publishing in 1785 and it is the United Kingdom’s oldest daily newspaper.4The three traditions of Christmas in BritainThree are three Christmas traditions which are particularly British: one is the Christmas Pantomime, a comical musical play. The main male character is played by a young woman while The main female character, often an ugly woman called 查看答案
  1The company’s stocks of dozens of species(a total of 500,000-odd saplings)are sufficient to meet the demand of urban tree planting.2This Contract shall become effective upon and from the date when it is signed and shall remain valid until all outstanding issues including the financial matters between the Parties hereto have been resolved.3All told, China has roughly 380 million women between the ages of 15 and 55, and few of them—particularly in the cities—want to look any less than the best their budgets allow.4The then young senator was struck by the powerful profile of his secretary of Asian descent, her rich black hair falling freely onto her shoulders, the intensity of her dark eyes.5Humour and charm are
a surprisingly powerful combination as a means of ascent in life. I have met a number of entrepreneurs who have built fortunes on the back of their wit and general popularity—and not much else. They disarm us with self-deprecation; we enjoy their company—so why wouldn’t we want to do business with them? Of course, it all has to be done well; sycophancy and flat jokes do not weave the same spell.The British feel that some light relief amid the drudgery is essential for existence to be tolerable. It seems to be a cornerstone of our psychology and culture. In London, to say someone has no sense of humour is to condemn them utterly. Many important meetings I attend start with a little friendly banter to break the ice, a ritual to remind us that we are all human—rather than simply robots of commerce.