一、完形填空(本题共15分,每小题1分) (共15题;共15分)
Two years ago, I took a bus to visit a friend living on a farm. My friend   1.  to pick me up from the bus station. Once I got off the   2.  , I pulled my two suitcases (行李箱) and walked to the pickup area.   3.  , my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic and I had to   4.  for an hour at the pickup area. To make things worse, it started raining half an hour later. Looking around, I was sad to find that there was no place to take shelter (躲避) from the   5.  . Just as I was feeling   6.  , a man driving a car stopped in front of me and   7.  me an umbrella. I asked for his  8.  so I could mail (邮寄) it back when I   9.  using it. To my surprise, the man said, "You don't have to   10.  it. Just pass the umbrella on to someone else when   11.  car arrives. " When my friend finally   12.  , I gave the umbrella to a lady carrying a baby who just arrived at the pickup area.  13.  I left, I asked her to give it to anyone else in   14.  of the umbrella. When I arrived at my friend's farm, I was very tired, but happy that I wa
s able to pass   15.  on to others.
1.A.regretted    B.promised    C.forgot    D.disagreed
2.A.car    B.train    C.bus    D.taxi
3.A.Differently    B.Finally    C.Unluckily    D.Naturally
4.A.wait    B.count    C.save    D.work
5.A.fire    B.rain    C.snow    D.danger
6.A.helpless    B.thirsty    C.hungry    D.sick
7.A.passed    B.showed    C.sold    D.found
8.A.age    B.address    C.hobby    D.job
9.A.avoided    B.started    C.minded    D.finished
10.A.get    B.keep    C.borrow    D.return随州事业单位招聘2022
11.A.his    B.her    C.your    D.my
12.A.showed up    B.gave up    C.woke up    D.stayed up
13.A.Before    B.After    C.Because    D.Unless
14.A.support    B.need    C.search    D.place
15.A.fitness    B.fairness    C.kindness    D.politeness
二、阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。(本题共40分, 每小题2分) (共20题;共40分)
My mom told me a story that was about the school picnic. At that time, schools didn't have
a field day. The biggest day for them was School Picnic Day.
School Picnic Day was usually held on the last day of school in June. On that day, kids played simple games. No one cared who won or who lost.
Before the school picnic, parents always packed picnic baskets for the kids. They filled them with a lot of good food.
There was a poor family. They had no picnic lunch that year. When my mom noticed this, she tried to help them.
Just then, the teacher said there was going to be one final race before lunch. It was the sack race, in which two people get inside a sack and hop as fast as they can to the finish line. The winner would receive a special lunch basket.
My mom wanted to enter this race. She waited until she saw Mary, the eldest sister of the poor family, stand up. She asked Mary if she could be her partner, and Mary agreed. My mom went out of her way to make Mary win.
Later, Mary came and thanked my mom for being her partner. She said that her brothers and sisters really enjoyed the picnic lunch. According to mom, it was the best school picnic in the whole world.
16.(2分)What did children usually do on School Picnic Day? 
A.Play simple games.    B.Make delicious food.
C.Meet family members.    D.Pick up apples.
17.(2分)Who always packed the baskets for kids before the school picnic? 
A.Their parents.    B.Their teachers.
C.Their friends.    D.Their partners.
18.(2分)Why did the writer's mother want Mary to win the game? 
A.Because Mary could run really fast.
B.Because she never took part in games like this.
C.Because she wanted to help the poor family.
D.Because she liked Mary.
Dear Jordon,
I don't know how to chat (聊天) with my classmates  because we do not share the same interests. We don't have anything to talk about. I am very lonely. What should I do?
Dear Jenny,
To make friends, you must first be  friendly. Everyone likes a friendly girl with a smile. You can give your classmates a compliment (称赞). Say something nice about their dressing styles or skills. Second, ask a question to start chatting. Find out what interests them and talk about that, even if it doesn't interest you a lot. Ask your classmates questions and let them be the experts. The conversation is more important than the topic. Finally, talk to more people. Say hello to the people you meet. Sit with different groups of people in the dining hall. If one person doesn't want to talk with you, find someone else to chat with. Don't just think about being lonely. Do something about it!  Smile and say hello, even to the people who  aren't your friends. Doing things differently will help produce different results.
19.(2分)What is Jenny's problem? 
A.She can't get good grades. 
B.She doesn't have any interests.
C.She is too shy to say a word in public.
D.She doesn't know how to chat with her classmates.
20.(2分)To be friendly, you can do the following EXCEPT ________. 
A.smile to others
B.talk to more people
C.say something nice about others' skills
D.give a good compliment to others
21.(2分)Who is easier to make friends with others according to the passage? 
A.John, who doesn't want to talk to others.
B.Bob, who seldom says nice words to his classmates.
C.Tom, who doesn't have the same interests with others.
D.Alice, who often asks her classmates about math questions politely.
22.(2分)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 
A.Jenny's school life is wonderful. 
B.Jordon doesn't give helpful advice.
C.Jenny can't get on well with her classmates.