Wu Wei is ________ artist. He has become ________ most famous one in Sunshine Town.
A. an; a
B. an; an
C. a; the
D. an; the
句意:吴维是位艺术家。他成了阳关镇最有名的人。考查冠词辨析题。前一句artist(艺术家)以元音音素开头,需用不定冠词an修饰;后一句most famous(最有名的)是形容词最高级,需用定冠词the修饰;根据句意语境,可知选D。
The pair of jeans looks nice ________ Sandy because she looks very nice
________ blue.
A. in; in
B. on; in
C. on; on
D. in; on
句意:这条牛仔裤在桑迪身上很好看,因为她穿蓝很好看。考查介词辨析题。in + 颜词,表示“穿戴”;on用于人,表示“带在...身上”。Sandy桑迪,人名;blue蓝;根据句意语境,可知选B。
---Sorry, I won’t have time to go shopping with you this afternoon.
--- But you ________ to do that yesterday.
A. ordered
B. promised
C. realized
D. knew
句意:——对不起,今天下午我没有时间和你一起去购物。——但是你昨天答应了。考查动词辨析题。A. ordered命令;B. promised许诺;
C. realized意识;
D. knew知道。but表转折,根据句意语境,可知promise 符合句意,故选B。
Read this article, _________ you’ll understand that not everything can be bought with money.
A. or
B. and
C. but
D. so
--- Where is Jenny?
--- I’m not sure. She ________ in the school library.
A. maybe
B. must be
C. may be
D. will be
试题句意:--珍妮在哪?--我不确定。她可能在学校的图书馆里。must 的语气最强,译为“一定,准是,想必是”;may(might) , could的语气最弱,译为“也许”、“可能”。否定语气较强时,则用can’t译为“不可
--- Let’s play football on the playground.
--- It’s too hot outside. I would rather ________ at home than ________ out.
A. to stay; go
B. staying; going
C. stay; to go
D. stay; go
(题文)Michael Jordan has failed over and over again in his life. And that’s ________ he can be successful.
A. what
B. when
C. why
D. where
句意:迈克尔乔丹一生中失败了一次又一次。这就是他能成功的原因。考查表语从句引导词。A.what“什么”,表事/物;B.when“何时”,表时间;C. why“为什么”,表原因;D. where“哪里”,表地点。句子主语that 指的是前句Michael Jordan has failed over and over again,解释了他成功的原因;根据句意语境,可知why符合句意,故选C。
This clock is a present from my parents. It can remind me ________ them and it also reminds me ________ up early in the morning.
A. of; wake
B. for; to wake
C. for; wake
D. of; to wake
句意:这只钟是我父母送给我的礼物。它可以让我想起他们,也提醒我早上要早起。考查动词短语辨析题。remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事;remind sb. to do提醒做某事/提醒某人去做某事;都是固定短语;根据句意结构和语境,可知选D。